Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs

by silentlambs 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • anglise

    As regards Judicial, why not go in alone as agreed but with a cellphone, this could then be linked and broadcast live over numerous websites or at least recorded, with maybe a telephone call to Bethel explaining the situation and watch while they panic.

    Regards, Not Anglise but a friend.

  • hillary_step


    It is also important to note that the WTS has never been succesfully sued over any issue to do with disfellowshipping. It has been tried from many different angles from the mental cruelty basis. to the violation of civil rights and has always been settled by the Law, at least in the US and the UK in favor of the WTS. Why?

    Well, the grounds are that the person who is bringing the complaint knew the rules when he joined. Mr. Bowen as an elder ( I think he is still a serving elder?) knows what 'loose conduct', or apostasy is, and though he probably did not when he 'joined' the WTS ( as the understanding of the term 'loose conduct' and 'apostasy' has changed over the years ), once he did know what it meant the courts would argue that he should have resigned membership then. The WTS has legal precedent on their side and they arrogantly know it.

    Rest assured this letter to Mr. Bowen was not compiled by the elders concerned, but by WTS Legal.


  • joenobody

    I am getting sick over this. It is a ridiculous stipulation not to have a recording device. Without such, there is no transcript of the events that take place behind closed doors.

    Please make sure you record this to cover yourself. And absolutely figure out if there are any lawyers present at the start of the hearing.

  • Pathofthorns

    I don't know how you have managed to evade this committee for so long and the persistence of the WT is absolutely ridiculous. It is too bad that they won't let you get on with your life and leave you alone. But I'm sure their is a ton of anxiety on their part and they are hoping you are a no-show so they can get you the easy way.

    You should get copies of the Panorama show along with a few abused childrens' photos and mail it to each elder with a note saying "these are my witnesses". Or how about a petition sent to Brooklyn with a bit of media attention demanding the governing body face a judicial committee where they can answer for a few crimes of their own?


  • Focus

    Naive young Farkel of Tuvalu wrote:

    But then again, what did Jesus know? The mighty Watchtower Corporation doesn't have to listen to him. Never did.

    You wouldn't be able to prove this Wild assertion about God's Only Visible Organization, now, would you, Young Farkel?

    The next thing you'll be telling me is that in their "The Greatest MAN Who Ever Lived" book:
    (a) they are referring to Jesus, and
    (b) The word MAN appears in a font five times larger than any other on the book cover!

    Now, what sort of idiot do you think I am to believe that they could do this... and still be believed by any sane person to be CHRISTIANS?

    Teddy Jaracz of THE GOVERNING BODY(tm) says:
    "We do not go BEYOND the things that [are] written."
    Written WHERE, Teddy? On your shriveled-up evil old ass?

    You may be wrong here too, young Farks!

    I heard tell that the things are NOT written on the ASS of the JACK Class, but allegedly on another, far more shriveled-up piece of its anatomy, one so small as to be almost invisible most of the time: the JACK of the ASS Class! Indeed, to read the "things" that are written would mean you have to get up real close and personal, and that might pose all sorts of Spiritual and Worldly dangers for you. And IF YOU WENT BEYOND THE THINGS THAT ARE WRITTEN, into regions where even the ex-jW President Nathan Knorr faied to pubicly probe during his Bethel Toiletries, you will be in uncharted bush country indeed, with all the Fleshly Perils that reside therein.

    And if you continue to rudely press him, as did that lowly, disrespectful, soon-to-be-birdseed Worldly female Householder on Panorama, he might ejaculate that some thing or another was "strictly to your satisfaction", like in:



    Edited by - Focus on 18 July 2002 17:32:0

  • Focus

    KISMET - Excellent and MOST VALUABLE point. Thank you!!

    Indeed, Bill must ensure that:
    1. IF (a BIG "IF") there is a "No Attorney" rule, it applies to both sides (no matter what hat the attorney claims to be wearing at the time).
    2. IF (also a BIG "IF") there is a "No Recording" rule, it cuts both ways - he must have the right to search for recording devices, and if they make a transcript, he must have the right to have an assistant to do the same.

    None of this makes even the tiniest difference to the direct outcome. Its relevance will be in matters of exposing the WHOREDOM.

    (I Disfellowshipped J.R.Brown yesterday. Class)

  • gravedancer


    I can set you up with a special cam that we can use to stream the meeting directly to the web for all to see....

    These guys piss me off beyond belief with their behind closed doors KKK style meetings. Are they all going to wear white hoods too?
    I challenge them to hold the meeting in front of the camera for all thew world to see how a cult operates.....

    WT, curse you to the fiery Gehenna you despicable fools.....(find the mathcing scripture to that quote...there is one)


  • gravedancer

    Billl tell them you need at least 2 witness in case they try to molest their own rules!!!!!!!!

  • metatron

    The only successful challenge in the US to church excommunication
    are libel/slander issues - originating out of an Oklahoma case
    in which some dumb ass church told the congregation about a woman's
    adultery. She won.

    I do wonder tho, if they are afraid the 'you-knew-when-you-joined'
    argument could have some holes in it - notably if they engage in
    egregious conduct condemned by their own published rules or TRY

    It is likely that courts don't want to get involved - but they may
    be afraid of precedents that could be set.


  • dungbeetle

    I forget who, somebody said that the Watchtower has never been successfully sued over disfellowshiping?

    Of course they have.

    OLIN MOYLE and not only did he successfully sue, but Watchtower had to change its policies as well. A DOUBLE victory for Olin Moyle.

    'disfellowshiping' as we understand it today did not exist then, it was called many things, but that's what it was. 'disfellowshiping' is not the issue anyway; it's the SHUNNING.

    As for whether Watchtower was ever successfully sued, we do not know and may never know. Unfortuantely, we have 'silence' clauses in our legal justice system, or 'hush money' as its called. We know for a FACT Watchtower uses these loopholes, who knows how many of them there have been.

    If Watchtower disfellowships Bill becasue of their whistleblowing, then Watchtower's use of expulsion/shunning very likely loses its constitutional protections. Jeff Anderson is trying at least one Catholic case that way, and I am following it to see how that goes.

    We shall see.

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