"You have to find out her fears and exploit that. What is her worst fear?"

by cognac 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    get legal help asap & begin to document what happends

  • jamiebowers

    As much as I dislike your husband for all of the shit he's put you through during your marriage, I certainly hope he hasn't completely lost his marbles. You're doing the right thing by having him evaluated by professionals. It sounds as if the emotional terrorism that the elders and his friends have displayed have gotten to him more than it has to you.

    Now continue the professional involvement with getting a good lawyer and possibly a counselor for you. Be proactive, not reactive. The Watch Tower cult will attack you from every angle, so stand strong, and get all of the help you need to protect yourself and your kids.

  • Vidiot

    Giordano - "He doesn't realize it but they are slowly destroying him thinking they are destroying you."


  • Finkelstein

    A little encouragement for Cognac and others.

    Please watch the whole video .


  • KateWild

    It sounds like things are starting to get messy now. I am really sorry to hear friends are getting involved and being spiteful. But it shows this is not an org with loving members. It sounds like your hubby is stressed and suffering mentally, like it has been said, cognitive dissonance.

    Take things one step at a time, think clearly and methodically, don't get nasty if he does, children know theses things. My divorce and custody has been horrific. He won in court, but as far as the kids sre concerned he is a fu57ing ass78le.

    I wish you all the best

    Kate xx

  • Vidiot

    KateWild - "He won in court, but as far as the kids sre concerned he is a fu57ing ass78le."

    Well, that's something, anyway.

    Odds are they won't get baptized and in their adult years will diss him whilst caring for you, i.e. you lost the battle but will win the war.

    Small comfort now, but still...


    Hang in there, cognac; we're all pullin' for you.

  • Spectre

    If I was you, my biggest fear is that my kids would be raised in this cult.

  • pronomono

    As an update, last night something really went off in his head. This is more then JWs, there's something really wrong with him. I called a mental health place this morning and we are going to the emergency room to get him evaluated.

    Considering your last post, I hope things are going as well as can be for you and your kids. It sounds like you are dealing with an incredibly difficult, mentally-abusive situtation compounded by your husband's own mental instabilities. Dealing with someone in this state can be tough because you never know what they are capable of or what they are even thinking. Please be on guard for the safety of you and your kids.

    Keep us updated, and we'll try to offer as much words of encouragement and support as we can. Helping each other through our difficult times encourages all of us because we see that we can get the commraderie, love, and support that we need outside of the Watchtower even though we were told we couldn't.

  • HeyThere

    ((((Cognac)))) sending positive thoughts your way. So sorry you are going through this. Stay strong and independent, don't let them wear you down. Hopefully your husband's mental situation with reveal to him how loving the bOrg really is and his eyes will be opened.

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I'm really sorry to read that you are going through this extremely difficult situation with your husband. However- you are a VERY intelligent person and I know that you will handle this in the most appropriate way possible. Very good comments by all the cool folks here on the board- I love everybody here for their caring - I agree that the elders and your husbands friends have possibly pushed him over the edge or brink of mental collapse . That being said- I also agree with some here- especially PRONOMO & SPECTRE- that you and your children's safety here should be a priority. That is the most important thing.

    When a person is going through a mental collapse they can and will become very erratic in behavior and depending on how desperate they are to keep you entrapped- might use emotional manipulation to skew the facts of your situation by taking a detour from the real truth and reality of what's going on. Whether by his intent- or not- it's still a volatile and changing situation and you have to keep your eyes and ears open to any physical threats or mental & emotional threats to you and your children. In essence, be concerned for your husband's welfare, but still keep your eyes open.

    Everybody here cares for you and we love you as a dear friend so please be careful. Keep checking in and let us know how you and the kids are doing . We are all here for you

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