Letter Read to All Congregations

by AMNESIAN 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    Patriot: Of course they'd do that! The one thing they hate almost as much as the Silentlambs movement is losing money! Mama is definitely tightening the apron strings, just like she did in the 80s.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    and Amnesian himself

    That's Amnesian herself

    Thank you.

  • willdabeerman

    Patriot, good point. I also remember that happening to my ex-congo. We recieved a bill with the same excuse you did and had to pay $1,400.00. So donation basis or not ,they will always get there money. If this is all legit,concerning the recall of c o's and do's,i think its an "all hands on deck,man your battle stations! we have a multiple bogeys in the ex-jw sector. Wait on my (borg) call. and open fire"...pretty interesting stuff.

  • LuckyLucy

    I have a devious idea!! We would need alot of inside help. Lets replace those tape with tapes of the Panorama ,Dateline, and Connie Chung shows.

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I think this is another example of the Society shooting itself in the foot. It's one thing for JW's to see a GB member live at an assembly amist thundering applause. It's another thing to see one on the little screen close up and in detail. Maybe some will see that this is just another old man and not a "glorified one." It's got a creepy quality to it. Sometimes it is an issue like this that get's people to notice that there is something stinkin in Watchtower Land.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have a devious idea!! We would need alot of inside help. Lets replace those tape with tapes of the Panorama ,Dateline, and Connie Chung shows.

    Better still replace them with XXX rated video's.


    Edited by - William Penwell on 18 September 2002 19:32:38

  • Francois

    Personally, I think they're short on cash and this is nothing more than a disguised (but not very) way to raise some quick filthy lucre.

    Look for more of this kind of antic from them as donations to the Pedophile Paradise dry up.


  • og
    That's Amnesian herself

    Noted, thanks.

    It's one thing for JW's to see a GB member live at an assembly amist thundering applause. It's another thing to see one on the little screen close up and in detail.

    I agree (if this is for real).



    I agree (if this is for real

    I laud your healthy skepticism---I'm feeling you, being the skeptic I've become myself---but the fact of the letter's having been read---and its content--- is 100% "for real." There is zero, zip, nada, no doubt about that. It's the reason for such that is yet to be learned. Although I discounted it at first, some valid arguments have been offered for the possibility that this video production and distribution might represent a quick revenue-generating scheme on the WTS's part. I can see this as somewhat plausible if---big if, in my mind---some pressure is brought to bear on individual publishers and congregations as a whole to place orders for the video and guilt is used to extort sizable contributions for them. I can also conceive of the Society using the lure of "a personal address to the flock from one of God's own annointed" to add value to the thing with hopes of ratcheting up interest among the faithful .

    Given the current environment in the organization (i.e., the Society's lock and load mentality), though, I still lean toward suspecting there's some heavy-handed "counsel" about to be laid on the brethren by Uncle Tom Sam. One thing's for sure, we'll know soon enough.

    Again, though, it's the why, not the what, that's TBD here. Capish??


  • LDH

    Pardon me while I clean the snot chunks off my monitor.

    SAM HERD???? The 'youngest' and 'newest' member of the GB is getting this "special privilege?"

    LOL. Suuuuurrrrrreeee.....Make a black guy do your dirty work. LOL!!!


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