The Governing Body Have Stabbed Many Old Bethelites In The Back By Not Taking Care Of Them In Their Old Age

by frankiespeakin 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Ding

    Those Bethelites were never supposed to grow old in this system of things.

    Oh, sorry... old light...

  • Syme

    BluePill2: Thank you for your kind words! From your own posts I see you have a lot of experience. I'm looking forward to reading more from you and learn.

    I would be grateful if you shared your view about a topic that concerns me, posted here:

  • LongHairGal


    You mention, correctly, that they "make the congregation they are assigned to carry some of the load". By that, I assume you mean they expect working people in the congregations to give money to these people.....working people like myself who were criticized for working, I might add. Well, I have bad news for them.

    I remember listening to cruel remarks about "materialism" and not being invited to special gatherings and generally being viewed as less than exemplary because I work full-time. I also remember many a talk urging people not to get an education and to pursue pioneering. The sickest irony is that if I were in need, I would be the last one to be helped. Why? Because they only help pioneers. Anybody else can go fly a kite. Maybe, somebody will give them leftovers in a plastic container.

    .....Well, now I don't want to hear any hard-luck stories. I am sure the religion is in full-on desperation mode and is targeting anybody still hanging onto their job. The appeals for money must be endless. Now, it is my turn to run from them.

    I wish these bethelites the very best of Good Luck, but the only one who really owes them anything is the religion!

  • Gayle

    Unfortunately, everyone knows, that you shouldn't give money to anyone with an addiction. They will use the money to support their addiction. (Those who have a cultism addiction, will only see any money as a blessing from their god/cult). Unless, an individual goes through a hard time, faces their miserable life, can they realize they have to change their life. Are they at a point of no return? How do cultists not come to some personal reality as the many decades pass? They had to be 'ignoring' a lot of 'stuff.'

    When they are offered the facts/truth (medicine) about the organization, they reject and they'll hurt you. We can't help them much, when they reject offers.

    Fortunately, some are seeing their miserable, empty life. Until, they face that, there isn't much you can do. As we as parents, show our children the misery of addictions, get the info out, to inform 'before,' to learn prevention in the first place. Fortunately. more are learning about the WTS, their "using" ways toward their people.

    Many former JWs are very active providing an "inocculation" prevention from JWism.

  • steve2

    Nearness of the end justifies many religious practices - and has for literally 2,000 years. Look at Paul's words to the early believers about living as if they had no wives or families. It is an atrociously ignorant, doom- driven mentality. That JWs have softened the edges of its advertise, advertise, advertise drive is acknowledged. However, the clock of finite life relentlessly ticks: Sooner or later people become exhausted, bored, or die slaving away for a religion where tomorrow never comes.

  • frankiespeakin

    The sad treatment of these people that have devoted their lives to the cause(WT Corporation), reminds me of the movie Les Miserables

  • AlphaMan

    The Watchtower operates like a heartless business corporation. Layoffs in order to increase profits. In this cult as soon as you are a libility you are kicked to the curb.

  • Scott77


  • BizzyBee

    Reminds me of my uncle and his wife. They were a handsome couple in the 1940's - both robust, good-looking, full of life. Unfortunately, they took seriously the admonition to not pro-create. They became District Servants. I suppose they had a satisfying life, as far as it went. He crashed his car one morning on the way to field service and died a few days later. I believe she is still alive. Would be in her late 80's. Sadly, the WTS dictated their lives.

  • JakeM2012

    I spoke with an ex bethelite that went to Brooklyn in the 1960's at 18-19 years old and they let him out when he was 60 years old. He is struggling to make a living. He said, "I'm not trying to be rebellious, but I believe that a formal education is a good thing".

    He indicated that he is in accounting and is not a CPA. Every Potential customer that comes in asks, "where did you go to college"? I don't know what his response to that is but I'll bet he is not telling them that he has read the Awake magazine for years and that is equal to a college education!

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