ANNOUNCEMENT CLIP ...2015 Annual meeting Sam Herd confirming what we knew a month ago about slow down and halt of worldwide construction

by Watchtower-Free 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • elderINewton

    It may sound weird, but my days in the banking world would tell me that they likely had a cash call at some point early this year. What that may be is pure speculation, from as jwfacts said legal cash reserves, to the rumors of the Ponzi schemes having a cash call is immense. Either way what we do know is that:

    1) In May - they said they needed funds to build KH's.

    2) Herd now says they will build if the funds are contributed by the friends. - At least I interpret this to mean that if you want a hall now you need to pony up.

    That tells us that either the contributions did not come in (which would be at odds with the July? broadcast), or that the money that came in earlier was spent on something. I clearly remember on the D&B that they had financing that was Secured (meaning debt to assets), but that was only 1 of like 13 affiliated companies. (I still wonder why they have a branch in San Dimas, CA? - like Bill & Ted's but that is a side note).

    Overall, it appears that all money taken is earmarked, and that money is an issue. So many pieces of the puzzle are missing here. Even if one was building a war chest, the reactions are showing desperation on the epic corporate levels.

    Maybe Cedars article on the money was closer than I thought. I guess I was wrong on that.

  • Mephis

    How stupid does he think people are?

    Very. He near enough says that the reason for reducing the number of pages for the WT and Awake is because everyone these days is too dumb to keep up with Jehovah's chariot.

    One thing which jumped out at me was the use of the word 'some'. Why only some? Why not all? What else is there? And absolutely no explanation for why costs have exceeded the money they've taken in.

  • Gayle

    Pop: Well, kiddos, thanks for all your work on the farm. Just an announcement, you older ones gotta leave the farm immediately. Gotta work for yourselves now, and get your own home, etc. can't help you doing that but you can still send us some money. You younger ones, can still stay but you gotta do your own cleaning, meals mostly, and wash your own clothes (no fighting over the washer & dryer - share). You gotta learn reading, writing, rithmitic, but that all. You done worked hard a lot but that's the way it goes. god bless/.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Boeing Stratofortress
    Boeing Stratofortress

    The Salvation Army, a "worldly" organization of "christiandom" has this cool site which breaks down their financials in a pretty transparent way:

    Even the First United Methodist Church of Austin, TX displays their financial laundry for all to see:

    So, my question is, does the Watchtower, which seems to pride itself on spit & polish organization and exceptionalism, have ANYTHING remotely like this?? Im asking because I'm a non-JW who is married to one. I'd like to stuff the above financial reports right in her elder/elderette friends faces. 😊

  • bradford
    00:37: The Governing Body has directed..

    So changes to cancel plans are directed by the governing body. To initiate the plans, however, it was directed by Jehovah/Jesus. Is it just me or is that kind of a big deal?

  • cofty

    Here is his face as he turns to leave the lectern.

    "Bastards made me read this shit..."

  • xjwsrock

    wow wow wow wow

    what a joke...

    I wonder how much of their money was lost to Madoff?

    I'm just sayin' ... If I were Almighty God the Creator of the Universe and I had one organization I backed and supported, I would not let it get into a situation like this for it to embarrass itself and me.

  • sir82
    Why does this remind me of "Baghdad Ali"?
  • Socrateswannabe
    What a loving provision by the F&DS! They cut in half the number of magazines they print because it "will help our brothers keep up with our spiritual provisions". I've been wrong about these guys--they really do have our best interests at heart!

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