Please! I need a plausible excuse for getting out of going to the memorial!

by Inisc 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    You got bit by a squirrel?

    Actually I did get bit by a squirrel, just a few hours before the memorial. After making calls to the health department and doctors and so forth---thinking about rabies and the many infections that I could have contracted---I STILL went to the memorial. Oh well---take my idea and bin it.


  • fahrvegnugen

    If you are old enough to have a wife then you need to man up and just NOT go. You don't need to offer anyone an excuse. Tell your mom the same thing I told mine: "I appreciate your concern but I'm an adult and can take care of myself now." Say it calmly and lovingly, but with firm conviction. Problem solved.

  • JRK

    Tell them you caught a nasty STD.


  • NewChapter

    Hey is it true that they now ask people about STD's before they baptize them? An elder told me they do now. I hate when I catch STD's from public pools.

  • Conan The Barbarian
    Conan The Barbarian

    Develop chest pains and go to the emergency room. By the time they will see you, the meeting will be over. You can miraculously get better and go home.

  • Heaven

    Come down suddenly with a case of explosive diarrhea.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Hey is it true that they now ask people about STD's before they baptize them? An elder told me they do now. I hate when I catch STD's from public pools.

    Please tell me that is satire

  • aquagirl

    Car trouble at the last minute?Your battery is dead,AAA wont be able to be there for 45 minutes.Leave the lights on for a bit so your battery really is dead.Extreme,true,but hey,you do what ya have to do..You can even play it out.Get all dressed up,go out to the car,and play the drama..Its a win/win sitiation!

  • Chariklo

    Just don't go!

  • 00DAD

    How about, "It's really quite simple, I don't believe what they teach there at the Kingdom Hall is the truth."

    That or WH's quip from the movie, "I Robot" with Will Smith

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