I *witnessed* to the *Christians* last night--LOL!

by LDH 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Copernicus


    While you have as much right to hold opinions and speak about them as does anyone on this board (even. . . gasp . . . Fred Hall), I really have to wonder why you’re here. It’s very unlikely that you’ll find a sympathetic ear, especially with the rather condescending, belittling approach you display when examining the feelings of others.

    Most of us here are pretty burned out on religion – the whole concept. That’s our privilege, and you can take it or leave it. But statements such as this -

    Why don't you wake up? They're trying to show you REAL Christianity and you whine about how happy that are.

    seem to me to be uncalled for. LDH has awoken, to a realization of having suffered what may have been many years of abuse in the WT. You’ll have to excuse LDH, or anyone else here, if they’re not anxious to again accept another “yoke” to be shared with someone as apparently obnoxious yourself. Jesus hardly attempted to draw followers to himself with the tactics you’ve displayed. And you do him no credit whatsoever by persisting in this way.

    In my “career” as a Witness, I had MANY conversations with fundamentalist Christians, the vast majority of whom displayed very little bible knowledge. Their beliefs, like those of the JW’s, where based mainly on credulity and emotionality. They would often say ridiculous things like:

    ....sometimes he takes people home.

    You mentioned in another post your “belief” that the churches of Christendom represent the combined “body of Christ”. I quoted you:

    1 Corinthians 1:10 “Now I exhort YOU, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that YOU should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among YOU, but that YOU may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.”

    And suggested that Paul’s thought here always gave me pause for concern when I heard anyone make a statement such as you have. I also asked for your proof in support of such an assertion; which on its surface, is quite an absurd one to me.

    I’m still waiting.

    I would suggest, in a loving sort of way, that you might consider lightening up a bit. Many of us here are hurting – emotionally and spiritually. We don’t need huge doses of in your face fundy attitudes. Or, maybe you could find another board more simpatico with you antagonistic outreach ministry.

    And by the way, I thought LDH’s account was hilarious.


  • larc


    I loved your story. It's great when you can give a retort that throws their programming into default, and their automatic phrases lock up on them. I enjoy doing that myself.

    Rex, I agree with Copernicous on this one. Most of us here react to any message from anyone that smacks of an in your face, condescending attitude. Of all your dialogue, I found your correction of Lisa's grammatical mistake (your versus you're) and your explaination to be the most offensive. Though the most minor of your comments, it reflected a pompousness on your part. (we have all made that mistake or similiar ones on occasion)

    Also, I don't believe that God works through medicine and doctors as you assert. I think the scientists who developed the medicine and the doctors who spent years in intensive training should get the sole credit.

  • joelbear


    I read an introductory book on Buddhism about 1 year ago and walked away with the same impression you did. Basically, all religions have the same core tenets.

    1. Have love for others.
    2. Don't value material things more than you value each other.

    I have a theory for this. I call it the Natural Guilt theory. That is, that we are born with a core value system that is part of nature's way of balancing our survival instincts against the needs of the greater whole of the living universe.

    All religions start with this core, then dilute it as survival and territorial instincts kick in.

    For example.

    Love your neighbor and place books.
    Love your neighbor and pray 5 times a day to Mecca.
    Love your neighbor and keep the sabbath.
    Love your neighbor and come to mass every day.

    etc. etc. etc.

    The core is there. Value the core.



  • TR


    You kill me, lady! Wanna get married?


    "Kults Suk"

  • God_knows


    Though Buddhism is admirable in many respects for its similarity to Christianity, living the buddhist lifestyle does NOT mean that you are living as a Christian.

    For there are major differences between Buddhism and Christianity (ie, they do not believe in God, and also ascribe to the concept of reincarnation, etc, etc)

    God wants CHRISTIANS, and not just those who call themselves Christian by name, He wants those who believe wholeheartedly in Christ as Lord and King, and who follow His whole message to the best of their ability.....without foolish men like the WT standing in their way....

  • Mulan

    Aren't you being just a little bit presumptious? Even your screen name, 'god_knows'? A little high and mighty, I think. What makes you think you know what God wants, and what kind of people he is looking for? Why is your opinion more valid than mine?

  • JanH


    Though Buddhism is admirable in many respects for its similarity to Christianity, living the buddhist lifestyle does NOT mean that you are living as a Christian.

    True. Buddhists, for one, does not do anything to cram their beliefs down other people's throats. They do not teach they are the only truth. Their beliefs are open to scrutiny, debate and even revision. And, most importantly, judging by the Buddhists I have met and talked to, their religion has the ability to make people better, not worse.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Seeker
    It is true that, by God's will (though not His desire) many will choose death over life, many will reject Jesus as Lord. They do this to the expense of their eternal life, believing they are right and God is wrong.

    Translation: Do what I say and nobody gets hurt.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Someone once said to me that an exJW has a wound. They have been lied to by religion. They have been hurt very deeply by friends and relatives in the name of religion. They have been 'true believers' and got the biggest shaft ever imaginable in return for that belief.

    Any reminder is actually painful. It's the scab being torn of the wound. Someone says 'Thank you Jesus' and we cringe. Funny how we don't cringe when someone says, "Thank you Allah." Is it REALLY because we don't hear 'Allah' as much as 'Jesus', or is it a deep, unconscious reaction that makes us want to barf when we hear a happy Christian? And how often is the Christian really (outside of these type of forums) trying to 'cram their beliefs down our throats'? They don't even have to do THAT, do they? They only have to say, "Thank you Jesus" and our reaction is instant. Sometimes our comments to them are 'instant' too. How often are WE the ones challenging their beliefs and thus, just asking for an arguement?

    And why is it that we generalize Christians? Where do we get this unspoken idea that Christian=fundie? Perhaps the reason is that NON-fundy Christians wouldn't be arguing with us or telling us that we are going to hell, and so we have no frame of reference. The world isn't back and white, and neither is Christianity. There are shades of grey all around us. Beautiful shades of gray. Throuble is we were trained not to see them. We don't even really believe they exsist.

    (PS yes, I know nobody actually said, 'Christian=fundie' but some seem to hold this belief.)
    Thanks for listening!

  • God_knows


    God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked and unbeliever, but by God's foreknowledge it is a simple fact that many will reject the truth, thinking that they can go their own way to be saved. God cannot help those who reject Him and will not listen. So He gives them up the the path which they alone have chosen to follow. God does not condemn them; THEY CONDEMN THEMSELVES.


    The bible makes it perfectly clear that the only ones who are saved are the ones who accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour who died for us all.

    NO exeptions except for babies and small children who cannot understand sin, and cannot be held accountible, nor have the capability to learn and understand the Lord's word.

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