I've been debating on whether or not to share this...but here goes

by findingmyway 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Elsewhere
    "It feels like he belongs to us." And everyone joined together in applause again.

    Maybe you can tell your son that what they said made you feel sad and that you feel like they are trying to make him distant from you.

    If he starts spouting JW propaganda about you needing to return to the bOrg, remind him that JWs have always championed everyone’s right to freedom of religion and then ask him if he thought it would be hypocritical to condemn or persecute someone for choosing a religion different from the watchtower. Ask him if it would be wrong for a Catholic's family to shun him if he were to covert to being a JW... then make the comparison in reverse with a JW becoming a [Insert Religion Name].

    Make sure you use the word “persecute” in reference to how JWs treat you for using your freedom of religion. “Persecute” is a term JWs are used to only being used in reference to themselves and not anyone else. Using the term in a new context could jog his brain a bit and help him start to think on his own.

    Remember, NEVER NEVER NEVER directly attack the WTS…. ALWAYS depict yourself as being persecuted for your religions beliefs. Doing this both disarms a JW and prevents the "aposto-shields" from coming up and also helps them to start thinking on their own.

  • Alwayshere

    Findingmyway, I feel for you and agree with horriblelife"fade away" and also with elsewhere it is a "cult." I found out what that organization is way too late. Happy to be out but still have kids in it. Sometimes it seems hopeless but we have to live with our mistakes.

  • AlmostAtheist
    It has been months since we last attended, but he and I will never set foot in another KH EVER AGAIN!

    Does your son have any other activities outside the Kingdom Hall? You need to get him into something -- sports, karate, fishing, something -- to replace the Hall and the TMS. As others mentioned, explain why you feel it is so important to get away from JW's.

    How old is your son? How does he feel about JW's, are they "the truth"?

    Good luck. You're among friends here, I hope you see that. Say what you need to without fear. Sounds like everybody gave you a "G" for last night's performance!


  • JustTickledPink

    Your story actually proved to me once again how they get converts... because they find people and give them a place where they feel like they "belong" ... a place where everyone is nice and welcoming.

    I remember so very well giving talks as a young girl. I was really well spoken and I used to get SOOOO many compliments after the meeting. It made me feel incredible. I craved the praise because I wasn't getting it at home. It really felt good, I loved it. As I got older it lost it's effect on me but I clearly remember how it felt to be thought of as special.

    Most people are looking for a place to belong but church isn't the only place for your son. I would suggest you get involved in some clubs, either boy scouts or maybe model airplanes, find a sport he likes and join. You might sink some major money if he picks a sport or hobby that takes $$$ but in the long run you will have invested that money wisely in your son.

    My husband was into ham radio and his Dad took him to ham radio conventions, they set up 'base stations' in the woods, talked to people all over the world. Anyhow, he still has his hobby and he's not a member of any church.

  • Honesty
    It really is unbelievable how rude, obnoxious, in-your-face nasty and hurtful they can be.

    And they are using your child to hurt you.

    The nerve.

    I applaud your decision to never go back.

    It;s sad that this is what it took but at least you are off the fence now.

    And can protect your son from these vultures

    Well said.

  • diamondblue1974

    Definately no tongue lashing from me...and I am glad nobody else has done so either....

    You did well to keep your cool...and as far as the treatment you received it was dispicable...there is no debate on this to be honest I am glad you found it within yourself to share your experience; you never know who you help when you do.


  • Dansk

    (((((((((((Findingmyway))))))))))))) we're all proud of you. You were a model "apostate" in keeping yourself under control. THAT says reams about you!

    Glad you're never going back. Please keep your son away from the cult before it becomes too late. The more access the cultists have to him the harder it will be for you to make him see sense. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience here!

    I'm pleased your son did well with his talk - and we all know where the credit really belongs; to YOU!! He's proved what an intelligent child he is, now help him grow to his real potential by keeping him well away from the cultic hold. Your family will make things difficult for you, so please keep in touch with everyone here and try and widen out with plenty of normal friends. Get your son to mix more with their children and he'll soon forget about the KH.

    Blessings to you both.


  • Billygoat
    "It feels like he belongs to us." And everyone joined together in applause again.


    Ditto! More than making me mad, it CREEPS ME OUT! *shudder*

  • forsharry

    I almost see the KH as an event horizon where the physics of this reality no longer apply. I applaud your restraint, first off. This in itself is the key reason why we enter a different set of physical mechanics currently unknown to our most brilliant scientific minds. Sure, you could have ranted and raved against that dipsh!t brother, beseeched the Lord to rain down fire upon these unrepentant sinners, but would it have impacted in a normal way? No. The twisted laws of KH physics would decree that "I'm rubber, you're glue! Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks right back to you!"

    You did fine. Love your son. Tell him just how awesome he really is, cause that took a lot of guts to get up there and speak. :) Also, not sure just how old your boy is, but have you discussed this event with him? Was he aware of what was said? Does he know how that made you feel as his dad? Not sure if that's the right thing to do, but most kids simply won't abide their parents being dissed. :)

    ::BIG HUG::

  • pratt1

    Enroll him in an acting class or a debate/public speaking course.

    He probably likes the stage and the attention not the subject matter of the TMS.

    Sounds like a smart kid, so you did a lot right in raising him.

    Don't kick yourself to bad.

    You did the right thing.

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