Theists, why does God allow suffering..

by The Quiet One 754 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WheninDoubt

    Another point.Evolution as being predisposed to evil is antithetical, then, how do you explain the kindness people show other people without even knowing them? How do you explain, let’s say a dog that protects a child in danger. This is simple logic that dismiss that notion. Therefore, these events are from adapting to the environment there in. and for that, common sense is one value introduced by creation. Once again LUCA would be oblivious to its formation to make that distinction. To a theist, why would God allow suffering, God Didn’t, it was inherited by sin, and animals adapted to that sin. Before man, Animals while not inheriting sin, developed its own to cause its own extension. Something that God doesn’t wish for man that was created in their own image.

    The same observation between dinosaurs of being carnivores verses scavengers.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Humans and dogs are both "tribal" species. Tribes that work together survive. Tribes that don't work together don't survive. The genes that were beneficial for working together were more likely to be passed on. No supernatural deity required.

    And even if we didn't know the answer, it still wouldn't support your God claim. You cannot solve one mystery with another mystery. You cannot solve one unknown by postulating the existence of another unknown.

    Gods are not known to exist. Genetic mutation is known to exist. There is no contest.

    I wish to arm you intellectually, I think you should check this out, it's only 3 minutes long but I think it will give you some perspective:

  • WheninDoubt

    Thank You for the video, yes I do understand retroactive phenomena. The answer to the unknown prevails visually, but not bilateral. As you stated from my hypothesis, Creation and Science while Parallel are concluded by different structures. While there is no need to prove life, because it’s there, there is no qualms toward its mechanism. I would suggest you look into the debate between Richard Dawkins and Degrasse Tyson. While entertaining the obvious would be in the differences science holds to life’s questions, when they are systematically in the same class. To a creationist, it’s just one basic principal.

  • cofty

    Whenindoubt I have read your last few posts carefully a few times and I have not got a clue what you are trying to say. Is it a copy-paste or did you write it? It is incomprehensible.

    Could you state your main point in a succinct sentence or two please?

  • WheninDoubt

    Since you introduced the LUCA hypothesis that is cumbersome in its self, then you would have to go beyond your understanding to view all relevancy to it. The miller experiment is one, however just like everything scientific, it can be disproved by your own science, as in this case.

    Previously my own, now this is Copy/Past so, not to have your audience think that my hypothesis is one sided as it has become the norm in this thread. What has this to do with the original question posted? Nothing, this goes beyond simple intellect and the posted question.

    One textbook, edited by Soper (“Biological Science 1 and 2”; 3rd edition; Cambridge University Press) summarizes the situation well (p. 883):

    Despite the simplified account given above, the problem of the origin(s) of life remains. All that has been outlined is speculation and, despite tremendous advances in biochemistry, answers to the problem remain hypothetical. … Details of the transition from complex non-living materials to simple living organisms remain a mystery.

    This conclusion is echoed by those who have spent many years researching in this field of biochemistry. Dr D E Hull wrote,

    The conclusion from these arguments presents the most serious obstacle, if indeed it is not fatal, to the theory of spontaneous generation.

    Prof Francis Crick, who was a great believer in the accidental origin of life on Earth, said, “The origin of life appears to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions that had to be satisfied to get it going.” Prof. Crick goes on to argue that this might be overcome in long periods of time. However, there is no justification for believing that time can overcome basic chemical laws.

    Dr H P Yockey (in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1981, 91, 26-29) wrote,

    You must conclude that no valid scientific explanation of life exists at present… Since science has not the vaguest idea how life originated on earth, it would be honest to admit this to students, the agencies funding research and the public.

  • cofty
    Since you introduced the LUCA hypothesis that is cumbersome in its self, then you would have to go beyond your understanding to view all relevancy to it.

    What do you mean? "cumbersome" ; "go beyond your understanding to view all relevancy to it".

    Just like your last three posts it is just a word salad.

    LUCA is simply an acronym for Last Universal Common Ancestor.

