Are religionists and atheists on the same team?

by Fernando 191 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    So flyingHigh...I take it you haven't considered that to be a possibility?

    I hadn't either until fairly recently. If you won't or don't want to consider it, does that make belief more true?

    Maybe religionists and believers really are the ones on the same team...bummer...I wanted to wear the uniform...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I've read a few of those books many have you read that disagree with what you believe. How many have you read that claim there is no god?

  • NewChapter

    It's a faulty question---are we on the same team. The implication is that atheists lead people away from god. That is impossible. Therefore the question is invalid.

    How many people have you led away from god?

    When did you quit beating your wife.

    One presumes there is a god. And one presumes you used to beat your wife.

    If a religionist pulls a person away from worshipping some god, it is likely an emotional decision---hurt feelings, anger, whatever. As I've said, it is impossible to lie about any god. These feelings MAY lead one to think critically and question the existence of a god, but that initial reaction is emotional.

    Atheists don't invoke the emotions. They appeal to reason, and if the person concludes there is no god, then they are not leaving any god.


  • Fernando

    Hey Tammy and others!

    I have to agree the word "militant" makes a difference.

    Psychiatrist Morgan Scott Peck defined evil (observed in his patients) as "militant ignorance" and characterised it as "malignant self-righteousness".

    It would seem then that the "lost" (or not yet saved) in scripture are rather different from the "wicked" or "evil" (or the seemingly never will be saved).

  • NewChapter

    Some scientists believe in God---the majority don't. But it does not matter. I don't believe or not believe in a god because of a scientist's beliefs, but because of the evidence they can and cannot offer. I make my decison based on that, not the scientist's worldview.


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