My Response

by erynw 55 Replies latest members adult

  • erynw

    I explained the money situation and that was not good enough. Now I am being called out on not being sick enough.

    I no longer feel I owe those who are attacking me an explanation, but I feel that those who are supporting me need to hear from me.

    For the record, I contacted Scully directly and offered my home phone number and told her if she had questions to contact me. I also sent a copy of this pm to two other mods as proof of my willingness to settle this matter. I was told, and it was posted on the board by her that she refuses to contact me and chose instead to play an active role in attacking me in an open forum.

    I was told straight out that any proof I would offer would be considerd:

    • from my past cancer experience;
    • a lie-meaning it was created in word or photoshop;
    • or obtained from the internet.

    My silence does not equal guilt.

    I didn't read the responses to my thread. Would anyone, who was being attacked like I am?

    What do I do or say now? There is nothing I can offer that will not be attacked and discredited.

    This is my response to the accusation that I claimed to have stage IV cancer.

    I never claimed that as I do not have that.

    But I understand why my attackers were confused.

    The type of cancer I am currently battling is from "rogue" cancer cells for lack of a better term.

    I had breast cancer 10 years ago and a recurrence of breast cancer 2 years later.

    If I were battling stage IV breast cancer, as is being suggested, I would have breast cancer that is spreading like wildfire throughout my system.

    I do not have this.

    What I have is tumors that have appeared in the various areas of my body that I listed in, I think, the breast cancer ribbon thread.

    These tumors are made up of breast cancer cells as that was where my original cancer formed.

    It is a serious situation for me as I have tumors in several areas of my body.

    If I chose not to seek treatment, as that was my original decision, I most certainly would die from this.

    I have since decided to fight my cancer, and even though I am choosing to seek treatment, there is no guarantee that I will live through this. There is just so much cancer in my system.

    Also, a stage IV diagnosis is not an automatic death sentence. It is serious and a difficult battle. But, there are many people, and more and more as medical science devises new treatment options, more and more people are surviving stage IV cancer. Here is a story of one woman's survival of stage IV breast cancer.

    Pancreatic cancer used to be an automatic death sentence as it is a very rapidly growing cancer. It is no longer an automatic death sentence as people are surviving this type of cancer as well.

    Not all cancers follow a set pattern of behavior. There are no numbered steps that cancer must follow in order for it to be deemed "right".

    I did not post very often about my cancer. There were some who, up until I posted about an upcoming surgery, had no idea.

    I used this board as an escape from what I am facing. An outlet, I goofed off mostly, was the board smartass. Occassionally I would write something of substance.

    I chose to use humor as my outlet and not constantly talk about and seek comfort, empathy, or pity for my situation. That's not me.

    I expect that even this will not stop my attackers. But I do want to explain to those who are supporting and defending me.

    Take care of yourselves and thank you.


  • magoo

    ....eryn....i have not really involved myself in this 'battle of truths' .....i do however wonder about the many inconsistencies of your posts. that being said, i hope that your battle against cancer is as painless as possible.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I'll be honest with ya....

    I don't know you. I'm not going to say yer lying, but I ain't going to say you're not.
    I will say this....

    There are a number of people here who care about you and believe you. And would love for you to stay.

    Yep there are those who don't believe you, but why not concern yourself with those who either do or honestly don't worry themselves over it?

    If this is a place for you to help heal....why leave?

    If you honestly understand why some are confused, why leave?

    just my two pence.

    fwiw... whatever you choose to do..... I wish you much luck in your path to heal....

  • ex-nj-jw

    If I were battling stage IV breast cancer, as is being suggested, I would have breast cancer that is spreading like wildfire throughout my system.

    I do not have this.

    What I have is tumors that have appeared in the various areas of my body that I listed in, I think, the breast cancer ribbon thread.

    These tumors are made up of breast cancer cells as that was where my original cancer formed.

    It is a serious situation for me as I have tumors in several areas of my body.

    Are these tumors malignant or benign? If they are malignant then they ARE cancerous and spreading like wildfire throughout your system. If they are benign then not so serious and really no need for concern.

    Good luck to you eryn in whatever your situation is. I really hope you are not as sick as has been thought from your own words. If you are really, really that sick I hope you get the best treatment the medical community can give you. Take care of yourself.


  • Scully
    For the record, I contacted Scully directly and offered my home phone number and told her if she had questions to contact me.

