Still a hard line on DF family members WTApr15 2012

by Gladring 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yourmomma

    so, am i wrong to now think that the watchtower's shunning policy is now equal to scientology's disconnection policy? scientology's policy is to have no contact, and now with the watchtower that is exactly what they are saying. this seems like a newer more harsh policy. i was waiting for this, as i have been of the opinion that the watchtower is on the fast track to becoming as severe of a cult as scientology.

  • discreetslave

    That's disgusting, they present abnormal, rude, inhuman behavior as the loving thing to do.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I wonder whether there is anything to the numbers game they claim. Do more DFd people return because of shunning? Or do more people leave because of hateful shunning policies? I have to think that even though a few might return to the Borg just to be with family many more leave because the Borg has so many of these pharisaical hateful rules and the vast number of DFd stay OUT.

  • DesirousOfChange

    But, he admitted, had the family associated
    with him even a little, that small
    dose would have satisfied him. However,
    because he did not receive even
    the slightest communication from any
    of his family
    , the burning desire to be
    with them became one motivating factor
    in his restoring his relationship with

    I got 5 bucks that says he's already planning his "fade". Any takers?


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I got $10 that says the entire story is fabricated.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    How much more disgusting can this organisation get,

    There's only one place left for them to go really:


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Great comments!

    They are planning to ignore all of the stories of the dfd that never return.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    But, he admitted, had the family associated
    with him even a little, that small
    dose would have satisfied him. However,
    because he did not receive even
    the slightest communication from any
    of his family
    , the burning desire to be
    with them became one motivating factor
    in his restoring his relationship with

    If the above was true then the evidence would show the opposite would it not? Huge numbers of DF'd returing in droves because they family adhered to this "law". The sad fact is that it has the opposite effect, including sucide so it cannot be divinely inspired - as that law is based on what is the loving thing to do.

    We have to remember that in the 1st century, it was Paul who set up much of the rules first, more to counteract a pseudo judasim emerging and so we find that on a number of occasions he almost cites the mosaic law as what they should do. It was not until some 20 - 30 years later that a written account of what Jesus did and said was recorded as reliance on oral history was weakening. If we read the greek scriptures chronologically you can see it clearly. I am sure that after the gospels were available and could be examined there were a few church leaders that perhaps seriously questioned disfellowshipping along with other rules they imposed.

  • LostGeneration

    But, he admitted, had the family associated
    with him even a little, that small
    dose would have satisfied him. However,
    because he did not receive even
    the slightest communication from any
    of his family
    , the burning desire to be
    with them became one motivating factor
    in his restoring his relationship with

    I think this meant to crank up the guilt on JWs associating via facebook or even just plain old e-mail. Because its fairly anonymous, JWs don't worry about being called into the back room for this kind of association.

    It wont work GB. This guy is smarter than all of you combined

  • poopsiecakes

    It's emotional blackmail, pure and simple and they use it all the time in every possible circumstance. It's the same technique that's used when a JW finds out someone they work with or a neighbor has had a death in the family only the opposite side of the coin. The df'd JW has love and family ties withheld until they buckle under & 'come back to the truth' and the non JW is flooded with promises of seeing their deceased love one again if they 'learn the truth'. Bah.

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