The Governing Body Have Stabbed Many Old Bethelites In The Back By Not Taking Care Of Them In Their Old Age

by frankiespeakin 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    The YouTube was done well. I could only listen and watch for 3 1/2 minutes.

    I was alert and listening as a little kid in the 1950's and as a teenager in the 1960's. All of this hit's too close to home for me. It is painful to consider it.

    I read those magazines. I believed the WT literature and what I was told from the platform. I paid for and placed those very magazines out in service.

    Bro Knorr's voice in real life was very dull, flat and boring. (I wouldn't want to be the School Overseer way back when, that would even consider giving Nathan anything except a 'G' for good. Woe for any Brother that would even think of giving Bro Knorr a 'W' to work on).

    It breaks my heart when I think of the admonition to stay single, and many did, despite wanting a loving friend and companion to spend their life with.

    It breaks my heart more, for the Sister's who wanted children, but were told by WT, that to be lover's of God, they must put the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society first, and telling them that in the elusive 'Paradise' there would be time then to fulfill their selfish desires.


  • Heartofaboy


  • Syme

    Old-timers were a problem in Stalinist USSR. Old-timers were a problem in Oceania (of 1984).

    When someone takes control of a regime, it is essential that they purge the high-top old-timers, and replace it with their own creatures.

    Old-timers are useless in the best case, and a danger in the worst, for every totalitarian regime.

    Old-timers have seen their lives passing away and the End not having come. Old-timers have seen huge amounts of changed doctrine being presented before their eyes. Ask an old-timer how he feels about the New^n explanation of the Generation. Ask how he sees the changing of the preaching practices, from something personal and emotional, in his time, to a calculated, using-a-tablet, business-like advertisment of "" today.

    Old-timers are a living history which cannot be re-written or wiped out. Old-timers, in short, are a liability.

  • BluePill2

    Syme: Fantastic and profound essay on this topic. With few words you have exactly hit the nail. Way to go Bro!!!!

    Actually the most apostate thinkers that I've meet during Bethel time where mostly old-timers. People that have the guts to question the higher ups (because they started off at the same time and don't see them with the same eyes as a 20 year old that just arrived from the country side and has not the courage to muster up to an "old wise brother". They are semi-gods to the young generation).

    The old-timers are the ones that look at them at eye-level and make the uncomfortable questions...

  • wannaexit

    Watchtower never though long term for its people. The end was always a round the corner. The only long term plans they are obsessed about is their real estate.

  • designs


  • DS211

    You forget...the oldies remember ALL the changes that have halpened they are a liability..newbs wont know and are less likely to point out inconsistencies...

  • KateWild

    I have friends in Bethel, it is so disgraceful. I am waiting for the day this happens to them and they wake up hopefully. It's awful. Kate xx

  • OnTheWayOut

    When I was actually "on the way out" and was still an elder reading this forum, it was the subject of Bethel layoffs- kicking their most loyal supporters to the curb- that made me join the forum and post a comment.

    I am disgusted with an organization that will take it's longtime dedicated servants out the door.

  • eyeuse2badub


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