Aboriginal Australians Aren't Black?!

by Philadelphia Ponos 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    Are we talking about the Mongolian ethnic group or the Mongoloid "race?" I'm so friggin confused.....

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    They don't look African to me. Frankly, they look aboriginal. Also, these photos are not typical of the aboriginals we see today so I assume that as in the United States, massive rapes took place.

    The op is not American. His comment may seem a bit bizarre and politically incorrect to Americans, where our language and comments have been honed over the decades. He referred to a stereotype of African Americans that films, novel, whatever promote and market for European consumption. He may not have been referring to race per se but culture. If I saw popular American films, I would wonder the same thing. He is not a Nazi or a member of the KKK.

    The Blues Brothers would not have been a major hit without these stereotypes. I see cultural differences in the US. Slavery and Jim Crow laws are a reason we have subsets of cultures. The State Dept. send such colorful African heritage groups overseas. Europeans seem to love African American culture. I don't think we need a lynching b/c someone asked an innocent question.

    He knows it is not genetic by now.

  • SixofNine

    Well we're certainly not talking about the Mongoloid "face", cuz that would be just.plain.mean.

  • redvip2000

    They are not black. I can't believe this has to be explained to someone in the 21 st century.

    The term black is not necessarily because of skin color. It has to do with heritage. There are some africans that are whiter than indians, and caucasians that are darker than asians.

    This is the problem with defining races with skin color, it confuses everything. You must be from the US, because the US is truly the most confused society in the world when it comes to race. A society that says that Cameron Diaz and Jose Reyes are of the same race because they both speak Spanish can only be deeply confused.

  • TD
    A society that says that Cameron Diaz and Jose Reyes are of the same race because they both speak Spanish can only be deeply confused.

    Conversely a society (Or for that matter an individual) who says they are of different "races' is also deeply confused. There is no such thing as race. It was a 19th century attempt to classify humans into subspecies based on the shape of their skull. It is not a viable means of explaining human biological variation and was abandoned many years ago.

  • NewChapter

    RED! So nice of you to insult all of us Americans while telling us exactly what Black means. It's so humbling!

    In Brazil, according to the census and culture, one can change their race as it pleases them. I BELIEVE it is England that sets the Irish as a different race---according to the census. But the point is that every society defines race differently.


  • TD

    I see cultural differences in the US. Slavery and Jim Crow laws are a reason we have subsets of cultures.

    Interesting observation. I'm old enough to remember when people of African American descent were called "colored." (Hell, I remember when some beaches on the East Coast had signs that said "White Gentiles only.")

    The term, "Black" was popularized during the civil rights movement as a definition of empowerment (Black power, Black is beautiful, etc.) and a way for the oppressed to deny the labels applied by the oppressor. In the U.S. it really does have some subtle connotations.

  • NewChapter

    I remember when our 4th grade teacher told us that it was wrong to say 'colored' and that we should now say 'black'.

    I also remember when my very dark skinned Hungarian father stuck his arm out the window to pay our admission to a private lake, and the guy stuck his head in the car and said, "Oh, okay. I thought you were black."

    This was the seventies up north.


  • ohiocowboy

    PP, The Aboriginal Peoples appear to have very strong Indian features. Regarding the pictures that show them in their native environment, one can tell that they are also very Noble! It is unfortunate and sad that some of them were exploited.

    Barry, you really seem to know your history, and it appears that you enjoy reading about and studying Human Genetics. Here are some articles that you, PP, and other like minds may find interesting. Over the course of the past two or so years, Geneticists have discovered an updated version to the "Out of Africa" theory, and I too have enjoyed reading about the technological advances that help us further determine where we really came from. In the end though, we are all basically the same! Enjoy!

    Here is an article from Discovery

    Here is MIT's analysis

    And another from DNA Consultants

    These are just a couple starting points of reference, and there are an abundance of articles on the net that delve further on the subject. For some odd reason the MSM hasn't really talked about it here in the states. I'll PM you back soon.

  • talesin

    Mongols are all just the worst room-devouring attention whores! We all agree on at least this, correct?

    LOL! six, you are too funny! and always give me either a chuckle, or something to think about seriously .... xo YOU!

    damn,, we are all just part of the human race...

    Atrocities have been committed by MY ancestors (caucasion) that can never be undone. The destruction of aboriginal cultures is a travesty ... we have / had so much to learn from them....

    Let's realize that we are all more the "same", than we are "different".



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