The Judicial Committee videos in english

by confusedandalone 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnnOMaly

    I could only watch a snippet or two. They made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end! The emotionless, clichéd, "We commend you for coming to us" (pt. 1) - ugh. Then I zipped through bits of the Suicidal Widow one and got to the part where she's just told the elder she wants to gas herself with the car exhaust and the elder nods with a fake-looking smile and says, "Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell us that." Both attempts to be sympathetic or somehow supportive come over so patronizing, insincere and ... something ...

    ... THAT'S IT: hypnotic. That's why my neck hairs stand on end. Brr.

    Can anyone tell me if the elders at any time advise the suicidal sister to see a doctor or professional counsellor?

  • Watchtower-Free

    NO doctor or professional counsellor was recommended.

    Because a trained Pro can identify a CULT.

    Dangerous to see a JW Elder for what they are not qualified for and in many cases intelligent enough to handle

  • StephaneLaliberte

    No. They made no reference to professional help. Instead, they will follow up with her through shepperding calls. That way, when she goes through with it and kill herself, they will wash their hands saying: We went through the proper procedures and she sinned by killing herself! Thus shifting all reponsability to her.

  • sir82

    Ditto on the above - nothing in the video, nor at the elders' school where this was first presented, even hinted at directing her to professional help.

    This, to me, is bone-chillingly frightening. Hundreds of thousands of JW elders being "trained" to think that 15 minutes and 3 or 4 Biblical references are enough to remove suicidal tendencies.

    There are a handful of intelligent guys left who would recognize what to do, but their number is dwindling. The power-hungry and the clueless dolts are the ones who remain.

  • sir82

    Oh and by the way, on the other one, the kid who had the affair with Lucy:

    Nothing mentioned or hinted at about STDs or taking responsibility for the child he will soon be father to.

    In JW-La-La-Land, any and all problems are fixed in 15 minutes with the "right" Biblical references.

  • Lied2NoMore

    Found the lack of narration very revealing in that the WT legal department had their say to omit narration to not link the HQ with these videos as if the boys in Brooklyn have no involvement in these star chamber style proceedings...always looking out for their own asses....

  • AnnOMaly

    NO doctor or professional counsellor was recommended.

    No. They made no reference to professional help.

    nothing in the video, nor at the elders' school where this was first presented, even hinted at directing her to professional help.

    I suspected as much

  • Gentledawn

    No. They made no reference to professional help. Instead, they will follow up with her through shepperding calls. That way, when she goes through with it and kill herself, they will wash their hands saying: We went through the proper procedures and she sinned by killing herself! Thus shifting all reponsibility to her.

    Sad to say, but it seems like they are viewing this as an "emotional" issue, instead of a psychological one. There is a difference. People can't simply "get over" a medical issue, any more so than a person can be cured of cancer by giving them a hug. She could have borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive, all of the above, or a smattering of these with a few other things thrown into the mix, to boot (abuse as a child, ill-equiped to know how to work through problems, etc).

    Now all we need is a video demonstration of Jehovah actually (tangibly) answering a prayer.

    Ya know, something that doesn't involve a catastrophic event literally eating people alive, while leaving a sole surviving bible hanging from the tree branches in its wake (praise the lord for that save!). Or something equally stupid, such as Jehovah giving New York a mild summer so they could print the heavily edited & bastardized silver new world translation*. Meanwhile, hundreds of people die daily due to lack of basic human necessities, such as clean water, food, and childhood vaccinations. Let alone child brides, sex slave industry (slavery in general) still being alive and well.

    * John 8:1-12 says, "hey":

  • snakeface

    These are indeed pathetic to watch! Their Pharisee-like attitude is very obvious. You can clearly see that they are emotionally abusive, trying to drill into the publisher's head that he/she is sinful and filthy, and in need of their authority in order to be deemed worthy of God's forgiveness and salvation.

  • traveb

    That was extremely uncomfortable to watch. I suppose the best result from watching these videos was that it reinforced my decision to never attend a judicial committee if I'm ever called before one. Who needs to be jerked around emotionally like that?

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