December 15, 2008 WT on shunning! It's a doozy...

by alamb 68 Replies latest members private

  • alamb

    Well, my mother is at it again...she sent me the following WT quotes from the December 15, 2008 issue. underlining hers...

    Lessons for us:

    5-7. Can the wicked escape Jehovah's judgement? According to the three warning examples listed by Judge, that is impossible.

    8-10. We should follow the example of Michael the archangel and show respect for divinely contituted authority.

    12. Apostates feigning love are as dangerous to our faith as rocks hidden below water are to ships or swimmers. False teachers may seem to be generous, but they are like waterless clouds in that they are spiritually empty. Such ones are as fruitless as dead trees in late autumn. They face destruction, as do uprooted trees. Wise we are to shun apostates.

    22, 23. True Christian hate what is bad. In an effort to save "some that have doubts" out of the fire of everlasting destruction, mature ones in the congregation - especially appointed overseers - provide them with spiritual help.

    2,4. Our coming to know the truth - the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible - and adhering to it are essential for our salvation. 3 John 3,4.

    8-11. If we do not want to lose "undeserved kindness, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ," as well as the loving association of fellow believers, we should "look out" for ourselves spiritually and reject those who do "not remain in the teaching of the Christ." 2 John 3.

    p.s. (hers)As you can see = the society gives us instructino on how to live and gain God's favor! What do you feel I can do? Ignore? Sidestep? I can on ly do what I been doing for 40 years. You continue to give us heartache and you have no loving concern for any of us! You endanger our standing with God by your choices! I send the same to your kids!

    (My husband and I stopped by so they could meet their grandchildren ages 7 and 6. That is our sin and endangering their spirituality. She sent this crap to my JW kids also...rounding up her army)

    Wondered if anyone else had heard of this article? And a heads-up...get ready...they're at it again.

    Any ideas of an answer?

  • BabaYaga

    Dear gods, ALamb. I am so sorry. No one should EVER have to hear her own MOTHER saying such horrible, hurtful things. And she sends the same to your kids, aye? Well, now. Wouldn't Jesus be pleased!!!

    Love and strength to you.


  • LDH
    False teachers may seem to be generous, but they are like waterless clouds in that they are spiritually empty.

    There is no such thing as a waterless cloud. A cloud, by definition, is made of water vapor.


    They can fuck up any explanation, really.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower itself is spiritually empty!

  • BabaYaga

    LDH... that is the first thing I thought, too... waterless cloud indeed! Complete oxymoron.

    The second thing I noticed is that they use not one, not two, but THREE metaphors in one short paragraph, one right after the other... so which are we? Rocks? Clouds? Or dead trees?

    How poetic. I'm so glad I don't have to suffer through someone with a 6th-grade education reading this drivel aloud on a perfectly lovely Sunday afternoon.

  • alamb

    Thank you for you replys. My mother has never been a true mother in any sense and uses my leaving the org. as an excuse for her behavior. My brother is scared of her and hasn't spoken to me in 11 years. My father has been the only one to show misguided concern and actually try to save me.

    I have mentally written a dozen responses to this, but what's the use? They are blind by choice. I was going to thank her for reminding me of why I would never NEVER go back... If Jesus followers are marked by the love they show (gag) this ain't it.

    Emotional blackmail, spiritual rape...

  • alamb

    OOOO! The good part.....almost forgot.

    My kids (to whom she sent this crap) are under court order not to shun me or to be allowed to be around anyone who shuns me, family, friend, etc.

    And, she also has a restraining order against her from being around my children for this very reason.

    It would be fun to go back to court........she keeps handing me ammo.

  • JWdaughter

    Wow, I can tell that you are truly an evil seed to her. That unconditional love just goes so far, huh? Having her meet her grandkids. . .you are quite the endangerment. That any female could give that kind of response to meeting her own descendants is pure evil-consider the source. That is not from God, heck, even SATAN at least tries to put up a nice front! And as I say this, I know I am speaking of my own mother. God help those women-if there is a g/God, they are pissing it off! Shelly PS, my kids tell me I use too many metaphors and I am unfortunately seeing the source of it. My god, I may never use another one again! sc

  • FlyingHighNow
    It would be fun to go back to court........she keeps handing me ammo.

    Do it. If you have the money, do it. Slap this in her face. Surely on some level of her psyche, she will know how bizarre the society's thinking is. I always knew. So here I am! Hey, we should talk on the phone soon. I miss you. You look great. I'd love to hear about how happy you are.

  • Finally-Free
    Wise we are to shun apostates.

    I agree. That's why I shun JWs. I'm so happy I no longer have any connection to any JW.


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