What did God accomplish with the flood?

by jam 79 Replies latest social humour

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Hi King Solomon I don't know why you get so worked up the book is Jared chapter 4 and I have given already the quotation .Also please explain Gnesis 6:12 "all flesh had ruined it's way on the earth" ? How can animals do that ? Why is it so hard to fathom genetic engineering ? We do it today .Why do you think demons were incapable of doing so ? Also why the name calling ?If you have somrtihng contructive to offer or to counter argue let's hear it

  • ProdigalSon

    A blood sacrifice 20 million strong.

    Demons love that shit.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Hi Entirely Pssible , Genesis 6:12 says"all flesh had ruined it's way on the earth"

    That doesn't mention nuclear bombs or genetics.

    genetic manipulation would seem to be the only way

    That's your layering on, there is no actual mention of those things.

    which him and his demons did on a grand scale

    No mention of that in the verses you cite.

    .Eitherwise how are we to interpent the verse genesis 6:12

    Why interpret them at all?

    The book of Jared says chapter 4 ,"they(demons) mixed species one with another in order to provoke the Lord"

    Like when horses and donkeys mate in nature today? Or dogs and wolves?

  • EntirelyPossible

    Why is it so hard to fathom genetic engineering

    Because it's not mentioned in the bible or any other book. You are adding in that interpretation.

    We do it today .Why do you think demons were incapable of doing so ?

    Yes, we can. Do the demons you think do this have demon labs? Where are those labs? Did they publish any papers? Do we have any physical evidence of this global event? Was there a demon university they went to so they could learn this stuff?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Entirely possible,will you consider genetic manipulation as a possibility ?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    In the same line of thought the deluge is a hypothesis since we have not found Noah's ark ,also your existence is hypothetical because I can't see you in person all I see is some text genrated in fornt of my screen

  • EntirelyPossible

    Entirely possible,will you consider genetic manipulation as a possibility ?

    When there is proof, sure.

    In the same line of thought the deluge is a hypothesis since we have not found Noah's ark ,also your existence is hypothetical because I can't see you in person all I see is some text genrated in fornt of my screen

    That's not why Noah's Ark and the flood story is a myth.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Nothing. He accomplished nothing. Because it didn't happen. OR perhaps he just forgot to provide us with physical proof?

    Just makes him look like the OT asshole he is.

  • glenster

    More serious theology


    I like the OT God. I think He's the most fun.

  • Heaven

    Um, I has a question. Is gopherwood impervious to termites, Carpenter ants, wood boring beetles, Carpenter bees, Woodpeckers, beavers, etc?

    I had a horse that used to eat his stall. Just wondering how this boat would have survived with all these critters aboard munching out on it.

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