BOE Letter: New Adjustments

by pixel 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    Question: Is this a letter mailed to congregations or do they make them downloadable as pdfs on

    It always gets me that to send letters to every congregation in the USA, it costs them $5500.

    They need a better way to communicate.

    It would seem that they are eliminating the Saturday program on the CA's. The Theocratic ministry School and the symposiums are to go as they are merely manuscript and meaningless. It means that people won't be greasing the hands of the CO and assembly coordinators to get assembly parts. The public talk and CO and DO parts will be the afternoon, the morning will be the Watchtower summary and maybe a Needs of the circuit, and something about the theme.

  • Phizzy

    So much easier to give it a miss now !

    If nobody notices - result. If someone asks were you there, you can either claim you were, or one day stomach illness, you know, the kind where you just have to stay within 3 yards of the Bog.

    Simples !

  • dozy

    All the "circuit" & "district" terminology dates back to Judge Rutherford's days , as he got them from the judiciary system ( "district judges" etc ) in the USA. Nothing biblical whatsoever about them ( as with so much with the society. )

    I remember when the "special day" arrangement was announced asking everyone exactly what was so "special" about having a one day circuit assembly - got the usual "deer in headlights" look. I guess it makes sense to utilise assembly halls better. A 2 day weekend convention ( or whatever it is called now ) must be a dead certainty now for the future. Lots of people don't bother turning up for the Friday sessions anyway.

    The "spiritual feast or banquet" increasingly is becoming basically a fast food joint.

  • nugget

    Instead of each publisher attending 3 days of ca and special assemblies per year they now attend 2. This means a reduction in assembly hall usage of one third. This means that more circuits can be crammed into fewer halls freeing up real-estate.

    In the past we were told that the programme was vital and beneficial. We were told to listen carefully because this was life saving information. The information took 4 days, then 3 days then just 2. What important information is no longer important? As they end is so close why are people less prepared and supported? When you eliminate the watchtower study, baptism talk, public talk and didn't we do well talk and introductory talk, there isn't a lot of time for much else. If they include the theocratic ministry school as well then you might as well stay home, there will be nothing special.

  • Phizzy

    In well over 50 years of attending, I honestly cannot remember ever feeling that I had heard something special.

    Oh what a waste of time and money they are !

  • DesirousOfChange

    They should have also made the following changes:

    Circuit Overseers --> Local Sales Managers

    District Overseers --> Regional Sales Managers

    Question: Is this a letter mailed to congregations or do they make them downloadable as pdfs on

    They've been downloading them for quite some time now.



  • gingerbread

    Reducing the number of days during the year of sitting in an auditorium increases the number of days that able bodied men and women can volunteer on building projects. Guilt will be used to encourage building assistance on new halls and the 'World Headquarters'.

    The next step is to reduce printing to the bare minimum (my prediction) by ending the Watchtower and Awake magazines and transitioning to printed leaflets, short sermons/presentations on DVD and QR Codes pointing to

    Printing is old technology (used by Russell and the Bible Students). It's time to "keep pace with Jehovah's Organization" into the 21st century!


  • respectful_observer

    No disrespect to Pixel, the o/p , but if like me you like to have things verified - you may be pleased to read that when I looked at the staunchly pro J W site JW Talk, they were talking about the same letter.

    I don't have a login, but I would LOVE to read their take on it. Do they see it as "Jehovah's Chariot" or are they depressed that it's one less day of congregating as a larger group?

  • Listener

    The org. never gave a reason why they are changing the assembly arrangement, I wonder if any JWs have any thoughts on this.

  • frankiespeakin

    The Governing Body is just rearranging the furniture on the Titanic/Corporation before is sinks.


    Circuit Overseers --> Local Sales Managers

    District Overseers --> Regional Sales Managers

    Congregation Publisher--> Shit Heads Who Will Do What They Are Told

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