ITHINKISEE Update: Say hello to my wife - newest JWD member!

by ithinkisee 93 Replies latest members private

  • Ingenuous

    I'm late - but WELCOME!

  • Rayvin

    I've been expecting you!!!! Welcome!!!

  • sass_my_frass

    Hooray! Welcome Mrs ITIS! I love your motto.

    It must be bizarre to be reading your personal story on this public forum and I hope that you're okay, that must be a fright. It's inspirational to hear of you being able to open your mind, many here know how terrifying that is. I'm still only very fresh to the whole experience, so I know where you're at and how big a deal it has been to even read this stuff. Fear of learning doesn't make sense; even when I get these jolts of 'what am I doing' I remind myself that the only reason they'd have to tell us not to search for JW info outside of the organisation, is that they know that it would make us think about what kind of organisation it is.

    Congratulations on your real life!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have just got back from a trip with some good friends and found this thread.

    It has really made my day.

    Welcome to the forum Freedomlover.

    I have been following your Hubby's adventure with great interest, as my wife is still in. I have made a lot of mistakes handling the situation, mistakes ithinkisee didn't make.

    I am so happy for you both. My eyes are filled with tears of joy.


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