No more doubts for me! Good-bye JWN! We have THE TRUTH!

by DATA-DOG 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lied2NoMore

    So let me get this straight...jewhovah confused the minds of those building the tower of babel so they couldn't communicate...

    Now jewhovah is powerless to reverse what he did back then but can help to make a print system that makes communication possible thru printing in many languages....

    So all the printing of publications by the MEPS system that have been disposed of due to predictions gone awry and doctrine flops has been used to publish...OLD LIGHT!

    I wonder how many trees have died to be used to publish "old light"


    Good morning!!

    OK, I'm back! LOL!! I was working on some projects around the house, and got busy. I just wondered what everyone would have to say about this subject. Since I am fading and not quite ready to just leave, I went to the meeting. I had the Bible reading, and didn't want to skip. The brochure about the Org is excruciating to listen to. It is very insulting to people's intelligence to say the least.

    So amongst all the other propoganda, the subject of M.E.P.S come up. One Sister comments on how we know we have the truth and the this is J's ORG because we invented M.E.P.S.... I think my brain actually flat-lined for a second or two. This Sister is sweet, don't get me wrong. The ignorance of the comment and the entire study in general was astounding. The "thinkingest" people on the planet...

    You guys are cracking me up. Oh yeah, the first thing that popped into my head was, " WTH?!?! What about that thing called the INTERNET?? Did the JWs invent that? The thing that makes JW.ORG possible?!?! The very thing they demonized until it suited their needs as a corporation!!" LOL!!

    So what about Gutenberg's printing press with movable type?? What about all the varied ways of preserving the printed page? Let's go back farther, what about papyrus used for writing? I guess Egypt was chosen by Jehovah as well? Ancient China had paper. Maybe China was used by Jehovah too?? We could go on and on, and on.. The whole thing is ridiculous!! Oh!! Then we had the secret letter about the ' Draw close to Jehovah' book. That was funny.

    The best part of the meeting was the attendance. I doubt there were 50 people present. We just had the C.O, and the house was packed every night. Then two weeks later, things go back to the way they really are. It's been said that many JWs have mentally checked out, and just go through the motions. I agree with this 100%. Many depressed ones, or border-line inactive ones fall into this category, IMO. There is nothing wrong with these people. They probably have some depression caused by the ORG. They are bored as hell at the meetings because every meeting is a repeat of the last, and there is no END in site. There is no "spiritual" refreshment, it may as well be a time-share meeting. I like that! The JW meetings are about getting your time-share in the future! What's worse than paying for a time-share that you can never use?!? Talk about depressing!

    Oh well, rant over... I skipped service again to work on my house, so I had better get busy. Thanks for all the comments. It's nice to know that I am not taking crazy pills, the meetings really are that dumb..


  • Pistoff

    Billy, Trimline, haha.

    That was a BIG deal with a few friends of mine.

    And I know one guy who avoided the pit when Trimline was dumped by 3M; he got hired on at 3M and made lots of dough.

    A real prick that one.

  • stillin

    DataDog, don't EVER, EVER do that again. Or else I will know that everybody on this forum is mentally sick and I will return to the Truth.


    Stillin!! Sorry buddie! You are not crazy for being here and neither am I! Just go to JWFacts when you think you might be wrong, that's what I do. The WTBTS are masters of emotional manipulation, and sometimes we think, " Oh man, am I wrong here?? Has Satan got me? Is the Big A coming tomorrow and will I get the axe?!?" That's when you have to look at the facts.

    I don't have all the answers, but I still believe in a creator. I also KNOW that the WTBTS lies. All you have to do is read their own literature to see that, as you already know. So from my perspective, WHY would GOD expect or require me to believe lies from anyone? Also, never forget that the teachings of the WTBTS do not even meet their own professed criteria for truth!

    You are not scripturally required to believe the ideas of men or look to them for salvation. So no matter what they say, or how pretty the pictures are at JW.ORG, they lie. There is no way that the top members of the ORG don't know what we know. I say that because these people are the ones who decided to hide all the old literature and revise their history. That is the height of dishonesty!! 2014 is going to be fun! Don't give up and don't go anywhere!


  • Oubliette

    Data-Dog, nice to get confirmation you haven't lost your mind!

    That being said, you sure created a lot of good discussion.


  • Apognophos

    Some people here really need this class:

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Well Apognophos, we thought slimboyfat was joking, but up until today he's gone back, at least never showed up again on JWN. There's no way of telling if someone is really using sarcasm or has just been mentally 'hit' by something that makes them go back!

    I think it's just very nice to see that people care about each other when someone says something unexpected, sarcastic or not.

    Oh and DD, glad you haven't lost your mind.

  • Apognophos

    It's true that slimboyfat's post was so abrupt that it left most of us wondering, but you have to know your posters. He had a years-long history of waffling and sitting on fences, and we knew that he was not out of the org. yet (mentally or physically) and had recently been outed. So it was a good possibility that he meant what he said.

    DATA-DOG has never waffled, that I've seen. Also, if you know what MEPS is or understand what hyperbolic language looks like, it's clear that he was being intentionally ridiculous. I thought his use of sarcasm was actually quite clear from his mention of the UN and pedo cases. I'm sorry for complaining about this, as it makes me look like a jerk, but after 5 pages of people saying "I hope you're kidding" I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I don't know, maybe it's a regional thing, I've heard some places don't use sarcasm.

  • braincleaned

    LOL! On my goodness! That is one funny post! The M.E.P.S being proof on the WTS being the true religion! Hahaha!

    Yes, I must add I got the sarcasm. We are talking about DATA DOG here! :D Well done!

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