U.S. Army admits to widespread cultural pedophilia in Afghanistan

by RottenRiley 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    many nations in the world had socialist governments - Australia included

    Actually, when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in December of 1979, Australia's Prime Minister was Malcolm Fraser:

    - and a socialist he most definitely was not!


  • fulltimestudent


    You are quite correct. My terminology was loose. Focussing on the Afghan experience, I wanted to point out that whatever decisions that having a government that introduced socialist policies was not unusual.

    So instead of writing socialist governments, I should have written 'socialist systems.'

    I'd agree that Frazer was far from being a socialist, though it was interesting that he failed to adopt the thatcherite anti-state ownership program that others in his party may have been urging him to adopt.

  • fulltimestudent


    Thanks for posting the youtube video


    that claims Afghanistan was developing modernity prior to becoming involved in east-west conflict. Its quite sad to think of the difference between then and now. I have previously seen that video and others, but have never had the time to delve into who (in Afghanistan) had access to this level of modernity.


    The image of Churchill, Truman and Stalin surely must have been taken at the Potsdam Conference held between July 17 and Aug 2, 1945. It was taken early, as the UK had held an election, and Churchill had lost power and a socialist Labour party had won, so Clement Attlee replaced Churchill after a few days, as this image of a meeting in progress shows.

    File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R67561, Potsdamer Konferenz, Konferenztisch.jpg

    Altogether, three conferences between the so-called 'great powers' were held. The first was in Tehran, Iran in 1943, the second in Yalta in the Crimea in February 1945 and the third as above. Roosevelt attended the first two.

    The intent in the 1945 conferences was primarily to discuss the re-organisation and re-construction of Europe among other things.

    PS. No 'cold war' - a joke surely?

  • DJS


    You are wise; it is more about the madonna/whore complex. It is common for men in this swatch of the world, including Hindus, etc., to view their wives, after childbirth primarily, as too pure to touch or some other screwed up psychology. I know both from research and personal experience. But Islam has made young boys a 'feature' for a long long time. So U.S. soldiers who judge pedophiles risk their lives. And the Islamic men who feast on young boys DO NOT view themselves as gay. Referring to them, or that behavior, in such manner will also place them in harm's way. Screwed up culture. Cofty is right. As usual.

  • DJS

    And if any of you have been around current military, especially the younger ones, there is often almost a constant chatter and banter about sexual issues, especially gay related anal copulation comments (sanitized) and such jokes. Although on the surface it may appear to be good natured, raw, 'bonding' humor, there is a darker under-current to the language. Language precedes behavior. It is actually a bit shocking to the senses if you aren't used to it (and I wasn't); the issue has been taken up by military brass and the Congress at very high levels, as it is seen as contributing to sexual predatory behavior (i.e., the prevalence of rape within the ranks). And in Afghanistan the cultural 'conversation' might even get you killed.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Thank you fulltimestudent for pointing out it was we, the Americans who armed and trained the fanatical muslims.

    Many Americans either don't know that or don't want to admit it, but it's very true. We created a very dangerous beast.

  • fulltimestudent

    Thnx GT - It was a very dangerous beast that the US 'black' agencies created. If I recall correctly, there is a book about it.

  • fulltimestudent

    Switching to another aspect of this thread.

    May I ask, is this paedophilia? Afghani boys resident in Sweden dance:


    What about these boys in Afghanistan?


  • FlyingHighNow

    Makes me think of ancient Rome and Greece where grown men fooled around with boys.

  • Ruby456

    I guess folk devils are more liberating than Satan and his hordes. at least folk devils can't get into one's mind. did someone here say the church fathers gave us better religion?

    edit: from rottenriley

    Atheists need to understand that their enemy is not the Christian Church, it's a religion that desires to destroy all opposing views


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