No more doubts for me! Good-bye JWN! We have THE TRUTH!

by DATA-DOG 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I remember back in the old days before MEPS. We were sure we had the truth because WT had cornered the marked on Trim Line. Of course, there weren't any JWs that would be able to engineer automobiles in the "new world", but it was going to be a paradise fully pinstriped!

  • ohnightdivine


  • Listener

    "M.E.P.S. Only Jehovah could put his idea for M.E.P.S into a human mind. Just like the Tabernacle builders of old who received the Holy Spirit to invent never before seen "socket pedastles", the humble brothers were able to design M.E.P.S. No other organization on earth could have done this. This is 100% proof that JWs have the truth and are being used exclusively by Jehovah."

    From the sounds of it, this is what was being said at the meeting DD attended.

    The Insight book provides further detail regarding the building of the Tabernacle and states

    "Design Jehovah had spoken to Moses in the mountain, giving him the complete pattern for the tabernacle, commanding him: “See that you make all things after their pattern that was shown to you in the mountain.” It served in providing “a shadow of the heavenly things” and therefore had to be accurate to the least detail. (Heb 8:5) Jehovah inspired Bezalel and Oholiab, so that the work, which others including both men and women shared in, could be done perfectly, according to the instructions Moses gave. The result was: “According to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses, that was the way the sons of Israel did all the service.”

    To be noted from the article is that God spoke directly to Moses explaining the pattern required and Bezalel and Oholiab were inspired to carry out the work, so that it could be done perfectly.

    This would suggest that the JWs claim that God spoke directly to that MEPS designer who then instructed some chief workers to follow out those instruction with the help of inspiration from the holy spirit.

    If this is really so, it is no wonder DD wants to go back.

    The only flaw to this is that the tabernacle was perfect, the MEPS system isn't, so I'm sure DD will be returning.

    I couldn't find anything to confirm that the tabernacle builders were the first to invent these socket pedestales, even so, if they had been then it was from God's direct instruction and inspiration.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    My mother was harping on about MEPS as it was clearly a meeting part and she figured me being a techy would get all excited about it as if it was a sign of Gods backing the org, ....err, no.

    I knew it was pretty crap when I read about it years ago. I also know that success does not equal Gods backing, look at Tesco or Google or any other endeavour that has success and stop with the logical fallacies.

    If this for real DD is suckered back in over this then he hasnt really learned anything at all in his time here.

  • stillin

    Just like the WTS to be tooting their horn long after the "big event" is over.

    Like any well put together organization, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. No single person could accomplish what the group does. I'm shocked that DD fell for this.

  • prologos

    if the Data Dog* did a good job at sarcasm, he belongs here. but

    If this mindset of his,- that MEPS is the level of god's DIRECT involvement in the wtBtS inc. is a fact-, well,

    the jw camp needs more of such stellar thinkers.

    * after all, MEPS dealt with DATA, DOGon,

  • flipper

    Somehow I get the feeling Data Dog's just trying to start a satirical $hit stirring thread. Possibly boredom causes this. You think ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wasblind

    " So let me get this straight...Jehovah God put the idea of translating software systems into the minds of men

    who worked for the Watchtower Society so they could preach lies in even more languages throughout the inhabited earth "____whathappened



    Special Message to DATA DOG,

    I hope your return to this cult is a sarcastic joke

    but if it ain't, here's somethin' for you to consider, and if not you, maybe it can help someone else

    The info below is from The " Proclaimers of God's Kingdom Book "



    Chapter 25

    Preaching Publicly

    And From

    House To House ( Main Heading ) _____Proclaimers Book page 556



    Reaching Many When Numbers Were Few ( Sub Heading )

    " Then in the 1920's, another instrument became available to give wide publicity to the kingdom message. Brother Rutherford felt strongly that the hand of the Lord was manifest in its developement. What was it ? Radio. Here was an instrument that could reach millions of people simultaneously. "______Proclaimers Book page 562



    In 1957, the Society decided to " smack the hand of the Lord " and discontinue their radio broadcast that reach millions in such a short time.



    " Although radio and television have been used to spread the Kingdom message, Jehovah's Witnesses recognized that the personal contact made possible by house-to-house calls is far more effective."____Proclaimers Book page 572..



    Trust. goin' door to door is not the way to get an URGENT message out

    ask the folks who survived Hurricane Katrina



    One could also make the same divine claim about the invention of the internet

    and how the WTS tried to demonize it to prevent the use of such

    so they could continue to mislead the masses through the translation of thier literature..



    Just like the Radio and TV they tried to cut ties from the mass comunication the internet provided

    because they knew that they couldn't control what might be found in the process



    They can , however, control the information through thier literature translated by the WTS.



    If anything, it's the INTERNET that the WTS tried to demonize that seems to be of divine intervention
    because the WTS couldn't shut it down or control the flow of information



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I suppose if MEPS is a big deal, they should all convert to the Church of Google Translate!

  • DesirousOfChange

    DOC: DD, you've got a good point there. If MEPS isn't a sure sign of the HS spirit in operation, what is it? How else could the HS manage to get all the wrong & failed prophecies translated and printed in 400 dialects without divine help?

    WHATHAPPENED: So let me get this straight...Jehovah God put the idea of a translating software system into the minds of the men who worked for The Watchtower Society so they could preach lies in even more languages throughout the inhabited earth? Why would he do that?

    MR FREEZE: Really? Sounds like sarcasm.

    I suppose I should have made that clear.

    I'm not aware of DATA's position in the Org.......IN OUT DF FADER ETC, but I can see the purpose of this kind of post being to "prove" that one has abandoned their apostate ideas if they've just been "caught" or turned-in, or even if a person learned that their posts were being monitored for use as evidence against them. We call it a "smokescreen".


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