The Judicial Committee videos in english

by confusedandalone 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • KiddingMe

    Thanks! Marked.

  • KateWild


  • Watchtower-Free

    *** w97 6/1 p. 6 Secrecy in the Name of the Lord ***
    True religion in no way practices secretiveness

  • DesirousOfChange

    Thank you all for making these available. They are amazingly accurate to what really happens.


    Yet the most shocking thing to me is: THESE HAVE BEEN LEAKED!

    These instructional materials are not in the hands of the average elder. These could only come from someone involved in conducting the School (DO; CO; or prominent Elder in the Circuit -- Sub-CO or such) or perhaps someone running the audio/video desk during the School who was slick enough to make a copy for himself.

    WT Leadership is surely having a cow (not CO's wife) to know these are out in public domain.


    Sure must make these window-washer feel important!


  • StephaneLaliberte

    I’ve watched the videos and though it was difficult at times, I watched them through to the end.

    If I put my JW’s hat on, I see nothing wrong with these videos; they are text book examples of what has always been discussed in various ways in talks and in print.

    However, if I think outside the JW’s set of frame, I am left with only a great deal of concern. Just the way that they talk doesn’t sound real. It sounds like: I am applying counsels from the Theocratic Ministerial School to modulate my voice, take pauses, make gestures, eye contact, etc, to make you feel like I care when I care even more about rules and procedures.

    For instance, the woman says she is depressive. They talk about Job and give her passages to remember and send her off her way. What about just inviting her over to your house to eat with your wife and kids? Informal conversations around a table with a glass of wine tend to be much more productive and joyful. Instead, they are planning to follow up on her by sending elders on a shepherding call. Don’t they know that such visits are first and foremost stressful? There are alternatives like: Ask women in the congregation to take her out. Make small gifts; use her as an example on the stage, etc.

    There are so many things wrong here that I could write on for another few pages…

    And as for the JC, they’re decision was mainly based on a book of rules that was not in the bible. You cannot postpone a JC so as to let them time to fix the situation… Just why is that? Really? Why is that a rule?

    And they kept stressing that this was not a court of law! Of course, this is an inquisition! It’s not about helping. How is disfellowshipping going to help him?


    Has anyone sent these videos to a news agency? I am trying to figure out how to do it in my area, some of their websites are confusing.


  • Oubliette

    ecan6: And they kept stressing that this was not a court of law!

    More JW doublespeak. They call it a "Judicial Committee." It's their term!

    Although in a way I guess it is true. A courtroom is a public place for a public trial.The accused is allowed legal representation and there are witnesses.

    JW judicial hearings are held in secret: a star chamber.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    DATA DOG, I seriously doubt that the news would do anything about this. We are outraged because we understand all the double-talks in there and why they are doing things and even making certain gestures. We are incredibly expert on this topic because a great deal of us, like myself, were born into it. Some people teach piano to their kids and they become world renowned musicians. We are though JW theology since infancy and don't even realize just how knowledgeable we are on the topic.

    A news representative would not understand even half of what is truly happening here.

    A quick example of this: Would the news rep understand that they are teaching elders to be two at all times with crying sisters as it has lead to adultery in a number of times? Or would they understand that the elders don’t invite her because perhaps they could see her as a bad influence for their family? Or would the news rep understand that it is viewed very seriously to associate with none JW and thus, this weighted heavily in their judgment?

    I feel it will be inevitable one day for me to face such a JC and when that happens, I will be more then happy to call them out for what they are: Pharisees.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    And yes, I will record it.

  • confusedandalone

    What seems to sum up this giant mess is all defined on Video 2 at the 8:59 - 9:01 mark.

    There is no reason one human being shoulkd have to submit to this foolishness

    From the 9:30 - 10:00 mark he sounds like King David of the old Bible stories. Humans should not be beholden to any other human ever. This is so freaking ridiculous. When I committed sins I always felkt in my own heart that as soon as you confess to God he is supposed to forgive you so why would I still feel so bad about hurting him when he apparently already forgave me. Stupid men want signs from other men of repentance.

    What is worse is if people talk to me like that in real life there will be a problem.

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