What did God accomplish with the flood?

by jam 79 Replies latest social humour

  • Elephant

    "Smmcroberts, I'm quite inclined to accept that he DOES believe that, but it's no sweat off MY nose if he chooses to believe in silly old myths that collapse under even the slightest breeze of a challenge from logic....

    Elephant says stuff like this, as if it's compelling or deep (zen like?):

    "God is God"

    That indicates someone who relies on fallacious logic (circular reasoning, AKA begging the question, etc) routinely, without even so much as a bit of hesitation; thus it's going to take more than 6 months to get it together.

    Start now, Elephant, as a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

    ..tsk, tsk, solomon...you fail to comprehend that in your acusation against my circular reasoning, you've done exactly the same...how many responses have you wasted already NOT answering (or even beginning to answer) my simple question?

    ..."God is God'...your interpretation of my statement is AGAIN...overanalized...it was MEANT to be simple, not deep neither zenlike...

    ...alas...you are the sad intelectual forever drowning in the proverbial 'glass of water'...

    ...yes solomon...your mind was a terrible thing waste....

  • EntirelyPossible

    Elephant, the sad fact is that you don't know what you don't know. Others are trying to point you in the right direction and encourage you to get out of the ignorance, but you are simply using things like circular reasoning (which, BTW, it seems that you don't actually know what that means because you accuse KS of using it when he wasn't) and your own ignorance to prove (in your mind) that your ignorance is not ignorance at all, but rather something to aspire to.

    It's sad. So, as a protip for you, NOT answering a question (which you say KS did) is NOT circular reasoning.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    OK, but quit hijacking the thread, Elephant, as the topic is not about YOU, but "what God accomplished in the Flood". You offered your opinion ("God can do whatever the hell he wants") so we get it. Fine. Thanks.

    If you want, feel free to start a new thread about Elephant's questions, and I'll try to answer there... My concern is procedural, to avoid this thread veering wildly off-course.

  • jam

    Serein; Question Gen.20;21 I will never again curse the ground

    and neither will I ever destroy every living creature as I have done.

    Is this a apology from GOD? To me it,s a realization he made a mistake.

    Personally I do not believe in the flood story, but for the sake of this

    the discussion we new some common ground (Bible). Now it,s funny

    you don,t need any source to disprove the Bible, the Bible does it,


  • mamochan13

    Thanks for starting this thread, Jam. I actually learned something I did not know before, which surprises me because I always did a lot of reading and research when I was a dub. Numbers 13:33 is quite an eye-opener. If descendents of the Nephilim were still on earth after the flood, where did their lineage come from? Anak/Enak was not a descendant of Noah, was he? Does that not prove either that the flood is a myth or that it was localized? Or as KS says, the angels continued to procreate with humans after the flood, which negates the point of the flood.

    I'm still only halfway through the Atheist book of bible stories, but clearly that should be an addition if it isn't already there!

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Mamochan, even the flood account itself mentions nephilim existed after the Flood, in Genesis 6:4.

    So JWs should scratch the "nephelim" justification off the list. Besides, the Bible itself offers Gods reason for the Flood: he regretted making mankind. He says that, in his own words in Gen 9.

    Funny how such inconsistencies are overlooked, tho, when we're not looking critically for them, and accepting it all uncritically.

    This site isn't said to contain TTATT (and the Bible) for no good reason, lol!

  • Ucantnome

    I suppose he made it possible for me to be here

  • glenster

    Since the posts have gone more toward people giving their interpretions than
    jokes, and some seem meant to to provoke with the Innocence of Believers trail-
    ers, something more moderate for balance:

    It's faith-related allegory. A non-believer choice is itself fair game since
    it's a faith matter, but there isn't much ability to persuade it's needed over
    literal people dying due to something that even a lot of believers know didn't
    literally happen.

    Common human selfishness can have people do things even when they know it's
    wrong. In the story, not only is common human selfishness appropriately named,
    but most all the ones in the story have made the world a Scorsese movie.

    Noah tried for a long time to reach them for a change of heart to no avail.
    God may give life, but it's a gift He doesn't have to give. He owns it all so
    has the prerogative do what he wants with it with impunity, could see how crim-
    inals would fill the world if allowed to grow unchecked, and got rid of them.
    (I could have used Him in some of the neighborhoods with a lot of crime I lived
    in before.)

    One imaginable moral for life with God or just life: be more respectful to the
    gift of life you're given. To keep the world largely disgusting but not impossi-
    ble, keep common human selfishness in check.

  • jam

    Mamochan: I ask a sister about that (Nephilim) at my door.

    She couldn,t answer my question, ( I knew she didn,t know

    the answer) so she told me she will come back with a answer.

    So after reading what the WT have to say she came back.

    That was a entirely different group of people after the flood.

    So I told her, so these people decided to take the same name

    of people that God codemned. They deciced to take the name

    of falling angels offspring. Makes a lot of sense.

  • james_woods
    Mamochan, even the flood account itself mentions nephilim existed after the Flood, in Genesis 6:4.

    Well, OK. But the flood DID effectively get rid of the Dinosaurs.

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