Men and women don't understand eachother

by ballistic 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • enosant
     There are only 4 things that I know men want... 1) Eat 2) Sleep 3) Crap 4) Sex Now did I leave any out? 

    On the hierarchy of needs, that's scraping the bottom!

    Un peut de bien ne peut faire de mal - es.67
  • kid-A

    I would agree with the other 3, but I dont know too many men who want "crap" , its really not that desirable an object !!! LOL

    Now on the other hand, women certainly like 'giving us crap'......LOL

  • stillajwexelder

    and of course the famous "Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars"

  • LouBelle

    It's terrible when one plays games - The heart is not something to play with. Perhaps you guys have been too intense. Or perhaps (very bluntly) she's making exuses not to be with you. There is a fabulous book called "He's / She's Just Not Into You" it's worth a read.

  • Crumpet
    I am the guy that's had women turn their backs on me several times in a row

    Aww Ballistic! Maybe they just didn't get to know you well enough . Maybe your genuineness and sincerity and lack of game playing is hard for them to take.

    Remember all women like to chase a bit as well and its off putting when someone puts all their cards on the table and is to easy to get. I'm sure I've passed up a few opportunities because of this. My boyfriend of 7 and a half years is still hard to get so that keeps me interested. Likewise I keep him on his toes just a little bit to maintain interest and passion. Not as much as in the early days of our relationship. Its just finding the balance. If you are easy to get and easy to commit then somewhere deep inside a girl might think you aren;t worth it. Place a higher value on yourself and remind yourself of it every day. Thats not to say develop a huge ego and be totally arrogant - but a touch her and there can keep the attraction going until love and mutual respect surpass these elements..

  • Balsam

    Hi Guys,

    Since I am a woman and a Mom here is what I tell my two sons age 18 & 22; Don't bother with girls who play mind games. Don't bother with girls who will lie, and don't you lie either. If the girl is saying weird stuff you need to bail because that is only the tip of the iceberg.

    As a young woman I hated the way my girlfriends treated, talked too, and dealt with their boyfriends. It was insane. So I made it my policy not to play mind games and It worked well for me. I wasn't the most popular gal but when a guy met me he knew by our first converstations I didn't play games. Some guys love the gals who play games through and my oldest son is drawn to that sort. I feel sorry for him. He likes the guessing games they play. So as you can see my own sons don't always listen to me. LOL Sorry guys I feel for you, because I feel equally irriated and frustrated with my woman friends who even in old age continue to be playing mind games not only with their men but with their woman friends too. My hubby though is my best friend and he and I see eye to eye 99% of the time and that makes life much easier and less complicated.


  • Crumpet

    Great and very honest post balsam and I agree in an ideal world you are right, but in reality we make our mates jump through hoops a bit to test their worthiness and I think its maybe a biological propensity to do so.

    After all watch any nature programme on mating and what do you see - birds of paradise puffing up and frightening off the competition, lions doing the same etc... its just evolutionary and yes we should behave more intelligently as we are further up the food chain but sometimes I hink its just an innate instinct amongst us. The better of us like you will form relationships on a completely honest open basis, but some of us succumb to our biological programming. I want to attract the best I can get - the most worthy so without really being aware of it I might test his worthiness by not jumping into bed with him straight away etc and not returning his calls within seconds etc.

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