by WatchTower87 293 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hoser

    They mentioned only english language congregations were invited. No foreign language congragations. I guess that must include french speaking congregations even though that is not a foreign language up here.

    Sorry to you non-english speakers you're not really that important to us.


    your governing body

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Don't the Mormons make a big deal of their AGM as well? I'm pretty sure the WTS wants as many people to attend as possible because they're viewing this as a fund raiser. I do think it's strange they aren't translating the meeting into other languages especially Spanish and French.

  • TheOldHippie

    "third millennium B.C.E" translated issue said 3000 BC - so I guess it must be a mistranslation.

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    It's going to something like the end is very near so instead of going door knocking lets hand out big volumes of literature on one spot

  • prologos

    unofficial RUMinatiOnRS: fast track conversions like the 6 month "bible" study program prior to 1975.

    Like the Ethiopean eunuch, baptism on the run.

    concentrate on developing nations (ethiopea)= future contributors. because:

    The end, including the END* of Armageddon is now nearly 40 years NEARER.

    *The End of the Governing Body as we know it, as predicted they will have been uplifted.

  • NotBlind

    In the US, all congregations are invited, not just English speaking ones. However, the publishers that attend must be able to read and write English To qualify. That means the faithful Witness that refused a blood transfusion and as a result had to have both arms amputated is barred from attending since he cannot write.

  • daniel-p

    I hear its a new bible in the style of R Crumb:

  • hoser

    or the guy in that car accident that is now in a wheelchair.

  • SyntaxError1974

    The "read and write English" requirement I think may be linked to the new ENGLISH bible rumors.

  • Pistoff

    Man I would love that R Crumb bible

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