by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Hello, just dropped in to check if this was still on topic.

    Somehow, I didn't think it would be - six pages is a lot of space on Santorum dropping out.

  • NewChapter

    Doesn't matter. Republicans have shown what they will do with their power when they get it, and Romney is 20 behind with the women's vote. The party has been poisoned, and failed to keep itself healthy. All of those fiscal conservatives that went to congress showed us that their real priorities were Planned Parenthood, abortion, gay marriage and the like. Romney has voiced support for personhood amendments that could outlaw many forms of birth control.

    Conservatives will have fun with this, and that's okay. If things had been switched, I would have fun with it too. But other things speak louder. The Republicans are desparately trying to neutralize the damage they have done by attacking women. Naturally they are tempted by the "I know you are, but what am I" strategy. It won't work. In spite of what the RNC moron says, we aren't that stupid.


  • botchtowersociety


    Here's how it played out on Twitter:

    by Alexandra Jaffe 8 hours ago ยท 3194 views

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    Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney Conflict Plays Out on Twitter


    After commenting on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 that Ann Romney wasn't suited to advise her husband on women's economic issues because Ann "has never actually worked a day in her life," a back-and-forth between Rosen and Romney, and the Obama and Romney campaigns, ensued over Twitter.

    1. After her appearance on CNN, Rosen received a flood of angry tweets and emails (a fact which she disclosed in a blog post on the Huffington Post, below), so she tweeted out a clarification:
    2. Share
      I've nothing against @AnnRomney. I just don't want Mitt using her as an expert on women struggling $ to support their family. She isn't. Hilary Rosen 13 hours ago Reply Retweet
    3. A few minutes later, Ann Romney joined twitter. Her only tweet as of early Thursday was an implied response to Rosen's comments, though Romney didn't mention her by name.
    4. Share
      I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work. Ann Romney 13 hours ago Reply Retweet
    5. Rosen's explanatory blog post on the Huffington Post says she "ha[s] nothing against Ann Romney" but "nothing in Ann Romney's history as we have heard it -- hardworking mom she may have been -- leads me to believe that Mitt has chosen the right expert to get feedback on this problem he professes to be so concerned about."
    6. Share
      Ann Romney and Working Moms My Twitter feed was on fire after an appearance last night on CNN's AC360, where I said that I thought it was wrong for Mitt Romney t... Huffingtonpost
    7. Rosen later took to Twitter to respond to Romney:
    8. Share
      @AnnDRomney I am raising children too. But most young American women HAVE to BOTH earn a living AND raise children. You know that don't u? Hilary Rosen 12 hours ago Reply Retweet
    9. Share
      @AnnDRomney Please know, I admire you. But your husband shouldn't say you are his expert on women and the economy. #HeNeedsMore Hilary Rosen 12 hours ago Reply Retweet
    10. Share
      oh and @AnnDRomney welcome to Twitter. You will find it a very exhilarating and often unforgiving place! Hilary Rosen 12 hours ago Reply Retweet
    11. But the damage had already been done. Top Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom hopped on Twitter shortly after Rosen's CNN appearance to tie her, and in turn, her comments, to President Obama. Women's issues -- and who is better suited to address them -- have come under intense focus on the campaign trail, as both Obama and Romney battle to win over female voters.
    12. Share
      Obama adviser Hilary Rosen goes on #CNN to debut their new "kill Ann" strategy, and in the process insults hard-working moms. Eric Fehrnstrom 13 hours ago Reply Retweet
    13. Share
      Video of Obama adviser Hilary Rosen saying Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life"youtu.be/0vrE7DG1OWc Eric Fehrnstrom 13 hours ago Reply Retweet
      1. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus added his voice to Fehrnstrom's:
      2. Share
        Absolutely disgraceful, Dem strategist Hillary Rosen on CNN says women who run a household don't deal with economic issues Reince Priebus 14 hours ago Reply Retweet
      3. To try to quell the potential fallout from Rosen's comments, two of Obama's top campaign advisers sent out tweets disavowing themselves of her claim and calling for her to apologize.
      4. Share
        I could not disagree with Hilary Rosen any more strongly. Her comments were wrong and family should be off limits. She should apologize. Jim Messina 12 hours ago Reply Retweet
      5. Share
        Also Disappointed in Hilary Rosen's comments about Ann Romney. They were inappropriate and offensive. David Axelrod 12 hours ago Reply Retweet
      6. As of early Thursday, one of Ann's son's, Josh Romney, had capped off the Twitter conflict with this tweet in support of his mom. But the entire string of tweets -- and their fallout -- will still be there in the morning.
      7. Share
        @AnnDRomney is one of the smartest, hardest working woman I know. Could have done anything with her life, chose to raise me Josh Romney 12 hours ago Reply Retweet
    14. botchtowersociety
    15. botchtowersociety


      "You know essentially, you've taken on sort of the most sympathetic person in the candidate's realm, the wife, who is taking care of the children, supporting the husband, doing everything she can because she loves him," Rosen said on Anderson Cooper 360 according to a CNN transcript from May 19, 2008.

      "Michelle Obama is a pretty terrific woman I have to say, and I think that attacking her is a dumb strategy on the Republican's part," Rosen added.

    16. james_woods

      Maybe we need yet another thread on Romney?

      I even saw about a page here on Treyvon Martin...

      The topic control on this subject has been pathetic.

      I know what - let me add this to the dog's breakfast this has become: John Anderson went on trial today for campaign violations.

      How about that for OFF TOPIC?

    17. botchtowersociety
    18. Sic Semper Tyrannis
      Sic Semper Tyrannis

      Just think, this has only begun. This place is going to look like a pie fight come November.

    19. Glander

      Back on topic.

      Rick Santorum has never had an affair with Ann Romney.

      Santorum believes Ms Rosen should not use contraceptives.

      Santorum is not really gone, he is in his condominimum.

    20. NewChapter


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