Aboriginal Australians Aren't Black?!

by Philadelphia Ponos 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    Neanderthal is a different type of human. Why do you call that nonsense? If there was interbreeding, they are most definitely human. Perhaps the confusion comes with the term human---species that are Homo as in homo sapien---homo neanderthalensis etc. are referred to as human.

    some scientists are now saying that Neanderthal and H. Sapien should be viewed as subspecies of each other---in other terms:

    homo sapien sapien

    homo sapien neaderthalensis Edit: spelling correction


  • botchtowersociety
    some scientists are now saying that Neanderthal and H. Sapien should be viewed as subspecies of each other---in other terms:

    I agree.

  • NewChapter

    our right, it said the first modern Europeans left Africa 45,000 years.

    I think H. Sapien has been found outside of Africa as early as 90,000 years ago. Neanderthal is even older in Europe---and widespread around 130,000 years ago.

    Our knowledge in this area is growing very quickly---so we may even find evidence of older migrations.


  • NewChapter

    Botch and I should only discuss science and not politics. I'm off to class (for real this time) but I am going to ask my anthro prof. about the red haired stuff, and see if there is anything more recent on Neanderthal. In just a few years our knowledge has grown---it changes constantly.


  • botchtowersociety

    Since we are on the subject of early human migrations, this is interesting recent "stuff."

    (I have a pet interest in the subject)

    Radical theory of first Americans places Stone Age Europeans in Delmarva 20,000 years ago


    For more background, google "Solutrean Hypothesis." Here is the wiki page for it.


    More interesting recent "stuff."

    Neanderthals were ancient mariners


  • smiddy

    How come nobodys commented on the 5th photo down , which clearly shows an image of a face in this mans torso ? Just asking . I dont mean to go of topic.


  • NewChapter

    Well I tried to ask my anthropology professor about how our red hair is related to Neanderthal red hair. Have you ever tried to ask an old school prof a question? Let me clue you in . . .

    this is how he anwered.

    Being able to perceive red is of evolutionary interest. Monkeys that eat fruit seem to have developed the ability in order to tell them when fruit was ripe and edible. Then there are the prosimans, some of which began developing red coats---so sexual selection comes into play. For instance a baboon in estres---the red color indicating her health and ability to reproduce. Many orangutans developed red coats, further supporting some type of sexual selection at play. they have mapped the Neanderthal genome, and the red hair in some is interesting----the third color if you will. And some modern humans have 2.5 percent of their genome in our gentic makeup. But hair color is complicated, and many factors are responsible for hair color, not all of which are fully understood. It cannot be hinged on one specific gene. You see?

    think Chappy. he expects and acknowledgement. he wants to know you understood. get that deer in the headlights look off your face!

    "Uhm, so would you say that saying Neandethal genes cause red hair in modern humans would be an oversimplification?"


    Hope that helped you as much as it helped me.

    Teasing aside, he is an excellent professor who gives fantastic lectures. He is old school, and worked as an archeologist and curator of our natural history museum for many years. He was a professor at Baldin Wallace before coming to my school, and says things like "various and sundry' and "all things being equal" throughout all of the lectures. His mustache curls up at the edges. He looks and speaks exactly how you'd expect and Archeology prof to do so.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    Being able to perceive red is of evolutionary interest.

    So does that mean that men who are colour-blind are less developed evolution-wise?

    Thanks for the info, NC. I find this stuff fascinating.

  • Azazel

    yes and they cant become an electrician!

    Full colour vision Az

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Glad to hear that you're higher up on the evolutionary scale, Az

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