The Judicial Committee videos in english

by confusedandalone 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    Charlatan- Noun- A person claiming to have a special knowledge or skill, a fraud.

    I think that sums the elders up pretty well.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


    ‘So if they were in a skyscraper, and the sister climbed out the window and was on a ledge ready to jump, they would tell her not to jump, they'd read some scriptures to her...and then they'd leave her on the ledge and they'd go on their way, inside the building.’

    Ya, or if Mary had told the elders that she had thought of using the gun in her nightstand, after having their cookies the elders would have left, leaving the gun in the nightstand loaded and ready to fire!

  • snakeface

    JW GoneBad, you're absolutely right!


    A quote from a local Elder about suicide, " Suicide's can you know? What do you do?" They are highly trained interrogators and mental health experts..


  • sir82

    Elders who view this video are worse off in handling a situation with a suicidal JW, than elders who have not seen it.

    There is often a lot of talk about "this needs to be pulicized!!!" on this forum.

    Most of the time that is really quite pointless. The world in general doesn't give a flying fig about JWs or their internal policies.

    But I have to imagine that health care professionals, particularly those involved with suicide prevention, would be shocked to learn that JW elders are "educated" that this method is the best way to handle threats of suicide.

    Perhaps, if enough of them are aware of this travesty of a video, pressure could be brought on the WTS to retract it, or at the very least add a note that professional help is required if someone threatens suicide.

  • NewYork44M

    I am sure the internal workings of the watchtower is none too happy about this leak. This is a major leak and shows how out of touch the society is about just about everything.

    I am sorry but I could not stomach listening to the whole thing. I gave up when the words "I I I committed fornication with a worldly girl..."

    Do people really confess to stuff like that? I though elders only found out when someone ratted them out.

  • Syme

    I... I don't know what to say, really.

    I want to puke.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I guess I am well out of JW's.

    I was able to watch both video's completely.

    Laughed at the absurdity in the first one.

    It is hard to think, now, as a normal person, why anyone of sexual maturity would need to explain their natural "god given" feeling and actions, to anyone.

    What a wuss to say the "girl she seduced me. After a few drinks I went to her apt. to see her 'aquarium'. lol Okay. So that's what they call it now. lol


    "Mary", (names have been changed) says she is so lonely still (after the love of her life) died a year ago she wants to do herself in.

    These carpet cleaner's and window washing Elder's "wisdom" offer her nothing meaningful, but at the end she says, quote, "I must be losing my mind. I meant to put out cookies with your coffee". The one Elder looks up and mouths "Thank you Jehovah".

    Yes. They came in, sat down, accepted her hospitality, jabbered some words, then after 1/2 hour, NOW they get the cookies!!!

    Oh, people WAKE UP and get out from associating with dumb Bottom Burps (aka Old F**ts). They have nothing to offer anyone.


    PS I feel sorry for these carpet cleaner's and window washing Elder's wives. This scripted "Headquarter's" men seem like middle aged and older nothings with their suits on. In bed, I am sure they are just as dull. No fun, no imagination, no brains. They seem like they got "snipped" and are happy, that way. Creepy. How disappointing would it be to be with a JW drone?

  • nonjwspouse

    The feelings af the girl, his responsibilities to the girl and the imending baby, his own health as to STD's, all are completely ignored. ALl that matters in these videos is how did he speak about Jehovah, not good enough! Off with this head! Well, actually, Let's DF him because we can't drag it on and on. He didn't gush out with all the little details in the first meeting.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Lets’ see there are four characters in this Judicial Committee video:

    1. Elder Mike Sharp-Chairman (who I call the Enforcer)

    2. Elder Greg Anderson (who I call the Hatchet-man)

    3. Elder George (no last name but who I call the Softy-Pushover elder)

    4. The wrongdoer Robbie.

    Now this video was slated to be shown to all 110,000+ congregation elders. My guess is there’s a subtle but definitely implied message that WT wants conveyed to all elders:

    'Don’t be a wimpy, softy, pushover like George when it comes to sitting in on a Judicial Committee matter. Don’t be so quick to extend mercy and leniency to someone who has committed a wrongdoing. Have the balls to cross examine and probe until you extract every bit of information so that you can have something to hang the sinner for…..Be like Greg Anderson the Hatchet-man and Mike Sharp the Enforcer!'

    I really think this is one of the messages that WT wants drilled into the personality of each and every elder who views this video.

    The reason why is because of recent COs and DOs are complaining that the numbers are increasing of publishers being given private reproof or worse being given public reproof and that there are far fewer disfellowshippings taking place. WT, for whatever reason, wants disfellowshippings to go up-like through the roof!

    WT doesn’t even want the wrongdoer to be given any extensions. They want the wrongdoer tried and judged on the first meeting. Hatchet-man Greg Anderson was in full agreement with this. He read from the ‘Shepherd The Flock Of God’ book page 95 par 14: ‘…..However, an additional meeting should not be scheduled just to give the accused time to stop the wrongdoing or to demonstrate works of repentance. If he has demonstrated little or no repentance during the initial hearing, there would generally be no basis on which to prolong the case and schedule a second meeting.’

    You witnessed it yourself folks, Robbie got the ax on the first meeting! What did it take-maybe 1 1/2 hours, 2 hours tops?

    So by WT’s standards there are waaaay too many wimpy ‘Georges’ among the elders and not enough hatchet-men and enforcers like Greg and Mike!

    Don’t you just feel the love among Jehovah’s Witnesses????

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