    And, for the record, I have no intention of phoning someone who - as confirmed by what they themselves have documented here - is a liar in order for them to try to convince me that they aren't lying. That's just.plain.silly. and I have better things to do with my time.

    This is my response to the accusation that I claimed to have stage IV cancer.

    I never claimed that as I do not have that.

    If I were battling stage IV breast cancer, as is being suggested, I would have breast cancer that is spreading like wildfire throughout my system.

    No, not necessarily "like wildfire". Cells from the primary tumor merely need to be found in other areas of the body for it to be classified as Stage IV. According to the standard classification system that is used around the world for classifying cancer.

    What I have is tumors that have appeared in the various areas of my body that I listed in, I think, the breast cancer ribbon thread.

    These tumors are made up of breast cancer cells as that was where my original cancer formed.

    Stage IV Cancer, in other words.

    Can I offer you two pieces of toasted bread that are held together with melted cheese, which by the way is NOT a grilled cheese sandwich, just two pieces of bread with a piece of cheese between them and cooked on each side on a skillet.

    You're playing a game of semantics, Eryn, and a lot of people are seeing through it.

  • lonelysheep


    I don't think anyone needs or wants an Oncology lesson from you.

    You can decipher what words of yours and your girlfriend people have had doubts about. Cut the $hit already.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You owe the doctors, lawyers, and detectives here NOTHING.
    Thanks for trying to provide them enough to just stop their ridiculous
    accusations. I have enjoyed your escapes to JWD for goofing around
    and smartassing. I hope you look past these people and continue to
    escape here.

    I know this situation will change you. For that, I feel sorry for you.
    But don't let faceless strangers bully you. Strength to you.

  • DJK

    I agree with OTWO.


  • Mary
    If I were battling stage IV breast cancer, as is being suggested, I would have breast cancer that is spreading like wildfire throughout my system. I do not have this. What I have is tumors that have appeared in the various areas of my body that I listed in, I think, the breast cancer ribbon thread. These tumors are made up of breast cancer cells as that was where my original cancer formed.

    Eryn: What you are saying simply does not make sense. On one hand you're saying you do NOT have breast cancer that has spread throughout your body as you described in the breast cancer ribbon thread where you said:

    Breast, same breast 2 years later, metastasized to colon 1 1/2 yrs later, metastasized to bone and lymph last year.

    Yet in the very next sentence you are saying that the tumors throughout your body "are made up of breast cancer cells", which by medical definition means you are in fact saying You have metastasized breast cancer. The only other way possible for anyone to have non-metastasized breast cancer in their lymph nodes, bones, colon, lungs and breast, would be if they had bone cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer all at the same time! And as was brought out on another thread, anyone who had all these various cancers in their body simultaneously would have the doctors, scientists and oncologists lined up out the door. And no, you never used the exact words "I have Stage IV cancer", but by your very description of your cancer being in your breast, your lungs, your colon, your lymph nodes and your bones, you are in fact, describing Stage IV cancer.

    No one wishes any kind of cancer on you or anyone else Eryn. The reason I did the post I did, is not because you said you had cancer---that would be ridiculous. Several posters on here, myself included, have had to deal with cancer and no one questioned us on it simply because there was no reason to.

    Unfortunately, because too many of your stories (which you have not addressed), did not add up at all and because anyone who was starting to question your claims were being threatened with post reductions and deletions, I felt it necessary to take the step, do the post and let people decide from yours and eclipse's own words, whether or not you were telling the truth.

    The fact that many of those who posted afterwards, had known you personally and had really liked you, but who now felt they have been lied to, says alot. People's emotions were involved here as well as their pocketbooks and feel they were taken advantage of big time.

  • delilah
    But don't let faceless strangers bully you. has bullied Eryn or Eclipse. In fact, thay have proven themselves to be bullies, and had a bully mod, back them up.

    All that was presented, were ERYN'S own words....and inuendos.

    Please do not continue to insult the intelligence of those who work in the medical field, by trying to say that you "did not say I had stage 4 cancer." We know you didn't "say" it, but you implied it. This is just continual real explanation.

    Your own circle of friends admitted that the money they took up for you, was in fact, for your California trip. They feel used too.

    How do you explain, how those that were once close to you, have pulled away, and admitted to seeing your discrepancies?

    Eryn, I wish you well.

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