WT Dec 1st 2005, calls us "pests" to be exterminated

by BluesBrother 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    Ok, if somebody has commented on this article before, well I guess I missed it. This really got my goat though . It really plumbs the depths of sadistic, heartless, thinking . The article is banner headlined "Armageddon a Happy Beginning" .......- Huh ? What kind of mind can be happy about the mass slaughter of millions, who by their own admission, mostly could not have heard the "Good News"?

    It is an institutionalised mind. An institution that dumbs the feelings of otherwise friendly and normal people and conditions them over many years of repetition to accept this as normal . I think it befits either the Nazi's or Al Qaeda in it's rhetoric .... A December article, when the wicked world is at least talking about "Goodwill to all men"


  • Mysterious

    As they say "them's fighting words". I noticed the literature often demonizes those that have left. "dogs returning to their own vomit" ring any bells? It is just another way to polarize the views of members into staying "in" by making them view those that left with disgust, superiority and pity. If nothing else being called a pest shows that we are having an impact on the organization in what they perceive to be a negative manner, that speaks of a minor victory to me.

    Remember theocratic warfare? We must not pity those being destroyed it is god's plan after all.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Fuuny this would come up...

    I was thinking about the whole "Rosa Parks" thing this morning. I was trying to imagine the white man that wanted her seat on the bus, the busdriver calling the cops because she wouldn't give it up. I tried to get my head around the thinking that would lead to that.

    Then I remembered that only a little over a year ago I thought it was totally fine for all non-JW's to be slaughtered. All babies, all kids, all senile old folks, everybody. Because they didn't share my ideology.

    Non-JW. Black. What's the difference? Just an excuse to consider them less than human.

    That article sends shivers all over me. Good gawd.


  • Scully

    I remember a DO using a similar analogy at a circuit assembly. Basically, non-JWs were "vermin" / "rats" and just because the babies were "cute" didn't mean they shouldn't be exterminated. They were still nothing more than "rats" and "vermin".

    It was shocking to hear that - even as a good JW. I was disgusted. Seeing it in print makes me want to vomit.

    Thanks for posting the scan. I've saved it for posterity.

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    I haven't read this one yet. The title of the article turns me off.

    What I wonder is what about the middle people? On the one hand are those that respond "favorably" and then on the other are the violent nasties, the "pests". What if a person neither reponds to the wt with open arms nor is a violent threat to the peace and security of their fellow humans?

    Or is this just more all-or-nothing rhetoric, with the individual witness mentally translating this as "anyone not favorable must be a threat to peace and security". If so, then the wt is basically calling all of us terrorists and murderers and such. Why do they have to be so offensive?

  • Now What?
    Now What?
    from scully: Thanks for posting the scan. I've saved it for posterity.

    I'm thinking of using it for my posterior

  • minimus

    Then call me a "cockroach"!

  • toby888

    It's ironic that Hitler once referred to the Witnesses as "vermin"... Animal Farm.

  • RichieRich

    It says those who threaten the peace and security of their fellow humans.

    Now what was it that the Bible said would happen when people spoke of peace and security?

    and point #2,

    I've never known myself, or any other apostates or nonJWs to threaten the peace and security of other humans.

    I do believe that we threaten the peace and security of their organization, their money, their cult. But not Humans.

    This is where they try to demonize us by saying we threaten them physically.

  • Leolaia
    WT Dec 1st 2005, calls us "pests" to be exterminated

    Well isn't that special? (In "Church Lady" voice)

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