Did man really go to the moon?

by atomant 121 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • captaingrl
    Lots of things are 'doctored' before being released to the 'masses'. It's known as targeting the audience and applies to everything we do, not just science.

    yah, but suggest this is what they are doing to the so-called "climate science" and watch peoples heads explode...

    This is why I don't trust "experts" anymore.

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    "cofty, seriously, what is your level of education?" - CG

    Who care's?

    If I told you mine was post graduate, would it validate anything I've said?

    If I told you I was still in school, would it invalidate anything I've said?

    I think what is getting Cofty's goat (If I can assume to speak for him a moment...) is that someone is so vehemently asserting something so obviously false and is expecting to get taken seriously. If someone is asserting the Moon is made of cheese I would have no problem with calling that person an idiot after enough attempts to show they were wrong were ignored.

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    "yah, but suggest this is what they are doing to the so-called "climate science" and watch peoples heads explode..." - CG

    There is a marked difference between:

    1 - Altering a graph or simplifying tables of data whilst keeping the original explanation intact so that people who aren't trained to understand raw data can appreciate a visual representation of scientific work.

    2 - Altering a graph or simplifying tables of data in order to give an explanation that goes contrary to the accepted findings by scientists for political (or otherwise) purposes.

    You should trust the experts because they are, experts... If you want to learn about the reasons behind their assertions you will need to train in the relevant field to appreciate the raw data.

    16 years ago I said to someone on a forum that there was no evidence for either evolution or creation. I was a creationist at that time. I was challenged on this and was given a long list of evidences for evolution. Fortunately I decided to honestly take a good long look at what was on offer and that was the start of my education (formal and informal) in the sciences. Imagine what you can learn in 16 years and then consider my thoughts when I see someone writing nonsense that would take minutes to educate themselves on, if they cared enough. Of course it takes a while to learn how to get educated; yes I'm being serious about that... Just saying...

  • cofty
    cofty by calling people names and refusing to honestly examine evidence, like back when they were JWs - Robot

    Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo...

    You are not just ignorant and gullible you are also obnoxious.

  • captaingrl
    You should trust the experts because they are, experts...

    yah right.

    elders are experts... don't trust them at all.

    I say: Use your critical faculties.

    Fact is if NASA lies about satellite images, what else might they lie about... or "fix".

    Who knows what happens to all that temperature data?

  • kairos

    Let's all remember, before we left JWs we were SURE we had 'the truth' and nobody was going to ever say otherwise....

  • MrRoboto

    "waaah! im not a jw anymore stop saying im acting like one! waah"

    No woories, help is on the way, I've called the waaah-mbulance, should be there any moment.

    seriously, your only defence to not treating others like human beings and being called out for it is "waaaah! dont call me out!" ?


    would you to start swinging already? maybe that says more about you than it does me, or other folks here.

    Do better, i know you can.

  • cofty
    elders are experts...

    No they are not. I have known hundreds. Most of them were as dumb as a box of rocks.

    Fact is if NASA lies about satellite images

    That's a lie.

    Use your critical faculties

    The irony!

  • captaingrl

    10 bucks say cofty is a former elder.

    today: with a highschool education, he is here to teach us SCIENCE!

  • cofty
    Let's all remember, before we left JWs we were SURE we had 'the truth' and nobody was going to ever say otherwise.... - Kairos

    Not true.

    I always said to anybody who challenged my beliefs that if they could provide evidence that I was wrong I would change my beliefs. As soon as I worked out the cult was wrong I left - despite huge personal cost.

    You are peddling total nonsense based on fear, paranoia and ignorance. Then like all conspiracy nutters you get aggressive when intelligent people tell you why you are wrong.

    Robot - slow down and try to stop ranting and raving.

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