Are Horse Steaks on your Grocery List

by designs 48 Replies latest social current

  • botchtowersociety

    Mexican tongue tacos are really good.

    Fried breaded brains, whether pork or cow, are good too.

    We get to be picky in the US because we are so wealthy. In other countries, people don't waste perfectly good food. They can't afford to. They eat the whole animal instead of wasting perfectly good food. Personally, I think it is more ethical to not waste food, especially when the slaughter of an animal was involved in the making of it.

    You could be served cow's tongue and not be told and you'd like it. The same goes for horse.

  • DaCheech

    I've eaten: Tripe, cow brains, tongue

    I've eaten: rabbit, sea conch, mountain snails, sea snails, sea urchins.

    It all tastes good, I'm sure horse meat is just as good.

    Anyway, the animal activists are at it again: "what's next, eating your own pet dog?"

    well, what's better letting them die from neglect, or under the knife?

  • botchtowersociety

    I don't like tripe, no matter how it has been prepared. Conch is great especially how they prepare it in the Bahamas (cracked conch mmmm), snails are good, sea urchins are very good (love "uni" when I have sushi it is also good raw with lime juice right out of the shell). I like rabbit in my paella and use it when I can get it. When I can't, I use chicken.

  • MsDucky

    Has anyone ever looked at Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations or Andrew Zimmer's Bizarre Foods TV shows? You'll learn a lot about people's cultures and foods! Horse meat! Bah! You haven't seen nothing if you haven't seen these shows!

  • botchtowersociety

    Bourdain's show is great.

  • james_woods

    In the Eric Ambler novel "The Schirmer Inheritance", the original Franz Schirmer deserts from the Russian Front in WW1, escapes to the Balkans, and is taken in by a starving country family. They shoot his war horse and survive the winter by butchering & eating it.

    I guess I would eat horsemeat under those circumstances.

    I suppose now somebody is eventually going to mention the South American hockey players who crashed in the Andes...

  • DaCheech

    it's 11:16, and I'm having spicy jamaican patties from a real jamaican bakery, and who knows what's in this?

    but it tastes good

  • watersprout
    waters- I understand, my daughter and my nephew have been vegans for years.

    The thought of it made me a little nauseous lol. When I was a child we were on holiday down south and in the hotels restaurant my parents ordered ''swordfish''.... Anyway the meal came and it was shark! I cried! So did my parents.... They were expecting swordfish lol! I didn't really know what a ''swordfish'' was but I definately knew what ''shark'' was... It still disturbs me to this day.


  • botchtowersociety

    Shark is delicious. It really does taste like swordfish. I used to eat it all the time, but they don't sell it in this town I moved to.

  • Lore

    "what's next, eating your own pet dog?"

    Some people have pet pigs. . . and I genuinely don't give a crap if they feel disturbed by me eating pork. Nor would I care if they ate their pet pig.

    I'm not a pet person, but if I DID have a pet pig, I'd still eat pork. Pork is not hard to come by, so I'd eat OTHER pork and not eat my pet.

    So yeah, I'd eat a horse, and I don't care if eating dogs is allowed as well.

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