Please! I need a plausible excuse for getting out of going to the memorial!

by Inisc 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    How about, "I'm an adult now and -- with all due respect -- that means I'm no longer answerable to you for where I go or don't go..."

  • clearpoison

    With your parents you never ain't adult


  • AnneB

    "I don't want to" sounds plausible to me. Let the chips fall where they may.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    you're allergic to bullshit

  • ohiocowboy

    Hi Inisc,

    Are your Parents on you all of the time about the meetings? Or, do they just want you to go to the Memorial? If they don't put up a big fuss the rest of the year, maybe you can consider going to the Memorial just to keep peace with them. Had my Parents not disowned me, I probably would have devoted one time a year to go with them to the Memorial, which is their most special day of the year. I would especially consider it if they were Elderly. I would just smile and grit my teeth for the hour or so, and then head straight to the Bar afterwords-lol

    It's just a thought....

    Best wishes to you on whatever you decide!!!

  • Inisc

    Hi ohiohcowboy,

    You make a good point, they guilt me into going to all assemblies, convention and memorial but not meetings in general.

    So maybe I should just suck it up, it's just such a pain in the ass! Lol

  • ziddina

    Ah, Inisic, one thing you may want to be aware of - or wary of...

    If you are a baptised member and have never been disfellowshipped/disassociated, then there is a possibility - slim, but there - that you will come to the attention of the elders as a result of attending the memorial...

    The memorial is usually a huge crush of people so the chances are very remote, but....

    Just sayin'...

  • WTWizard

    Wait until about 3 PM on the day of the event, and complain that you think you are coming down with bird flu. Try to act sick. Then, when the party is in progress, you get better miraculously. Now, you claim that it was probably just nerves--after it is too late to go.

  • Tuesday

    My car broke down as I was leaving.

  • Kojack57

    Tell her if you come you are going to partake of the emblems and see what happens

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