The Judicial Committee videos in english

by confusedandalone 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watchtower-Free

    The Elders come off as robots because they are doing what many elders and the Governing body do

    they have tried to develope the mannerisms of humility without having it . I've it in real life many times.

    When I used to go out in "service" it was usually with 3 elders . So I saw how they act when they think

    they are among safe people. Compared to the fake way before the congregation. Its just an act!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The only positive thing about these repulsive, twisted videos is that it should make it very clear to those in the borg who are hiding 'secret sins' and worried about going to the elders, or who are hesitating about getting baptised, the golden rule to NEVER GO TO THE ELDERS.

    Running to those JW Mullahs and spiritual policeman is the dumbest thing you can ever do. They are merciless hatchet-man most of the time, feeling no compunction about treating you like a sub-human and spiritual leper at the slightest excuse.

    You'll only regret it. Take note young JW secret 'fornicators', lurkers etc and those contemplating getting baptised into this cult.

  • lisaBObeesa
  • rory-ks

    These videos are not instructional. They are a near perfect demonstration of how judicial committees are carried out in the organisation. There is nothing new here. This is how we were doing it a decade ago: The confession, the two elders, the elder's meeting, the telling the brother it would be best not to recommend himself, the phone call, the pre-hearing preparation etc. Hell, we even had the obligatory sentimental old-timer, easily identifiable by his wearing a jumper under his suit jacket. We might even have had three at one point.

    Judicial committees are not a branch of shepherding. Brother Sharp emphasises the "help" that the elders wish to give Robbie, but judicial committees are not help at all. They are a whole other beast. Once a wrong-doing has been confessed the body of elders goes in to judicial committee mode. They know no other way to operate than to get the JC cheat sheet out and start ticking the boxes. Once those wheels start to turn there is no way to switch the machine off. They will keep going until the mission is accomplished.

    In the musical segue, the elders are not reasoning with Robbie on being deceptive, they are hammering him with verse after verse about fornication. Any wrong-doer knows these. It is a pointless route to follow, and yet elders do it all the time at judicial hearings.

    Judicial committee procedure is one invented by the Society with no basis whatsoever in scripture. You could tell Robbie was in trouble from the moment he uttered the words, “She seduced me.” It was like a tragedy unfolding. There is no attempt by these loving shepherds to readjust Robbie's thinking. They just sit back and allow him to convict himself out of his own mouth.

    There are traps, of course. Robbie is given a couple of reading assignments to fulfil before the hearing. Failure to follow through will be held against him. A line of questioning is pursued with the aim of seeing whether this brother they have known for years mentions caring whether he has hurt Jehovah. The foolish boy doesn't. But here's the thing: Jehovah ought to be left out of the matter. Or, to put it another way: Caring whether the confessor has hurt Jehovah should simply be a given. It should not be set as a trap. The same goes for, “Have you begged for Jehovah's forgiveness in prayer?”

    Jehovah's Witnesses have this set idea about prayer. It is a letter to God which must begin with, “Dear Jehovah,” and signed off with, “in Jesus' name, Amen.” They cannot conceive that agonising over a matter, sitting in silent desperation, plucking up the courage to approach an elder (knowing what it is going to result it,) turning a matter over and over in your mind, are all forms of “prayer”. Sitting on your own and weeping is prayer enough as far as God is concerned. No wonder Robbie looks momentarily confused at this line of questioning. He's thinking, “What the hell do you think? I'm here aren't I?” But he feels like he's staring down the barrel of a gun. They are called "bullet-points" in the ks-10 for a reason.

    Will he break it off? He needs time to think about it. What if the child is his? Surely he couldn't be expected to wash his hands of the matter. So, he is damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    He has confessed because he has found out that she might be pregnant with his baby. And this is held against him. I am reminded of Cedar's excellent point about the prodigal son. When he had run out of money and was starving, then his mind turned back to his family. This wasn't held against him – except by his begrudging older brother. David had to have his sin revealed to him, and still he didn't face the kind of discipline delivered by Jehovah's Witnesses today. The consequences are the pregnancy, not being kicked to the kerb.

