Letter Read to All Congregations

by AMNESIAN 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    The old adage was that when a person became 'spiritually weak', the first thing to slip was the field service. But it seems that it might be the contribution box that is the first thing to reflect 'spiritual weakness'. Many JW's are voting with their wallet and contributions are down to such an extent that a senior level person described the situation to me recently as 'worrying'.

    I do not however think that this video is designed to bolster flagging contributions but is to keep the blinkers firmly in place around the eyes of the average JW while the storm descends on the WTS. If they can ride out the next eighteen months things will calm down a little and they can then regroup and count the losses.

    When you think of the damage a few individuals have done to the WTS, Ray Franz, Carl Jonsson, Barbara & Joe Anderson, Bill Bowen, Alan Feurbacher etc. it makes the invincible Organization, pictured we are told by the heavenly chariot in the vision of Ezekiel, look like a inebriated chimpanzee trying to negotiate a unicycle.


  • AlanF

    Hey Amnesian,

    Please give me a call some evening at 970-206-1555.


  • og

    Again, though, it's the why, not the what, that's TBD here. Capish??

    Well, I've taken a look through your posting history, and I'm willing to believe that you are not perpetrating a hoax. But. There are several posters on this board who are still meeting attenders; why have we not had confirmation from them? Your information is second-hand - it would be worthless in a court of law. There is a very real chance of distortion. For instance, the announcement could have been a routine letter speaking of an upcoming video - up to two years ago I was reading these myself from the platform and they were no big deal.

    What's bugging me about this thread and secret agent Jim Dee's thread re: the C.O.s & D.O.'s is that this community seems willing to leap to unsupported conclusions and speculate wildly when there are perfectly reasonable alternate explanations. In this case, this could simply be a normal video announcement. The WTS has, after all, released drama cassettes before - a video would not be so dramatic. With regard to the C.O./D.O. melodrama - this may be an ordinary scheduled meeting.

    All I am asking for is confirmation, before we all conclude that the WTS is reeling. Without it, we are little better than a rumour ridden congregation of brain dead JWs.


  • hillary_step


    I saw the video a couple of months ago. It is actually a very professional production, although the premise of its arguments are as ever manipulated and distorted into a vehicle demading allegiance to the GB on pains of death. Any video that the WTS has produced has been announced in a seperate letter at the Service Meetings, so this is not an exception. That it is being touted at this time, with the media closing in on the WTS may be a co-incidence, but I doubt it.

    It is not terribly different in content from all the other 'Korah' dramas that surface like an unwanted relative every so often. To sum up:

    We speak for God. We are imperfect, but we speak for God. Regardless of that, do it our way or you will die because, you guessed it, we speak for God.


  • Sentinel


    I am always so grateful to have any "inside" information. Things are happening now within the borg. They are "planning something". I can feel it. They are preparing for this great united front.

    Like I said in one of my other posts, could it be that perhaps the borg is going to MAKE Armageddon. They've waited for it a long time. It's one of their most prime, basic doctrines. And, yet, time and again, the "light" has failed them.

    They are a cult. They are bent on survival. They want to make a worldwide statement. I have to wonder what is in store. It appears as if they are morphing into something altogether different--and powerful. Only those "inside" can get a glimpse of this. In peticular, those in high up positions within the congregation, as I know that so much stuff is kept from the dub. They are being led along, just like sheep to the slaughter. (Have we not had experience with warped religions like this in the past?)

    Again, thank you for this thread. We all need to keep our eyes and ears open.

    Love and Light,


  • og
    I saw the video a couple of months ago.

    Thank you, HS. I appreciate some confirmation that the video exists. However, if you saw it a couple of months ago, it is hardly evidence that the WTS is on the run, or doing anything unusual. On the contrary, this seems to be business as usual. My whole interest in this thread is based on my hope that they are acting panicked - that would be cool. But there seems to be no real evidence of that.

    I am always so grateful to have any "inside" information. Things are happening now within the borg. They are "planning something". I can feel it. They are preparing for this great united front.

    This is not "inside information". It is a second hand report of old news. Besides, if you can "feel it", why do you need any information at all?

  • Dia

    Perhaps they're really uncomfortable about the marchers carrying poster/pictures of the GB and so they want to create an excuse or example in that, 'Those apostates, they're racist', etc., etc., etc.

    Or just to create yet another excuse WHY JW's should absolutely HIDE themselves from seeing or knowing or hearing anything.

    Thanks for giving me a wonderful moment of falling on the floor, devious of laughter.

  • hillary_step


    Thank you, HS. I appreciate some confirmation that the video exists. However, if you saw it a couple of months ago, it is hardly evidence that the WTS is on the run, or doing anything unusual. On the contrary, this seems to be business as usual. My whole interest in this thread is based on my hope that they are acting panicked - that would be cool. But there seems to be no real evidence of that

    Yes, it may be a co-incidence as announcing a video release at the Service Meeting with a letter explaining its contents and promoting is distribution is hardly a new thing to the WTS, it is standard procedure. If I recall correctly however, they have alluded to the release of this particular video twice now, so it may be an attempt at damage control - time will tell.

    Best regards - HS

  • og
    it may be an attempt at damage control - time will tell


  • sf

    "... JWs and to keep the existing JWs in line."

    And OFF-LINE! Yet...

    What we are now WITNESSING in yahoo is the jws return from msn and paltalk networks.

    So, it would 'appear', the jws who own and have daily access to the internet, will not give this treasure (tool) up so easily and/ or willingly...even after the 'newest light' shone re: internet web and chat sites in recent Watch Tower "litterature".

    I see much rebellion and exodus.

    Who, in their right mind, would ever give up this phenomenal Tool??

    Good luck Teddy, with the 'flock'!!


    Who receives these orders of video's? Where are the shipped or mailed to? Kingdom halls and /or elders homes, directly? I have a very important reason in needing this knowledge. Thank you, in advance.


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