"You have to find out her fears and exploit that. What is her worst fear?"

by cognac 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy

    you have to do whats best for your kids, getting them out of the cult should be your number one concern.

  • Oubliette

    This is so wrong, but this is what this religion does: it destroys families.

    Please, consult with an attorney before you contemplate an out-of-state move.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Burn all his suits and meeting stuff on the front lawn. Phone up his "friend" and tell him you know what his game is and tell him to keep his f'ing nose out and STFU.

    Sit back and feel awesome.

  • punkofnice

    Good gordon bleedin' bennett!

    See what hard evidence you can get for whaever you call your legal blokes accross the pond...attorney methinks.

  • WingCommander

    Get a restraining order against your husbands "friend", then while you're at it, file for divorce and obtain a restraining order against HIM as well. This is going nowhere, and leading you to the mental ward.

    Your entire situation with your husband and the JW's is absolutely TOXIC. You need to remove yourself and your children from these looney cult members.

    - Wing Commander

  • cognac

    As an update, last night something really went off in his head. This is more then JWs, there's something really wrong with him. I called a mental health place this morning and we are going to the emergency room to get him evaluated.

  • pronomono

    Cognitive dissonance can really take a toll on a person, especially if he's fighting it tooth and nail. I know for a time I was borderline mental because I was struggling trying to be a good JW and at the same time learning TTATT without hesitation. It took it's worse toll when I still thought I needed to go out in service and reach out for privileges. We both know those two personalities don't mix, and it takes a harder toll on some people. You never know. This could be a mental breakdown from knowing that what you have been telling him is the truth, yet him resisting and trying to maintain status quo in the JW world could have caused him to break down. I hope it is something as simple as cognitive dissonance finally taking it's toll, and not something more serious.

    We'll keep you and you're family in our thoughts. I hope this turns out well for both you and him.

  • Giordano

    "As an update, last night something really went off in his head. This is more then JWs, there's something really wrong with him. I called a mental health place this morning and we are going to the emergency room to get him evaluated."

    I think he's really getting yanked around by his 'friends' and the Elders etc. Sounds like he no longer knows what is going on. Welcome to the cult Mr. Cognac.

    He doesn't realize it but they are slowly destroying him thinking they are destroying you.

    Take that email and any others that demonstrate what kinds of attack you are fending off to an attorney and put an end to this situation immediately by notifying all relevant parties that you are prepared to enlighten the community, your father the elder, the Society etc. what this local group of loonies are doing to your family. Your attorney can put a few threats in the letter.

    I bet the Society will shut this shit down immediately and a few fine brothers will be marked or dropped from their positions.

    This is an outrage it's time to fight back.

  • PaintedToeNail

    cognac-I hope that you are all right, and your husband too. It would be wonderful if the mental health people would be able to help him and thereby help you. He is also dealing with something very difficult for him, his wife's defection from his value system. When I left the 'borg it shook my husband to the core. He did the same as your husband, he told my family and dearest friends. It felt like a betrayal and I was very hurt. Wishing you and your family the very, very best.

  • Finkelstein

    "Yeah, they also said I have grounds for separation if I needed it. They also mentioned divorce. But to put that in her hands."

    Kind of shows the honest integrity of most JWS., they don't have any.

    Twisting up lies in an effort to keep their power and control among themselves is the reason.


    I think it would be best Cognac to write down any messages pertaining to yourself and your situation with your husband

    Time, Date and from who. etc.

    Keep a cool head Cognac, be the mature person in opposition to your husbands immaturity.

    Some of the biggest fears people go through is facing the fact that they have been frauded by a source that was never to be expected to

    do such a thing. (Cognitive dissonance)

    The WTS. is a dangerous fraud indeed, there are tens of thousands lying in the grave right now which were directly instigated by the WTS.

    and its corruption of power and control.

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