    I remember I watched Juno round about the time of my departure from the organisation. Here was a girl that had got herself in to a spot of bother. Yeah, she was sassy, but she still had to pluck up the courage to tell her parents. When she did, they were shocked, but then they immediately rallied behind her. This was something they were going to go through together. There is precious little rallying in Jehovah's family. There is judgment, and whispering, and looking askance, and ultimately a casting out. There is never a feeling that they are fighting on the same side.

    Robbie would have been better off keeping quiet. But this is impossible with the culture of fear and guilt created by the organisation.

    It is a horrible, heartless system set up by an organisation which serves nothing but their own selfish ends. All this power in the hands of these men – and yet no power at all because they are bound by the rules in their handbook.

    I recommend Meleti Vivlon's beautiful article about exercising justice.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Great post, rory.

    This comment is so very, very true...

    All this power in the hands of these men – and yet no power at all because they are bound by the rules in their handbook.

  • EndofMysteries

    These videos are horrendous!

    To the person who said, The Stepford Elders, that's exactly what I thought. They don't even seem human. If Spielberg does another "AI" movie, these guys would be perfect for the robots prior to having emotions.

    Some things that stuck out to me......

    1. The elders talking to the guy about how his going to them and confessing to them, and they bring out the scripture about the greasing of the head and help. What help did they do? Even on their own standards they didn't do any help. They quote the scripture then they are there to judge if they think he is repentant enough or not.

    2. They want him to break up immediately and cut all contact with that girl. Does the bible say a man who does not provide for his own family is WORSE than a man without faith? And the bible is very strong on God siding with the 'fatherless boy' and the widow. So they are encouraging him to desert his unborn child?

    3. I think the video on suicide counseling should be shared with news and real doctors to give their commentary.

    4. The society claims to have no ruler except Jesus and to follow no man, yet on this so called judicial matter, they don't go to the bible and prayer, they go right to the handbook with notes by the uninspired governing body to pass judgement that they will tell the person is backed up fully by God. There are several scriptures in the bible that say those who prophesy in God's name, or say things in his name he did not say, or tell others what God says is there condition in his eyes will be put to death.

  • Watchtower-Free

    *** w97 6/1 p. 6 Secrecy in the Name of the Lord ***
    True religion in no way practices secretiveness

  • problemaddict

    Oye Vey!

    This was a rough one. The highlights in my mind were....

    I'm too close to this kid to be objective (ie: I might look for mercy because I love him)

    Stop seeing this woman you impregnated.

    "I think I might have told you all too much already. (WTF?)

    Never suggesting to a suicidal widow that she may want to speak to a counselor or professional in dealing with grieving.

    Consider thoughts of suicide the same way you would "immoral thoughts".

    I REALLY hope these things stay up on the internet, and get mirrored all over the place. These videos need to be sent to everyone. Its just so crazy sounding to us, but even moreso to those that never once considered it normal.

  • Watchtower-Free

    *** w97 6/1 p. 6 Secrecy in the Name of the Lord ***
    True religion in no way practices secretiveness

  • frankiespeakin

    This got to be the dumbest video ever produced by the Watchtower's CEOs/Governing Body. They seriously are driving this Corporation into oblivion with their weird videos,: 1st forbid the hard of hearing to masturbate because jehovah is looking and he do like seeing it go on among his worshippers, and the 2nd: Sparlock the evil toy from hell/the devil/ and god forbid he uses "magic" oh my how jehovah hates that. makes him real sad it does,, and now these insane videos telling the elder's to grill the flock more and show no mercy, and the don't commit suicide because it's a sin and Job had it worse so count your blessings maintain your integrety to the corporation and its sock puppet Jehovah.

    Anthony Morris the 3rd, bashing the gay community with his homphobic ideas about a conspiracy to get tight pants in style to provide more eye candy. Can these guys get any dumber?

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