BOE Letter: New Adjustments

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  • AndDontCallMeShirley



    wait for the avalanche of Jehovah's Witnesses who'll proclaim these changes are undeniable 'proof' that god is blessing the Organization...because it's so "progressive".

  • AnnOMaly

    Ah. Fresh amendments for the Theocratese Newspeak dictionary. Lost track of what edition it is now - 607th? 1975th? 2035th?

    [LOL, somebody already picked up on the Orwellian similarity.]

  • Shador

    Yay! 1 less day of wasting time and money.

    Wish they'd went and cut the district regional conventions down to 2 days at the same time, but hey. Maybe in a few years.

  • cantleave

    JW kids have never had it so good, much less time attending boring assemblies and conventions!!!.

  • AnnOMaly

    One day assemblies will pack in more circuits in the year (they've been breaking up circuits into smaller ones, haven't they?) and therefore more $$$.

  • kneehighmiah

    Expect regional conventions to be huge. Just like this year. Rent fewer venues. Cram more brothers into venues. Hold less conventions. Spend less cash. I think they were not breaking even at some smaller venues. I used to attend at a venue locally. Now we are to travel 3 hours. This makes the tract campaign of invitations even more useless.

  • eyeuse2badub

    My take is that attending the AGM will become an annual event and take the place of one of the days that use to be spent at the CA. I also see the District Convention(aka Regional Convention) going to 2 days. I will miss the Special Assembly Day, SAD, because it made me SAD to attend the not so special gathering. And when did we start having a "Memorial Season"? The Memorial is one day, 45 minutes of blah, blah and that makes a Season! Wow! Next will be the AGM season in October. So JW's will have their own Holy Day seasons. Where would such an idea come from?

    Just saying!



    Regional vs District...hmmmm.....

    Many people in a "region" go to different "District Conventions." By calling it a regional convention, they could be paving the way for less conventions overall. The R&F would have to travel to the nearest venue for thier particular region. That would mean more people per convention, instead of shelling out the rent for facilities that are not full. It would also make it possible to ensure the convention cities that a certain number of delegates would be visiting and spending money at hotels and restaurants. This makes for a comfy financial relationship with the "Kings of the Earth."

    The R&F will have to assume the financial burden of traveling, missing work, ect. This would fall under the umbrella of " not making sense from a human standpoint." Even if a JW convention center is used, the R&F still must eat and sleep. Fire up the card-swipers!!!


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ DATA DOG

    card swipers are wrong only when other churches do it:


    Awake! December 8, 1973 issue on page 29, under ‘Watching the World’:

    "Church Money

    Some religious organizations are going to new ends to acquire money. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Buffalo, New York, now accepts credit cards, not just cash donations. One finance committee member says: "A church can’t survive on 50-cent [cash] donations." Credit-card donations are up to $30. Admission is now being charged visitors to London’s thirteenth-century Salisbury Cathedral. A London Observer article calls this "a last-ditch attempt to find a way of meeting the desperate need for funds.""


    Watchtower November 1, 1975 issue on page 651, under ‘Insight on the News’:

    "Pray Now, Pay Later

    The phrase "pray now, pay later" appeared in a headline of the Philadelphia "Inquirer" in reporting on a church experiment due to go into effect shortly. A group of ten U.S. religions, including some major Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist and Baptist denominations, have decided to try church collections by credit card.....Obviously someone benefits, but how much spiritual benefit is the modern churchgoer getting?

  • DesirousOfChange

    The term “special assembly day” will no longer be used to denote a one-day circuit assembly

    Maybe they didn't like us referring to them as SAD.


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