You are Still Special After Exiting the Witnesses-You Have a Purpose in Life

by flipper 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    I wanted to post this as we have so many new ones on the board here - I thought they might benefit from some uplifting words from Steve Hassan's book " Releasing the Bonds " . Many newly exiting the JW 's feel lost , like they don't know what to do , or where to turn, what causes that ? Notice these quotes from Steve Hassan .

    On pg. 326 under " Nurture the Authentic self " it states, " Part of restoring the authentic identity involves dealing with feeling the loss of believing you are part of an elite group. Ex-members often miss the " high " associated with cult beliefs that they were saving the world , creating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth , or achieving enlightenment. However, there are healthy substitutes for the emotional rush experienced by some cult members. "

    Hassan continues : " For instance , maybe the person will find a benevolent, humanitarian organization which actually accomplishes some of the goals that motivated the person to join a cult in the first place. When discussing such possibilities, be sure to emphasize integrity, honesty, spirituality, and human service. "

    He continues : " Ex-members need to know there is nothing " defective " about them. They often must be reminded that they are intelligent, and that there are millions of others who have gone through similar experiences. They should understand that when they joined the group , they made what they believed was the best choice at the time. NOW they know more : they understand mind control. " It continues by saying , " Encourage the ex-member to understand that new resources, information, and perspectives can help him change and grow. "

    So I want to encourage any new posters here to think about this. Open your minds up to new resources and information. It will assist you to find out about yourself and what you are looking to pursue AFTER exiting the witnesses. You all are intelligent, open minded in your thinking as you have seen fallacies in the Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs- or you wouldn't have been seeking info on the boards here. Every person exiting a mind control cult is special and has a chance to help themselves pursue freedom of mind and help others in the process. I wish you all well on your journey in life and may we all assist each other in our travels to freedom. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • leavingwt

    Thanks, Flipper!

    Excellent. Great for new ones and a good reminder to the not-so-new ones.

  • flipper

    LEAVING WT- It seems that some tend to beat themselves up and think they were stupid at times for being sucked into the Jehovah's Witness cult- but stupid had nothing to do with it. As Hassan said- We all made the best decision we could in what we were promised and told - it wsn't OUR FAULT that we were misled, or lied to. But now - we can move on with freedom of mind and heart



    Your totally ruining the WBT$ Myth..

    "That everyone is Screwed,once they leave the WBT$"..

    Of course what your saying is True..


    Lets not Confuse the Issue,with Facts!..


  • zoiks


    Thank you so very much.




    Don`t listen to Flipper!

    He`s a Nice Guy and wants you to have a Happy Life!

    The WBT$ would never Approve of That!!


  • believingxjw

    Beautiful thoughts.

    I've added that book to my reading list.

    Thank you, Flipper!

  • bluecanary

    Another great post from Mr. Flipper

  • zoiks


    I'm beginning to appreciate the character of many who frequent this group... you're definitely one who has a good time with it... I like that!

  • teela(2)

    Lets see I am 46 years old. Have 4 papers left for a Batcher of Business with a double major in Account and IT. 5 Chooks, two beehives like to sew my own clothes and just dug up a vege garden. Have a great set of friends social every weekend.

    Do I have a purpose YES. Do I need more time to furfill my purpose YES

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