Rumors that they spread about you. When you left.

by jerome 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • jerome

    For some time now I have been reading numerous indivisual life stories relating to their experience with the jws and one obscure ( or at least not directly elabourated upon) detail keeps popping up.

    It would appear that whenever a person leaves the organisation by DA/DF/IA that people take it upon themselves to start spreading "nasty rumours" about the person in question.

    It always seems that so much of these said rumours that were frabicated and then propagated throught the local jw community that the poaster almost never seems to have time to goint any detail about what exactaly was said about them in detail.

    I would like to invite the posters here on the board to shed some light on their experience regarding their reputation after leaving the KH.

    It would appear that once disfelloshipped that the jw community must make it abundantly clear that the person is of absolutely deplorable character inorder to justify their inhumane treatment of the DF'ed indivisual. Saying that there is no honourable way to leave the oragnisation this seems to be rather common place.

    I am also informed that even if the DF'ed person were permitted to return that their reputation within the jw community would never be the same due to the tarnishing of their name and the stigma attached to being DF'ed.

    I may not be entirely too shure about this one but it would seem that if while still in good standing should the indvisual to become "publicly reproved" or "marked" that this would also be an invitation for the local jw community to begin the same process of defaming the character of the person in question.

    Would anyone care to discuss your personall experience relating to any private information which became public knowledge after you left the jw community or any half truths that were deileberately propagated to tarnish your name in the vacinity of the KH. And even worse yet blant lies that were imagined and promoted about you inorder to permanatently damage your character.

    I would also be interested in who exactly you think were responsible for the iniation of these rumours.

    Was it the elders? Close friend, or even relative?

    What exactly was said?

    Did they tell your wife that you were having an affair?
    Did they make allegations regarding sexual promescuity.(sp?)
    Or where any other defamatority statements along those lines?

    Thanks for any cooperation.


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • cornish

    It seems to me that in order to justify the cruel policy of shunning psychologically and feel better about carrying it about that by painting the victim in the worst possible light they can feel justified.

  • larc


    I think you have gone from someone who is curious about the religion to a Peeping Tom, someone who wants to garner pleasure from other people's misery. Jerome, finish high school, go to college or get a trade and leave us alone.

  • VioletAnai

    They said I was sleeping with my brother-in-law that's why I was getting drunk with him all the time!

    Then that 'blonde bitch perfect witness' spread a rumour that I was in love with this loaded ministrial servant and that I only liked him for his car and money! Coulda bitch slapped the skank...

    Now I know that's nothing compared to some of your experiences.

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • VioletAnai

    I don't think Jerome is wallowing in peoples painful experiences, he's just curious as to what goes on and collating experiences so he can analyse.....

    What's wrong with that? Don't be so mean!

  • Gopher

    I have no idea what rumors were spread about me after getting Disfellowshipped, and I don't care.

    I'm not going back to that bunch of people, anyhow!! They can have their little gabfest. Once they're through gossipping about me (the flavor of the month), I'm sure they'll move on to someone else.

    If they really were a "loving brotherhood" as they claim, then all this backstabbing wouldn't happen.

    Well, I'm outta there, so it isn't my concern.....

    -J.R., member, UADNA-MN
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Minnesota division)

    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Introspection

    I'm with you Goph, there has been times where I know there is gossip of a positive kind (not in the WTS) but I don't bother finding out what it is, even when someone tells me point blank people are talking about me. I figure if they really want to know what I think, they can talk to me.

  • larc


    An 18 year old boy who comes here to talk about his Witness girl friend who won't change her stance on life and goes on about his research on many fronts and wants to know about our private lives is someone who does not add up as far as his legitimacy. So, am I harsh? Yes and No. I am tired of his intrusion into our lives with no reasonable explaination as to why he is still hanging out here.

    Sorry Jerome, but you just rub me the wrong way. We have had serious issues to deal with, and you are 18 year old kid coming into our world and you just don't add up. I am sorry if I am wrong about you Jerome, and I wish you the best, but you do get on my nerves.

  • jerome

    Wuldent it be best to take this to provate e-mail.

    I think that you misunderstand where I am coming from.

    Mabe if I gave you an update on my situation you would better understand.

    p.s. !9 not 18

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • D8TA

    My younger sister who still talked to me, even after my DF. One week after I was DF'd, (for apostasty...simply said I didn't believe in the WTBTS point of view), my sister came home crying and told me that a vicious rumor had made it through the hall about me. I was 16 when I was DF'd. The Rumor: That I had met some 25 yr. old "worldly" man, and I was DF'd on "fornication" for having homosexual relations with him.

    I'm straight folks. I don't have any "fem" qualities.

    When my "worldly" dad got wind of this...oh man! He called up the head elder (forget what they call him in the hall--Presiding Overseer?) and said if He and the JC elders did not clear up this matter and set things straight, he would take civil action against each one of them personally. Whether the law was on his or my side or not, it set a fire under their asses. They cleared up the situation by the following week. The rumor was dead.

    In order to appease my dad's anger, the elders had actually "ADMITTED" that the rumor had spurred from one of the JC elders wives...who happened to be the hall's "look-at-me-sister-pioneer". a weird event, she actually VERBALLLY apologized in PERSON (while I WAS DF'd) to me.


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