Witnesses - Ever Wondered Why You're So Tired After Assemblies/Meetings?

by The Searcher 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LisaRose
    Yeah, such a snore fest, I hated them. All that time, energy and money to hear the same old thing we heard at the Kingdom Hall, just more of it. The last few years I couldn't make myself go.
  • stuckinarut2

    Most education programs or conferences allow differing views and room for personal interpretation and application.

    The fact that Witness programs allow the audience only ONE prescribed viewpoint and interpretation means that our brains subconsciously do backflips trying to reconcile stuff that just doesn't gel or make sense..... AND THAT IS TIRING.

  • sparrowdown

    I found the whole social aspect incredibly tiring.

    Dress appropriately (stockings, heels) with ladylike posture (not slouchy etc)

    Remain friendly , smiley and happified at all times, greeting everyone you see, pretending not to be annoyed if someone continually kicks your seat.

    Stay in your seat in your "good" clothes trying to eat you packed lunch out of your lap, while still maintaining a ladylike posture.

    Maybe I just had difficulty remaining ladylike for so long lol.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    No - I never wondered why I always came back from assemblies/conventions in a worn-out state:

    - to me, that was never, ever a mystery.

    To steal a line from William Shakespeare, the JW assemblies and conventions (not to mention their meetings in general) all come under the heading of Much Ado About Nothing !


  • punkofnice

    I don't know what's more miserable, a JW a$$emb£y or an episode of Eastenders.

    Both negative, and both fictional.

  • Billzfan23
    I remember the days of the food service at the conventions. Waiting in long lines, with meal tickets - it was awful. That, and the constant badgering of the little ones to sit down, sit still, and be quiet. I don't miss the days of hanging out in the halls and watching parents whaling on their kids - spanking them mercilessly - usually because the parents were so stressed out and wound up by the oppressive nature of the message.
  • Fencing
    I'm convinced this is also why every convention is the "Best Convention Ever!" The pure boredom and desire to be anywhere but there combined with the elation of it being finally over, and the cognitive dissonance that creates (you're not supposed to be happy the convention is over!), gets transposed into positive memories about how "amazing" the convention was.
  • punkofnice
    I used to catch up on my sleep at a$$emb£ies.
  • Vidiot

    The Searcher - "Ever wondered why you're so tired after Assemblies/Meetings?"

    Gee, I dunno...

    ...maybe it's because they're... tiring?

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    That, and the constant badgering of the little ones to sit down, sit still, and be quiet. I don't miss the days of hanging out in the halls and watching parents whaling on their kids - spanking them mercilessly - usually because the parents were so stressed out and wound up by the oppressive nature of the message.

    It is straight out inhumane to expect small children to sit quietly through just one morning of an assembly - let alone the afternoon as well - then the day after that, and the day after that again.

    Statistically, we are told that two out of every three of those raised in "The Truth" end up giving it way. It is a miracle that they even manage to hang onto the one and three that do remain.

    I know for a certain that if I had been raised as a JW, they wouldn't have seen me for dust - just as soon as I could have bolted for it!


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