JWs have more good points than bad

by lsw1961 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lsw1961

    When Jesus has said only one thing is important (compassion), nothing else (Mathew 9:13; 25:31-40), why do you bother about silly things such as no-blood transfusion?

  • lsw1961


    Being a part of WT system as a part of social set up and taking very seriously what Jesus taught in Mathew 9:13; 25:31-40 where as treating all other WT teaching as silly is not hypocritical, it is just being practical. Just contribute to the core cause WT stands for (spreading the news about incoming God’s Kingdom) and never go for confrontation.

  • lsw1961

    I liked your sweet tone! WT does not understand the elder arrangement is actually the invention of Christendom which they managed to interpolate (just like they made Peter the rock) into the early writings in contrast to what Jesus authentically taught (Mathew 23:9, 10). Hence obviously, my elder appointment is not from holy spirit.

  • lsw1961

    I agree with you. Such diversions practiced in Bethel have to be viewed as inevitable evil that often accompany any system that starts off well and to listed into details which are different from the core cause JW system stands for.

  • lsw1961

    I am a regular visitor to jwfacts.com, but the particular thing in the utube you mentioned I have not watched yet. I will do it.

  • lsw1961
    Diogenesister, bsmart,

    I appreciate that, good advice. It reminds about my dad who was an Elder till his death. He advised me: “Have a larger perspective always. Righteousness changes according to time and circumstances [for example, driving with head-light on during war-time is wrong, the same thing is right during normal season]. Stand for WT’s core cause (spreading the good news about the incoming God’s Kingdom), never go for a confrontation with their silly all other teachings. Personally take seriously only what Jesus taught as of paramount importance (Mathew 9:13; 25:31-40) At the same time take care of your child. See that she is not alone with anybody. Lust can take moderate form as in the case of Clinton, murderous form as in the case of David, monstrous form as in the case of Solomon. Why go for repair work and complaining later when you can preempt it?”

  • azor

    ISW1961 this is in response to your question to fink. "Why do you bother about silly things such as no blood transfusion?"

    People have and are dying because of this teaching. My wife and I have to live with being true believers in Wt. doctrine until the day we die. We put our son on the jw no blood altar on 12-7-12. I will never forget the date for as long as I live. Much of me died that day. Thankfully the courts stepped in and my son is fighting his battle with courage and strength.

    I lost my family because I warned them about the wrongness of Wt. blood policy. I couldn't live with myself if I had to see them go through what I did without warning them.

    I wish I had known about the changed organ transplant policy before the blood policy was front and center with my family. How many died following that policy. You are showing a lack of compassion and empathy at best by asking that question to Fink.

  • Finkelstein

    why do you bother about silly things such as no-blood transfusion?

    Why do you bother to reply in such an apathetic uncompassionate way like those people's lives mean of significance nothing ?

    They way they were mentally coerced to subjectively support a false doctrine which was derived so carelessly.

    Did you know that the WTS leaders stated at the time they made this doctrine (1940;s) , that to infuse a persons blood from one to another would in affect infuse the sins and ill begotten characteristics form the giver to the receiver of that blood transfusion ?

    If you used the example given by Jesus Christ as to above all the greatest commandant is to love one another, that also meant to heal and care for the sick.

    Kind of like what other Christian based religious organizations do outside of the Watchtard-ites such as yourself.

    But I understand you got to go where the power is right lsw1961 ?

  • lsw1961

    azor and Finkelstein

    My comments is not against those who suffered extreme causality (for whom I really feel sorry) because of following the folly of WT teaching of no blood (something which goes directly against or in sharp contrast of Jehovah’s use of blood for the eternal benefit of mankind which presupposes and approves the use of blood for temporary benefit in context especially such as medical use). My context was all about highlighting the most important and the only important thing which is compassion (Mathew 9:13).

    I know many who took a different stand after 1975. Some left the organization. But many became disinterested (in heart) in the teachings of WT, but did not leave the organization. That includes my dad. He left me to choose my religious path, but I did not—I went first the scientific way which left me with no answers to some important questions, and in my twenties I adopted JW system. My dad himself took blood-transfusion whenever need arose, but in undisclosed hospitals. Whenever our family needed a treatment or hospitalization, he would tell the fellow elders that we were going for a tour or another country to visit our relatives. Jesus himself taught us to learn from the people of the nation who are more intelligent than the sons of kingdom.

  • azor

    You just made my point. Most people will only take a stand for something if it impacts them. Unfortunately it is a very human thing to do. In fact there was a recent study that highlighted the flawed belief that a religious upbringing makes people more altruistic. In fact the opposite proved true. Religious people were the least altruistic and the most biased in favor of their group. JW's are no different.

    On the one hand you were lucky to have been born into a family that valued education and free will. I was not. In fact I almost got kicked out of my house for wanting to go to a 9 month trade school so I could support myself pioneering. In fact I was the only one of 5 in my family to go through my 12 years of general ed to get my high school diploma. I know I am not alone with these types of experiences.

    You speak of compassion. Where is yours when it comes to this subject. What about the policy of turning a blind eye and covering over child abuse.

    Watch "bending truth" on YouTube to see how your own guilt is likely preventing you from seeing reality. You are rationalizing here. When I started too wake up I felt an extreme sense of shame and pain that I just wanted to go away. Try to imagine what its like to believe you love your firstborn son that doctors told you and your wife you would never be able to have. I wanted to be in that hospital bed in his place, but couldn't. I sacrificed him like Abraham and I carry deep shame now. I have to give him chemo every night and want to swallow a bullet after I do. I can't though because that would be extremely selfish of me and the last thing he and my family needs and deserves.

    I understand how painful cognitive dissonance is. It would be easier for me to pretend and live in the fantasy that jwism creates. I can't though because the cost is to great.

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