Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs

by silentlambs 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    I think you should bring your lawyer, and alert the media of the event..

    Don't tell them about it, and when you show up, they'll have to state that your lawyer or witnesses and recording devices are NOT allowed in this meeting.. (Have it recorded by the media).. Of course, then the lawyer can tell them that you do have the right to representation, and they will refuse the meeting..

    They will probably DF after that, since you didn't 'adhere' to their requirements.. But, then you will have documented facts that

    A.) Your civil rights were being violated by bringing your lawyer, and them telling you that he was not welcome

    B.) The media will have a field day with the fact that they declined the media being there.. That will be all over every national and international news program and news paper from here to Russia!

    Gotta love it!!! Just ignore their request, go anyway with your lawyer and media, and have some fun.. !!!! You're gonna be DF'd anyway for non-scriptural reasons.. Might as well expose them..

    But, I have a feeling you don't need any advise!!! You seem to be doing quite fine without anyone's help!!!

    BRAVO!!! Once again I applaud and admire your fortitude and resolve in protecting the children!!!!!

  • Nemesis


    Make sure you wear a pinhole camera and a hidden microphone. I can't see them frisking you, and you would have evidence of what goes on in the secret meeting.


  • ISP

    What has Bill done wrong? Sounds daft but what are the ALLEGATIONS?


  • ugg

    no tape recordings,,,,witnesses,,,,or lawyers:::BECAUSE!!!!! they are terrified of apostasy....

    things i have been told are the following:::::you are all demonized,,,you lie and will do anything to

    take members away from the truth....anyone helping you is considered demonic.....thus:::: a

    lawyer,,,witnesses will lie for you in the public....tape recordings altered....same with video....

    literature recieved should NOT be viewed,,,,thus satan getting a foot hold on you....burn immediately.......these sites are considered demonic,,,,,being caught know the

    rest of the story.....i am a newbie....i was terrified to even register on this site......what the

    congregation here is being told,,,is that it is ALL lies made up by YOU!!!!!!! that tv is being used by

    satan....and of course satan is using you!!!!!! my surprize,,,,,you seem like nice,,,NORMAL

    people......why am i here.....lonliness......can't take it anymore....not dis'f or dis'a.....30 years in

    truth....officially still in,,,,,have heard stories horror stories of apostates that would make a

    steven king movie seem like a disney flick.....thanks for listening....

  • DakotaRed

    No attorneys, no tape recordings, no observers and due respect must be shown the presiding elder of the committee? Why don't they just tell the truth and say you may supply your own railroad beam?

    Lew W

  • Focus

    ISP wrote:

    What has Bill done wrong?

    Every now and again I need to shake my head at you, ISP, don't I?

    Since when did one have to DO ANYTHING WRONG in order to be excommunicated from the Witlesses ???

    Bill hurt their finances. THE WORST, MOST UNFORGIVABLE SIN OF ALL (the ONLY unforgivable one for the Watchtower!)

    Bill let the potential recruits and donors see that the jehovah's Witnesses' Spiritual "Mother" - "Jehovah God's Wifely Organization", in their own oft-repeated boast, is not merely the SCARLET MOTHER HARLOT of Scripture, but far worse: the most EVIL type of BABYLONIAN **WHORE**, the disgusting kind who WHORES out the bodies of her OWN LITTLE INFANT CHILDREN, while GREEDILY POCKETING the proceeds collected from the DONOR PEDOPHILES more than happy to go DOOR-TO-DOOR selling Watchtower magazines in return for the privilege of being able to RAPE and SODOMISE LITTLE KIDS. When the very policies and practises and beliefs and control structures ENABLE and MAKE EASY such acts, perhaps we are NOT just talking SPIRITUAL-PROSTITUTION or SYMBOLIC-PROSTITUTION either, eh?

    what are the ALLEGATIONS?

    Whatever is needed to have him judicially KILLED, of course!!! You *HAVE* been a jW in power now, haven't you?

    (Watchtower-Filth-Remover Class)

  • ISP


    I wanted to know the precise allegations, thanks.

    You can shake your head all you want.



  • ISP

    I am well aware of Bill Bowens position and how it obviously annoys the WTS......but what are the ALLEGATIONS!?


  • hillary_step


    and due respect must be accorded to the elder who is chairing the meeting.

    This is a throughly cunning inclusion in this letter. If Mr. Bowen arrives with a similar entourage that he did last time, the meeting will not take place but he will be disfellowshipped for 'Loose Conduct', that is, for showing a balatant disrespect for the elders. They will then not need to prove or justify any accusation but will DF him for his conduct at the Judicial Committe. The term sheep led to the slaughter springs to mind.

    What a disgusting display of cowardice, duplicity and naked bullying.


  • Kismet


    A few suggestions.

    1. Should there be any member of the judicial committee that you do not know, demand identification. Ask outright if he is a lawyer and do not accept "I am here as an elder" as an answer. If yes, walk out immediately and say nothing except that if they have legal representation so shall you. It is no longer a private church matter but a legal matter. Discuss this with your attorney.

    2. I thought your lawyer had demanded that all correspondence go through him. Yet again they contact you directly. I presume your lawyer has appropriately threatened them with harassment if they do not follow through on that demand? If yes, follow through on that threat!

    3. as always follow your conscience regarding your answers to them if any. It has served you wwell up to this point.

    If you want to discuss this further, do not hesitate to contact me.


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