Is The Day Without Immigrants effecting you?

by Why Georgia 70 Replies latest members politics

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    And someday we will for a head of lettuce $10.00

    Oh please.... scare tactics. I heard a report that if the pickers were unionized and paid union wages that the cost would only go up a few cents on each item. I would gladly pay that to get control of our borders. In fact, I started my own garden a few years ago... cheaper, fresher, better tasting and organic!

  • MinisterAmos

    ROYBATTY Stating that there are "incorrect assertions" without any further comment (like maybe mentioning WHAT assertion you think is incorrect?) is not automatic proof that the person is correct.

    As a matter of fact the person whose only so-called evidence is based on sticking their fingers in their ears and saying "Nyeah nyeah nyeah I can't hear you!" like JW4ever. probably doesn't have anything constructive or factual to add. I can't believe that you are encouraging him.

    As far as Prez Juarez (a black man who was president of Mexico when the U.S.A. was fighting the Civil War because blacks were being held as slaves; this in contradiction of the web site JW4ever used as "da troof" which ironically states that Mexicans discriminate against black people ) he was BLACK! I realize that JW4ever might not be the most worldly wise person, but BLACK does not necessarily equate with negroid or African features. Ask our Australian members abot their indigenous people. True indigenous Mexicans also are BLACK, but they are not negroid. In Mexico it's very common for people to describe each other as "negro" or "guero" with no animosity. Only American blacks seem to find it somehow racist to be described as black in spanish
    If you were to insist that "black" is not "black" unless negroid features are present, I will present to you even if you don't accept that Juarez was Black (unlike 150,000,000 Mexicans) how about the irony that an INDIAN was President of Mexico at the same time that the US Government was actively killing and enslaving......INDIANS.
    Was there anything else you were having trouble understanding?

  • MinisterAmos

    get control of our borders.

    I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of this convenient sound bite during the next election.

    Reminds me of "semi-automatic assault weapons" and "do it for the children"

    Nice little things that the soccer moms feel comfortable with and can maybe get the Republicans more than 6% of the Black vote.

  • wednesday

    I live in a high immigrant area, in fact some call it "little mexico" but still it had no effect on my life. Not to say that it may not have had some effect fro services that I don't use, but b/c i am poor, I have to do my own labor, so NO, no effect for us.

  • roybatty
    Was there anything else you were having trouble understanding?

    Actually, yes, just about every one of your points. Sorry to say this but you make some of the dumbest comments I have ever read on this board like...

    Mexico has had at least one black President, something that will never happen in the U.S.

    Huh? Had Powell taken the VP slot in 2000, he'd have been the shoe-in for the 2008 election for president. Heck, if Mcain and Rice ran together, they'd win in a landslide.

    XJW4EVR has no clue about the issue

    Secondly, the illegal immigrants represent another 12 million cheap votes for the Democratic Party.

    Dude, Only CITIZENS can vote! If illegals vote (and there is no evidence that they do) they are committing a FELONY and should be deported.

    C'mon, I think you're the only person who thought XJW was saying they could vote. Obviously he was stating that both political parties are bowing to the illegals because they see 12 million future voters.

    I won't even get into your idea about the U.S. sending "10% of it's Iraq war fund to Mexico"......

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Is the day without Immigrants effecting you? How do you feel about this? Good? Bad? Indifferent?

    A few fast food places were closed for a day I heard. That can only be a good thing though, right?

  • MinisterAmos
    Was there anything else you were having trouble understanding?

    Actually, yes, just about every one of your points. Sorry to say this but you make some of the dumbest comments I have ever read on this board like...

    Mexico has had at least one black President, something that will never happen in the U.S.

    Huh? Had Powell taken the VP slot in 2000, he'd have been the shoe-in for the 2008 election for president. Heck, if Mcain and Rice ran together, they'd win in a landslide. Would have should have could have. Anyone can discuss fantasy, but as an engineer, I deal in reality. There has been a black Mexican president, and neither of us will live to see a black US President.

    XJW4EVR has no clue about the issue

    Secondly, the illegal immigrants represent another 12 million cheap votes for the Democratic Party.

    Dude, Only CITIZENS can vote! If illegals vote (and there is no evidence that they do) they are committing a FELONY and should be deported.

    C'mon, I think you're the only person who thought XJW was saying they could vote. Obviously he was stating that both political parties are bowing to the illegals because they see 12 million future voters. XJW explained to me in a PM that illegals are changing the electoral process by voting now.

    I won't even get into your idea about the U.S. sending "10% of it's Iraq war fund to Mexico"..... What would have been the better thing to do? Invest in our neighbors creating jobs and infrastructure so they DON'T COME HERE LOOKING FOR WORK, or piss away $1 TRILLION bucks opening the feed bags for everyone who get on the Bush/Cheney/Halliburton team? Remember what your money is going towards. Baghdad was a civilized city, you bought the Million dollar bombs to ruin it, and now you're paying Halliburton to put it back the way it was before we broke it. That makes Sooooooo much more sense than to invest a portion to help our neighbors. Next or are you done?

  • free2beme

    Not at all, it had no affect.


    "XJW4EVR has no clue about the issue

    Secondly, the illegal immigrants represent another 12 million cheap votes for the Democratic Party. ;

    Dude, Only CITIZENS can vote! If illegals vote (and there is no evidence that they do) they are committing a FELONY and should be deported.

    C'mon, I think you're the only person who thought XJW was saying they could vote. Obviously he was stating that both political parties are bowing to the illegals because they see 12 million future voters.

    XJW explained to me in a PM that illegals are changing the electoral process by voting now."

    Hey Amos, not only are you a poor debator, but you are a liar as well. I have never, ever, sent you a PM since I have been on this board.

    Based on this lie, it is obvious that you are nothing more than a charlatan, that knows nothing about the illegal immigration problem in this country, because you have continually failed to respond to every fact that I have presented. It's sad, that you you denigrate my education & knowledge, yet fail time and again to respond with wild ascertions & red herrings rather than fact-based statements.

    You are indeed the poster child for the ignorant and the uneducated.

  • roybatty
    Was there anything else you were having trouble understanding?

    Actually, yes, just about every one of your points. Sorry to say this but you make some of the dumbest comments I have ever read on this board like...
    Mexico has had at least one black President, something that will never happen in the U.S.

    Huh? Had Powell taken the VP slot in 2000, he'd have been the shoe-in for the 2008 election for president. Heck, if Mcain and Rice ran together, they'd win in a landslide. Would have should have could have. Anyone can discuss fantasy, but as an engineer, I deal in reality. There has been a black Mexican president, and neither of us will live to see a black US President.

    You're giving me a headache. For the past eight year, we've had a black secretary of state. That means nothing to you? Rice, if she so chooses, would be a major contender for the 08 election. Democratic star Sen. Barack Obama is already the favorite for the 2012 election. Do some research on some of these GOP names:

    J. Kenneth Blackwell, Keith Butler, Michael Steele, Lynn Swann. And these are REPUBLICAN canidates.

    Jeez, do some research before you make such such outrageous claims.

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