2015 service report

by mommyfirstandalways 109 Replies latest members private

  • bradford
  • Crazyguy
    This explains why their doing what their doing right now. They know their done and now is as good as it's ever going to get. So their taking all the money selling off all they can and will just try to hold to what they have. Its interesting about the same time as they got these numbers is about the same time they stopped construction. I think a net gain of only 20k really put an exclamation point on their situation and reality is finally getting noticed at the upper levels.
  • pixel
    What do they mean by Lands?
  • leaving_quietly
  • jookbeard
    the growth of the CoLDS continues to surprise many, I see them almost on a daily occurrence around my parts these days on D2D and street work, female missionaries as well
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Come to think of it, I do see more and more Mormons in pairs these days. Usually two men dressed identically. White shirt, tie, darker pants and very clean cut. But the distinguishing thing between JW's and Mormons is that the Mormon members wear a name tag with their name and so on.
  • Gorbatchov

    I see a straight correlation between the decline of growth and the implementation of JW Broadcasting. As said in an another posting, the crazy GB comes into your own living room, with messages you can't believe hearing.

    - more prove of 1914 then proof of wind and gravity (splane)

    - watchtower is the first believe who gave attention of child abuse (morris)

    - child abuse was first a gay problem (morris)

    - child abuse story's are from apostates don't give attention to it (splane)

    - annual meeting opening is a mormon church choir duplicate

    - there is more money going out then income (lett)

    - we never ask for your money but put Jehovah first (lett)

    - spandex, tied pants etc (morris)

    - the GB wants you to know we suspended all the building except Warwik, but don't think we have a financial problem.

    And then, the performance of the GB is dramatic. Mr. Splane with his constant rhetoric questions (We are happy about that, aren't we?) applause!!!! Mr. Lett, the clown head, Morris the grumpy old man, Sanderson who I don't trust to take care of my children, O my God what a cult.

    With these GB guys, on your own TV-screen, never a dull moment, and maybe a moment to say goodby to it all.


  • bohm
    I think this is excellent news but (with no disrespect to the OP) I need to have this confirmed from a second source before I can believe it (it is just too good to be true).
  • steve2
    Bohm, I agree thst the figures have yet to be corroborated by sources such as jw publications.
  • WTS Archive
    WTS Archive
    So, it seems the poster was legit. The numbers are mostly correct, except for reg pioneers number which is off by 30 thousand for some reason. Other numbers match perfectly the report from latest Yearbook.

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