    It is a fact that every living thing shares such an ancestor. LUCA was a very long way from the origin of life.

    Abiogenesis has nothing to do with LUCA.

    What has any of this go to do with the thread which is about the fact that the living world appears designed to maximise suffering?

    this goes beyond simple intellect

    How would anybody know until you post something intelligible? You make Deepak Chopra sound lucid.

  • Viviane
    Since you introduced the LUCA hypothesis that is cumbersome in its self, then you would have to go beyond your understanding to view all relevancy to it. The miller experiment is one, however just like everything scientific, it can be disproved by your own science, as in this case.

    English, how does it work?

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    *reads through indeciperable posts several times* Ah, here is a point that relates to the topic..


    "To a theist, why would God allow suffering... God Didn’t, it was inherited by sin, and animals adapted to that sin. Before man, Animals while not inheriting sin, developed its own..."

    You are suggesting here that animals developed their own way of sinning? Without any moral code or holy book to define 'sin', how could animals have 'sinned'?

    Let's assume that when you say 'sin', you are referring to animals attacking each other, rather than the traditional meaning of such things as heavy drinking, gambling and adultery.
    With the various natural tools and predatory instincts that your God gave them, how would they have had any choice except to fight and kill each other in the first place?Absolute nonsense.

    Do you believe that:

    1) Completely independent of God's design or interference in any way, animals *decided* to begin 'sinning' [attacking each other], perhaps by forming their own predatory instincts from the point at which they were born, as well as selecting their own natural weapons and defenses?

    2) Do you believe God made them in that way, to be predators and prey, when he first created them?

    3) Do you believe that all animals evolved from the vegetarians that God intended them to be originally, to the point where some became carnivorous predators, millions of years before mankind had sinned?

    Assuming you choose option 3, that would still be injust.

    Imagine a parent teaching their children to be peaceful and eat a good diet of herbs and vegetables, that the parent had designed to be fully nutritious and sustaining (as God would be able to do in theory).Then this loving parent sits back and watches as the children (their creation) gradually learn to fight with each other, to attack and kill each other, and to feast on each others flesh.

    What kind of parent would ever allow such a situation to develop? What kind of God would allow a predator/prey life or death struggle to develop among its own creation?

    We know that even children (who are far more intelligent than animals) need both guidance and protection.

    One cannot excuse themselves of all responsibility for a life/lives they have created,merely by declaring that they 'were just letting their children develop and find their own way to survive'. Any decent parent guides and protects their children.. not leaving them to starve, or worse still, to fight and even kill each other.

    So, the 'creation of vegetarian animals in the beginning, followed by unguided evolution until there were predators' option still wouldn't excuse God for allowing animal suffering and extinction. That is besides the fact that there exists zero evidence of any 'Golden Age' where all creatures were vegetarian. Whereas evidence of predation is abundant.

    So, Whenindoubt, what do you believe?

    And, if you care to share it, what evidence do you have to support that belief with?
    (And if anyone can clarify the points I'm trying to make, please feel free. I have tried not to ramble too much.)

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    If you are reading this and you have a belief in a God, do you believe in option 1, 2, or 3 from the above post?

    Or maybe you believe that God directly changed the animals from vegetarians to carnivores after mankind sinned? We can call that option 4.

    In the case of Options 2 and 4... according to your belief, God has deliberately and voluntarily caused all of the animal suffering and species extinction (all that has occurred because of predation anyway), throughout history. If you have studied ancient predators and the fossil record, that is a hell of a lot of suffering and death over millions of years. Even if you believe in option 4, nobody has yet given a logical and moral answer as to why a personal and caring God would allow such suffering, simply because mankind 'sinned'.

    And why do you happen to believe that the option you chose is what really happened?

    Is it because you believe in some part, or all of the Bible?

    Don't worry, I won't bite. This guy might, though ;)

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth
    BTTT for any believers.. Please share your view, or answer to the above post.

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