Are religionists and atheists on the same team?

by Fernando 191 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    I disagree with that...that may have allerted people to the possibilty that religion is rubbish. But it does not mean we buy into the lies.

    Many of the debates that I get into with people have to do with the bible or doctrines... as if those are the truth... rather than my faith. Then if my faith is not in line with those things - bible or doctrines; anything that mainstream christianity teaches to be truth... then I can be told that I am the one who is wrong, and not 'christian'.

    Even though those same people believe that the religion is wrong. I understand, but at the same time, it boggles the mind at times :)



  • Knowsnothing
    Militant religionism is pretty quickly purged here - but militant atheism has not been.

    Hmm... I wonder why....

  • N.drew
    I'm actually going to have to go with 'religionists' doing the damage, as opposed to militant atheists.... an atheist can't really lie about God other than to say there is no God.

    I think that teaching there is no Spirit of God is powerful for driving inexperienced ones away from God.

    Someone posted that a prayer and an atheist's wish has the same power, like a wish has power. So it seems the poster believes in spirit, but has been convinced that there is no God who IS Spirit.

  • tec

    I think that teaching there is no Spirit of God is powerful for driving inexperienced ones away from God.

    Yes, I see your point.



  • xchange

    I think that teaching there is no Spirit of God is powerful for driving inexperienced ones away from God.'s usually an experienced individual (Christian for many years) that turns away from a belief in god/gods.

  • N.drew
    .it's usually an experienced individual (Christian for many years) that turns away from a belief in god/gods.

    How do you know this?

  • AllTimeJeff

    I think that the spiritual journey doesnt end with atheism.

    I view atheism as a stop on the way to a better understanding of self. When that happens, people tend to be better able to define "god" for themselves better.

    Because atheism starts with a more accurate premise, I think it is a better place to start with (not seeing god) as opposed to organized religion (assuming the existence of god)

    Who here has seen god?

    How many assume the god that they were taught to believe in is the true god?

    I don't think that atheists and theists are on the same team, simply because one place starts at a more honest point than the other.

  • NewChapter

    People who lose or leave their belief in God are often doing so in response to those lies

    I know that many believers hold this view, but at least for me and those I know, this is not the case. The confusion probably arises when we criticize the damage that religion has done based on the understanding believers have about their god. But this is not why I shed my belief. There is no evidence for a god, any god, or gods, and that is what I base my nonbelief on. I was not put off by 'lies' about god, because there really is no such thing since I believe that god is a creation, therefore how does one lie? The author gets to define the character, period.

    God is not real to me, but he is real to the majority, therefore it is a good thing for Atheists to understand what kind of god the people around them believe in. We must operate in a world that perceives god as real, because it influences how the people around us act. So we DO acknowledge the perception, and perception is more important than reality. It really doesn't matter if I know the god of a person does not exist, if HE believes it exists, and is preparing to fly a plane into a building, or to shoot the abortion doctor around the corner.

    That is why discussions lead to us analyzing and criticizing these gods and the inconsistencies with what a believer is saying. We are addressing their perception, not ours, because we must.

    Kind of like a child that worries about a monster in the closet. A parent knows it's not there, but if we can't convince the child, then the next step is to say something convincing about that perception----like this kind of monster doesn't eat children but scares other monsters away.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    based on the OP.....I propose that atheists and christians are on the same team...most here disagree with and try to disprove religion....LOL

    And I propose we think about wearing this uniform....its faith Jim...but not as we know it.

  • N.drew
    God is not real to me, but he is real to the majority, therefore it is a good thing for Atheists to understand what kind of god the people around them believe in.

    I looked it up because I wondered if it's true that God is real to the majority. I thought of Russia first because under Communism atheism was taught. I thought of all the Budhists too. I found a chart. I don't know computers so here's the link.

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