It is now 2003.... Where is Armageddon?

by Nosferatu 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    Well, I have some "inside" information that you might find interesting.

    You see, last weekend, my mother in law had her circuit assembly, and the Bethel speaker had some insights. Apparently, those in Bethel know a lot more than the rest of us in the trenches.

    He said, and I quote, that Armageddon is "just around the corner".

    Remember, you heard it here first.

  • NewYork44M

    For the year 2000, I visualize a world transformed into a beautiful paradise! But I don't think that either the present world or its rulers will live to see that day.

    Evidently you did not read the entity of the article. I vividly recall the magazine, and I remember reviewing it several times. The society never "said" that the end was coming before the year 2000....only misinformed publishers who were quoted in the magazine.

    Here again is a situation where the r&f is going beyond the things written.

  • metatron

    After saying that Armageddon is soon, for a hundred and twenty years, we find that we have entered

    the realm of fantasy.


  • Inkie

    NewYork44M: Have you read Atlas Shrugged? Great novel and philosophy. I loved it!


  • NewYork44M

    Inkie, yes I have read most of Ayn Rand's books. The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are my favorites. I read the Fountainhead several times as part of my deprograming from the borg.

  • logical

    The place Har-Mageddon is in the middle east somewhere.
  • Room 215
    Room 215

    New York 44M; The rank and file ``go beyond the things that are written" and the boys in Brooklyn seize upon it, see fit to publish it without a mitigating or cautionary comment, implying approval of the sentiment, if it serves to rally the troops.... and you see nothing wrong with that?

  • Gopher

    There is no Har-Magedon, which means "Mount of Megiddo". It's a valley plain.

    It contains a molehill. The JW's have made a mountain out of that molehill.

    Don't be stumbled.

  • blondie

    I was cruising the channels and heard Jack Van Impe say that it was coming in 2011. He had some formula using the generations of Jesus heritage which made a generation 51.5 or 51.9 years. Counting from 1967 when the Israelis took control of Jerusalem and counting forward you get 2018 and of course you must count back 7 years for the rapture.






    7 years back for rapture

    2011 for when it all begins

    I guess you can make numbers add up to whatever you want.


  • rocky220

    Blotchtower should be careful what it asks for..............rocky220

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