
by Kool Jo 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    The internet is a buffet emeth

    Do you really think Witnesses will not explore

    all things JW and find out the Facts


    Glad you liked it, i am sure many people will. Harold Camping is dead and his message was maybe all over the news in the states

    but in the rest of the world people will say... Harold Who????.....Emeth

    I liked your Video because it shows how pointless WBT$ Preaching is..LOL!!..

    Harold Camping got his message out World Wide in a few months..

    After 130 years almost no one knows what the WBT$ Message is..

    Contrary to that in almost every country (except those where they are banned/forbidden) people know Jehovah's Witnesses many of them had them in person at their very own doorstep. In a few years time lots of people will be familiar with an internet domain like JW.ORG that is just a matter of time......Emeth

    Another 130 years of preaching won`t help the WBT$.....They`ve already proven what their doing,doesn`t work..LOL!!

    In 1914 there were 6000 people (publishers) telling the world about our message now, 2014 , there are 8 million of them, not only knowing the message but also sharing it with others and teaching them. Millions more know our message because of those 8 million (19,2 million visitors on events like conventions and the memorial and millions of biblestudents). I think we are very succesful in making our message known......Emeth

    The WBT$ preached the Generation of 1914 would not pass away..

    Q: What ever happened to that Message?!..A: It died with the Generation of 1914..

    A Proven Failure is Not a Success..

    Jehovah draws people who like to know the truth about God and dedicate their lives to serve Him.

    The future looks bright. New ways of spreading the message like witnessing with carts, stands, tables and our website JW.ORG will contribute to that prosperity......Emeth

    The WBT$ Suckered 7 million JW`s into Free Labour and Free Real Estate..

    JW`s Buy and Develope Real Estate for the WBT$..The WBT$ Sells it and Pockets the Money..

    The Future is Never Bright for JW Fools..

    JW.Org is not the Jehovahs Witnesses Web Site.....It`s the WBT$ Web Site,JW`s Visit..


    JW`s will continue to Contribute to WBT$ Prosperity and Die in Poverty..



    ......................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW


    After that trial was a succes we rolled it out during the last 2 yrs worldwide. Results are the same as in manhattan, a huge succes......emeth

    Where are the lines?!..Folks don't even want your freebies unless you drop them off at thier door.....WasBlind


    .......Nobody wants this..........We can always put it in the Spare Bedroom..

    ............WBT$ Crap!.............................With The Other WBT$ Crap..


    ........................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    That's the pic OUTLAW !!!!!

    She scratchin' her head thinkin'

    " We can't even give this mess away "



    He sayin'

    Maybe they ran across JWfacts.COM

    like we did






    95% of all WBT$ Literature is stored in JW Homes..

    The Outside World Doesn`t Want It..The Outside World will Never Read It..

    It`s a Waste of Paper,Ink and Time..

    The WBT$ World Wide Message Doesn`t Exist..


    WBT$ Literature "World Wide Storage" is a Huge Success..


    ................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    The cool thing is that when you search for JW.org in Google, right after that you get:



    Your results may vary depending on your location and past searching habits. But still...

    Outlaw: A JW relative of mine (who lived with her husband in a 40-foot single-wide trailer home) decorated the bedroom with 20 years of WT and Awake! volumes in their bed's headboard, WT and Aw! mags in clear display holders, and pictures from WT publications in frames on the wall. No family or scenery photos to be found. When I saw that, I asked her why she would do that? Did she take strangers into her bedroom frequently? Didn't it feel a little weird being surrounded by magazines and books all the time? Did she often have to look up something in the Watchtower in the middle of the night? She was oblivious to the insanity of it all. So your illustration above is right on the mark - whether you realized it or not when you created it.



    So your illustration above is right on the mark - whether you realized it or not when you created it.....Juan Viego

    Most JW Homes I`ve been in,have Huge Quantitys of Unplaced WBT$ Literature in them..

    Theres usually multiple copies of the same edition..

    The collection keeps growing as the WBT$ prints more WBT$ Literature nobody wants..

    The JW Home I grew up in,was a WBT$ Literature Storage Facility..

    My illustration comes from Life experience..LOL!!..

    .................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    I heard a story of an old JW with an unused freezer sitting behind his house.

    Guess what he filled the freezer with?

    Watchtowers and Awakes, that's what.

    Uh Huh.


  • emeth

    @wasblind JWFACTS.com is ranked 440,461 on the worlds ranking list of websites and it gets a handfull of visitors from just a few countries per day

    Its maybe adored by apostates but ignored by all others

  • wasblind

    Let me put it to you this way emeth

    Thats great for a website that don't have a full blown campagne

    beggin' folks to visit. And not part of a religion that requires

    members to keep up for thier salvation



    Thanks to the hard work of the Watchtower society

    their will be an uptick to JWfacts.com

    at no cost to the owner


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