Aboriginal Australians Aren't Black?!

by Philadelphia Ponos 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    I have met numerous aboriginals that were far darker than many African races. They refer to themselves as "black fellas".

    People can call themselves what they like, but we should remember that a different power relation may be at work when aboriginal people call themselves black than when they are labelled black essentially from a colonial perspective that lumps all 'non-white' people together in the 'black' category. An aboriginal person may simply be assuming the label they have often been given by others, or they may in fact be appropriating it for a particular political purpose, subtley attaching their struggle for recognition to that of oppressed people in other contexts. Or possibly they may have an ancient and pre-colonial conception of themselves as 'black', that may have a different cultural meaning altogether, although I doubt that somehow.

    Of course purely in terms of colour, African people are no more 'black' than European people are 'white'. They are cultural terms rather than painting and decorating terms.

  • Jeffro

    If their intention was that Australian Aborigines are not 'Black' in the sense of 'African (American)', then it is sort of true, but a strange way of saying it. That is, Australian Aborigines are more genetically similar to the darker peoples of India than those from Africa. (I'm not going to entertain the idea that they were made by a rainbow serpent.) However, it would be particularly naive to claim that Australian Aborigines are not 'black' in the typical sense.

  • TD
    We have the Australian aboriginal people butthey are a different race more related to white people I beleive.

    If by that, this person meant that back 60+ years ago when anthropologist still accepted the concept of 'race,' they placed aboriginals in a race by themselves apart from Negroid, then I can kinda, sorta understand what they might have been trying to say.

    But I doubt that's what they meant. Genetics disproved the whole concept of race and descriptors like "Black" and "White" only describe skin color, not ethnicity.

  • NewChapter

    This is the real problem---trying to define race. It can't be done so scientifically. It is a socio/political designation. One person made a comment that perhaps native Australians referred to themselves as black before Europeans came on the scene. Highly unlikely----compared to what? Usually native populations will refer to themselves simply as people. Race is a sort of myth that we all agree to honor. Populations in certain geographical locations will begin to share similar genetic traits, especially if they are isolated. But genetic tests show that there is more variation between individuals within a 'race' that there are between the 'races'.

    So we can look at where these people immigrated from thousands of years ago. It is unlikely that they came directly from Africa to Australia---and if your definition of black is African---then whatever. Is it skin color? Is it hair texture? Is it certain features? I don't know because it is completely subjective. I am quite fair skinned, and I was talking to a racist in my family (dead now) that was arguing that darker skin made one inferior. He was quite a bit darker than me so I asked him if I was better than he was. He said yes.

    Now let me tell you a cool story about the Smithsonian natural History museum, and the Aborginal skull I saw there. We can come to understand how insidious and subtle racism is.

    I was talking to a guide in front of a large case of homo erectus and homo sapien skulls. She heard an Australia accent and took my elbow and pulled me over to the Aussies. She pointed out an old skull found in Australia--pre-European. She asked if it was homo erectus or homo sapien. Well it kind of looked like both. The shape looked more like erectus, but not exactly. So she told us about some Australian visitors a few months back that had looked over the skull and commented that they always knew "they" weren't human. Then she explained that this skull was misshapen because the population practiced head binding in infants. This was not the natural shape of the skull. She said that in Australia there is one person in charge of sending out antiquities, and when the Smithsonian requested a skull cast----they chose THIS one. This is how it works. She was quite upset with the Smithsonian for displaying it with no explanation, thereby feeding into racist views.

    It was a great skull. Very interesting. It belonged in it's own case with an explanation about binding and so forth. That would have been educational. But as far as I'm concerned, the Smithsonian did not do enough to clarify the issue.


  • slimboyfat
    One person made a comment that perhaps native Australians referred to themselves as black before Europeans came on the scene. Highly unlikely----compared to what?

    It was me who said that, and that was my point also. I agree race is entirely socially constructed.

  • NewChapter
  • NewChapter

    Thanks Slim. I just remembered the comment and had read the thread quickly. Sorry if I missed your point. I find it odd that someone would take such issue with a random comment that Aborigines are not black, that they needed to protest. What was the purpose? Like the mere suggestion that they may be closer related to "caucasions" just could not go unchallenged. LOL

    Then there is this idea that there are 3 races of people---the fun only begins when one tries to slip the people of the world into those 3 categories. It's a mess. Someone classifed Native Americans as 'mongols'---and yet others will classify them as 'caucasion'.

    I was watching an old interview of Richard Dawkins by Bill Maher. Dawkins gave Maher a tshirt that said "We are all Africans."

    The idea that there is no 'European' blood in Native Australians was kind of quaint. As though any bloodline is purely European. The lighter European skin was most likely a natural selection response to less sun and colder climates. Just as Equatorial Africans are very dark. Yeah---our race is determined by our climate. Native American populations didn't have the same amount of time to respond to climate as people did on the Eastern Hemisphere. Inuits do well with the cold weather and darker skin because their diet is very high in fish oil.

    Do we really want to continue to categorize people by their climate and availablity of fish oil?

    Well since we insist on following the rule of hyperdecent---we are all black.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I find it odd that someone would take such issue with a random comment that Aborigines are not black, that they needed to protest

    You failed to take into account what an attention whore that someone is. Of all the misinformation presented on this forum, he chooses that which is most controversial, and that he believes would cause the biggest shitstorm.

  • EntirelyPossible

    People, people, people....let's focus on what's important. Humans will bang anything.

  • NewChapter

    You failed to take into account what an attention whore that someone is. Of all the misinformation presented on this forum, he chooses that which is most controversial, and that he believes would cause the biggest shitstorm

    Ahhhh. Thanks. Well that explains the provacative pictures.

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