It is now 2003.... Where is Armageddon?

by Nosferatu 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    While you were out:

    Armageddon called...

    will try again later.

  • Latte


    Actually, it was given out in my last hall in place of the 'Written Review' got them all thinking....they are still completing them! Hoping to get that 'gift' of Eternal Life.


    Latte (doesn't belive it anymore Class)

  • Mary

    People, people, people.........Armageddon has already arrived. It came in 1975 just as the brothers predicted. It came in a spiritual sense, jes' like Christ "returned" "invisibly" in 1914. So Jehovah spiritually and invisibly destroyed the earth over 25 years ago. Anyone with the "eye of understanding" knows this.

    We are now living in the New System. This is as good as it's gonna get.

  • Xander

    Well, *I'm* living in a 'new system', anyway.

    And, yeah, it really is a lot better....

  • Ed

    I've got a video tape with a documentary about apocalyptic cults (JWs didn't get a mention though) and they were interviewing one of the leaders of a religion called The House of Yahweh who, just like JWs, are convinced they are the only true religion and everyone else will die. Part of the interview goes like this:

    cult leader Four fifths of the world's population is going to be is going to be wiped out between now and about the middle of 2002. Mark it on your calendar. Four fifths of the world's population.

    interviewer What if what you're saying doesn't happen?

    cult leader There is no possibility that it could not take place just as I have told you.

    interviewer But what if I come back here in 2003 and it hasn't happened?

    cult leader You'll be living in a dream world. This is going to take place, there is no way it cannot take place.

    I'd love to see them go back and interview this guy again. Just to see how he gets out of it. No doubt it will be some new revelation from Yahweh which will convince the followers that he's even more in touch with God than ever before.

  • Blueblades

    Nosferatu, Brigadoon,Runningman and anyone else,I'm drawing a blank,it was not too long ago that one of the study articles mentioned that Armageddon is happening right now! It said that Psalm 91:7 "A thousand will at your very side,and ten thousand at your right hand" was being fullfilled right now and is ongoing.

    They applied this Armageddon chapter of Psalm 91 to those leaving the Society.That the Remnant was witnessing this now before there very eyes! Those falling were all the ones who left the Society and who continue to leave as this exodus is ongoing.

    Maybe someone can find this study article and put it up for us.When I read this I couldn't believe that the conductor did not even touch this paragraph and its implications.I also notice that no body else commemted on it either,so I remained quiet also.


  • DanTheMan
    Well, I have some "inside" information that you might find interesting.

    You see, last weekend, my mother in law had her circuit assembly, and the Bethel speaker had some insights. Apparently, those in Bethel know a lot more than the rest of us in the trenches.

    He said, and I quote, that Armageddon is "just around the corner".

    Remember, you heard it here first.

    Oh, did I get a great big belly-laugh from that. Thanks running man!

  • Kenneson

    Armageddon is symbolical of the battle each Christian engages daily against the principalities and powers of evil. See Eph. 5:10-18 Jesus was the first to overcome Satan and his minions; he did this through his resurrection. And the Book of Revelation calls him the Lamb. But JWs want to interpret Rev. 16 & 19 literally and thus we now have a powerful warrior, who will come on a white horse and will fight earthly kings, also on horses. Think about it, if the armies have to resort to fighting on horses again, does that mean that mankind will become degressive?. Don't tell me that our modern societies are going to use those darn nuclear weapons and that we will have to start all over again. Armageddon could be a long time in coming because the battle will be fought on horses!

  • jimbob

    I actually went and looked up this quote in the '86 Awake. What's even more interesting is what is quoted 2 paragraphs further. It says:

    A close examination of Bible prophecies showed these young Witnesses that we are now living in a privileged period of history for the time has come for God to intervene in human affairs and rid the entire earth of unrighteousness. The Scriptures call this short period preceding God's intervention "the time of the end" and specify that it will not last longer than a "generation". Since the "generation" of 1914 is now well advanced in years, God's promise is really up-to-date news for young people today.

    Seems to me quite a few generations have come and gone since 1914......oh wait, they changed that doctrine in '95. Silly me!!! Well, I guess this isn't "up-to-date news", now is it????

  • reporter

    Actually, exposing this cult for what it is is a form of Armageddon (although the WTS will cry "persecution").

    Francois had a good idea:

    Armageddon will NEVER come. The Love of God will one day prevail upon this planet, which was the divine plan all along. And then we'll see that each person can not only sit under his own fig tree next to his own grape vine, but that each can worship the God of their own understanding in their own way. The very definition of religious freedom.

    It is the Witness who mistakes uniformity for unity. People can live in unity and still be diverse, and certainly that is more of a paradise than fascist uniformity, which is rules-based, oppressive, and in its very essence, un-Christian, which is the theocratic new world order that Witnesses hope for. The magazines glorify a physical paradise, while the inner soul is rent in two.

    And, in contrast, their "Jehovah" is shown responsible for horrendous terrorism and destruction, out of which they march out of in joy and song, claiming "victory" and a sanctification of Jehovah's name.

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