Experience being 'out of the loop' of helpful information in the cong.

by out of the box 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    a post in this thread by dorayakii in this thread:

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/95493/1.ashx made me think about this thread.

    To me, even from the outside, the society has always seemed legalistic and cold, eager to find faults, which is precisely the opposite to how Jesus formed Christianity. However, many people don't see that perspective, because they are not in a position of imtimacy with the leaders of the organisation. Maybe it's because my father is a particularly cold and legalistic elder that i've been exposed to so much of the society's "dirty linin". This insight into the central core of the organisation was like opening a box and seeing with my own eyes what i already knew was there.

    When you are not 'privi' to information they don't seem to care if it hurts the outer rim or out of the loop for info the cong.

    There was a pioneer couple that had recently got married and she had two sons. One of the boys wanted friendship with my oldest son. They were 11-12 at the time. The mother called me to talk to me about a sleep over. We all agreed it would be fun. We discussed movies watched, food that would be consumed and settled on the boys coming to my home. All was planned in advance at least a week. Everyone was looking forward to this sleep over. I made cookies, we popped popcorn, had pizza, etc.

    When the boys left the next day, my son was acting funny, you know quiet and withdrawn. It took weeks before... (with coaxing and loving hugs) to find out the problem. This oldest boy slept with my son (double bed). During the night my son was awakened by this boy's hands on his private parts! When my son told him to stop, the boy wanted to 'make out'. Of course this was the first experience of any kind for my son and didn't know what to do. My son told him that he would kill him if he touched him again and moved to sleeping on the floor.

    During the time after this event, of course we went to a few meetings where this boy that had slept over threatened my son that if he told (his step dad now an elder) that they would get us in trouble. My poor son lived with this... This boy got other boys to call my son a sissy and names in the coat room, bathroom, and in the parking lot where I couln't not observe. I was so upset when he told me this!

    I called the boy's mother who had arranged everything with me and asked her what was going on and why didn't she tell me? She said, 'oh he will outgrow it, we are egnoring it till it passes, the elders know about it'. THEN she proceeded to tell me that they pray about it to Jehovah! I was upset and told her that I had no problems with her son and his orientation or thinking and was not judging him. BUT if she HAD TOLD me, there would have been a great evening with the events and we would have drove him home afterwards, OR given him his own bed to sleep in with his own privacy and my son's! But why the 'surprise' on us and my son!!! She KNEW what the sleeping arrangements were! She even suggested that young boys try this and my son was probably doing it too! I was furious. No apologies. I thought how arragant! She was not helping her son nor talking to him to find out what HE was all about. She cared nothing for my son who thinks differently and had that awful experience of being afraid to tell me for fear of retaliation!

    I called an elder, and basically he told me the same thing and asked me not to talk about it with others and that they were keeping an eye on the stituation! Believe me this changed the things I did for that family and how I felt of that elder. I learned that I had to watch out for myself and my children.

    I sat my son and daughter down and filled them in on what happened. They then proceeded to tell me of all the teasing (because they wore old clothes to the meeting, and we were poor at the time because I was raising them alone, etc.) What I heard them say about the 'truth' they were living (an actual hell, and they hated the org). That really made me think. I told them they didn't have to go anymore, nor did they ever have to go back if their hearts were not in it. I wrote about the events that got me out before in another post, but this really helped me to make my decision.

    We have never looked back nor ever thought we would go back. I visited a few times because I wanted to see who was left and what kind of path they all went down after we left. I saw they were not blessed because it all fell apart. My family though is still together and we are alive and well.

    I hope any same-sex readers were not offended by any of my words here, I by-no-means meant that being gay is wrong. Our being upset was because of the way we were not told so that we could have dealt with 'my son's' experience as we saw fit. We had choices too that were just trampled on. I don't believe ANY one or ANY organization can tell anyone how to live their lives!

    out of the box

  • stillajwexelder

    I never personally dealt with sitaution like this when I was in the loop as an elder. In congregations I have served it was the other way around - my children were targets BECAUSE they were elders children and the rest of the kids in the congregation wanted to get them in trouble

  • Elsewhere

    So much for "keeping the organization clean".

    More like, keeping the dirty laundry hidden.

  • greendawn

    One wonders what happened to jehovah's spirit in the org, it's not the first time I read here that socially disadvantaged jw kids due to having no jw father or for being from a poorer family were teased and rejected by other jw kids from well off famililies and nothing was done to rectify the situation, once more we see the lack of real love and compassion from jehovah's chosen people.

  • Sunspot

    How awful for your kids to be subjected to this AND how traumatic for your son who experienced the unwanted fondling.

    I called an elder, and basically he told me the same thing and asked me not to talk about it with others and that they were keeping an eye on the stituation!


    Warn YOU to be silent about it (and not warn other parents who might have children who would be in for a rude surprise) and telling you that "they" were keeping an eye on this!

    Where was this "eye" of concern when the invitation was made and who was keeping an eye on the "situation" when the other Mom knew exactly what her son had tendencies in doing?

    I find this appalling!

    Somebody should be watching this kid and I don't mean elders. This behavior will not stop and this should be of utmost importance to anyone who has kids that could be affected by this boy. It really makes me sick.


  • out of the box
    out of the box

    I know that there are worst things that happen, but is it any wonder that people LEAVE in DROVES? And a JW calls it weeding out?

    out of the box

  • thom

    Seems to me that the boy's mother should have discussed this with you, as you said. The sleepover could still take place, but an uncomfortable situation for your son could have been easily avoided.
    I find it sad too that since this boy obviously likes boys, and with the elders "keeping an eye" what he has to look forward to as he gets older is being taught that he is "wrong" and "bad" for it. If he stays in the org as he gets older, he'll be "readjusted" to think properly (they'll try anyway), and I would think that'll mess him up.
    If people told me as I was growing up that it's wrong for me to like girls, I don't know what I would have done. I don't see how deep down I could ever change that!
    It seems to me that both boys were done a big disservice by the org, which only cares for it's own appearance, not the people it hurts (or destroys).

  • GoingGoingGone

    This has never happened to me or my kids (as far as I know... but I think I could tell...). What I find most appalling about this type of thing is not necessarilly that it happens, but that we get lulled into believing that we are so 'safe' in the org., and the wicked world is so dangerous and evil, and so it's easy to believe that whenever we're with the JWs, everything will be just fine. You don't have your antenne up in the same way, because you're supposed to be with "God's people".

    I hope you and your family are doing well!!


  • Honesty

    I know that there are worst things that happen, but is it any wonder that people LEAVE in DROVES? And a JW calls it weeding out?

    out of the box
    It may be that Jesus is calling His lost sheep out of the cult.

  • caligirl

    Well put, Honesty. I agree.

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